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Year 2016, Volume 50, Issue 5
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Issue 1
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Issue 5
Issue 6
Ecological and parasitological characteristics of the small redfish Sebastes viviparus (Pisces: Scorpaenidae). P. 345-356.
The results of the parasite fauna research represent peculiarities of formation and ecological, faunistic and zoogeographical characteristics of parasite fauna of the small redfish Sebastes viviparus Krayer. 1845. This species is distinguished among the other North Atlantic Sebastes by the richest fauna of myxosporidians, trematodes, nematodes and acanthocephalans. The parasite fauna of S. viviparus is formed mainly of boreal species and to a lesser extent of Arctic-boreal species. According to the vertical zonality of parasites in fishes of the North Atlantic they are mainly represented by mesobenthic and epicontinental species. The parasite fauna in small redfish possesses significantly more pronounced geographic specificity than that of other North Atlantic Sebastes species.
in Russian
Xenomonitoring of the dirofilariasis in the south and north-west of the Russian Federation. P. 357-364.
Xenomonitoring (detection of filarial larvae in mosquitoes) of vectors of dirofilariasis was performed in 2009—2013 in vectors collected in southern and northwestern regions of the Russian Federation. In Rostov, Astrakhan, Krasnodar, and Novgorod Provinces and in the Republic of Adygea the degree of infestation of mosquito larvae with Dirofilaria constituted 1.8 ± 0.2% (66/3590), 0.9 ± 0.4% (4/470), 0.8 ± 0.2% (11/1382), 0.7 ± 0.4% (3/438), and 0.5 ± 0.5% (1/190), respectively. Total degree of infestation of mosquitoes with larvae of Dirofilaria spp. constituted 2.3 ± 0.3% (45/1936), 1.9 ± 0.4% (25/1334), and 0.6 ± 0.1% (15/2713) in Aedes (Meigen, 1818), Culex (Linnaeus, 1758), and Anopheles (Meigen, 1818). No microfilariae were found in Culiseta (Felt, 1904) (0/87).
in Russian
Hematology and blood chemistry of the herring gull Larus argentatus infested by cestodes Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae). P. 65-375.
Hematological and plasma biochemical analyses and parasitological detection were carried out in the herring gull Larus argentatus. Hematological and plasma biochemical parameters in uninfected gulls and gulls infected by Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) were compared. Hemoglobin content and numbers of erythrocytes were reduced; numbers of leukocytes and sorption capacity of erythrocytes were improved in blood of the infected herring gulls. Hematological index (eosinophil/lymphocyte ratio) in infected gulls increased 1.8 times in comparison with eosinophil/lymphocyte ratio in uninfected gulls. Metabolic imbalances in herring gulls infected by D. dendriticum were determined. Levels of the total protein, phospholipids, triglyceride, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and sodium, and the activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased in plasma blood of infected gulls; at the same time, the content of the uric acid, glucose, modified albumin and circulatory immune complex and activities of transaminases and lactate dehydrogenase had increased. It is assumed that the obtained results testify to the appearance of abnormalities in the digestion processes and the activity of immune and circulatory systems caused by the invasion of gulls with D. dendriticum.
in Russian
Phenology of malarial mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) and their epidemiological value in the southern Tomsk Province. P. 376-386.
The article provides the data on the incidence of malaria in Tomsk Province since 1935 till present. The results of phenological observations of malarial mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) performed in 2005—2014 in southern Tomsk Province are given. Key dates in life of mosquitoes are determined, including the beginning of departure from wintering sites, emergence of the first preimaginal stages, departure of the first generation of imagoes, the beginning of the 54rr7yu6t' diapause. Terms of the period of possible transfer of malaria in southern Tomsk Province are retrospectively calculated.
in Russian
The fauna and population of chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) parasitizing sedentary passerine birds (Aves, Passeriformes) in Yakutia. P. 387-394.
The data on the fauna, abundance and prevalence of chewing lice collected from 360 specimens of 13 sedentary species of passerine birds in Yakutia are given. A total of 3206 chewing lice specimens belonging to 27 species of 6 genera were found. Most explored bird species were infested with several chewing lice species. We assume exchanges of parasites could take place between some bird species in the region explored.
in Russian
Exoskeleton abnormalities in taiga tick females from populations of the Asiatic part of Russia. P. 395-403.
Studies of the phenotypic structure of Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze, 1930) populations in relation to their exoskeleton abnormalities are important in both theoretical and practical respects. The data on the species' population structure in Asiatic part of Russia are fragmentary. The goal of the study was to describe taiga tick population structure based on the pattern of females' exoskeleton abnormalities revealed in Asiatic part of Russia. A total of 3872 I. persulcatus females from 16 geographically remote sites of Far Eastern, Siberian, and Ural Federal Districts (FEFD, SFD, and UFD accordingly) were studied. It was demonstrated that all the populations possessed specimens with exoskeleton abnormalities. The "shagreen skin" abnormality was dominant in all these areas. At the same time, the percentage of abnormalities among the specimens collected to the north of 55°N is considerably higher (63.4 ± 3.39%) than that of samples from the SFD southward territories (33.1 ± 3.4 %). The frequency of abnormalities in its turn is lower (24.4 ± 1.9 %) in the females from the territories with moderate monsoon and moderate continental climate (FEFD) than that in specimens from SFD and UFD areas with sharp continental climate. Thus, such polymorphism of the females' exoskeleton structure may reflect the natural phenogeographical variability of the character rather than the result of the anthropogenic impact.
in Russian
New findings of rare species of the mite genus Spinturnix von Heyden, 1826 (Mesostigmata: Gamasina: Spinturnicidae) in Russia and Tadjikistan. P. 404-408.
The article reports new findings of rare and poorly known mite species of the genus Spinturnix von Heyden, 1826 (Gamasina: Spinturnicidae) parasitizing bats of the genera Myotis and Barbastella in Russia and Tadjikistan.
in Russian