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Year 1973, Volume 7, Issue 5
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Issue 1
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Issue 5
Issue 6
On the possibility of evaluating the virulence of the strains of Leishmania tropica major in the tests in vitro. P. 385-388.
An attempt was made to determine the virulence of the strains of Leishmania tropica major by using their cytochemical characteristics or their physiologal properties (pathogenicity factors) in culture. The ability to form fibrinolysin is the only reliable indicator of high virulence of the strains of L. tropica major. Rapid determination of the fibrinolytic activity allows to watch the virulence of every subsuquent generation of the strains. The authors consider this test a possible criterion of selection of cultures for preparation of vaccination material in the prophylaxis of cutaneous leishmaniosis.
in Russian
The effect of Thelohania opacita Kudo, 1922 upon the growth and development of larvae of Aedes caspius caspius Pall. from natural populations. P. 389-391.
It was established that in larvae of the mosquito Aedes caspius caspius infected with microsporidians of Thelohania opacita intermoult periods and general developmental periods become longer, weight decreases and metamorphosis is broken.
in Russian
Sexual reproduction in Mastigophora from cockroaches and termites. P. 392-400.
The sexual reproduction in symbiotic Mastigophora of the orders Oxymonadida and Hypermastigida, inhabitants of the intestine of the Far-East cockroach Cryptocercus relictus B.-Bienko, was established. Sexual reproduction in Mastigophora takes place only during the period of the host moulting. Different stages of sexual reproduction are described herein. The problem of the origin of sexuality in Mastigophora of Oxymonadida and Hypermastigida is discussed. The necessity to discuss this problem is due to the fact that these symbiotic Mastigophora multiply sexually in the cockroach host while in the termite host they multiplay, as a rule, asexually. Some literature data and the data obtained from studies of the sexual process in Mastigophora from Cryptocercus relictus support the hypothesis that the sexual process in Mastigophora in question is primary and asexual reproduction in Mastigophora from termites is secondary in its nature.
in Russian
Suctorian infection in Bursaria truncatella O. F. M. P. 401-407.
Morphology and life cycle of a new parasitic suctorian Sphaerophrya insolita sp. n. is described according to abundant stained material and prolonged vital observations in Commandone-Fonbrune's oil chambers. S. insolita is the largest ciliate-infesting podophryid with monotomic multiplication, lacking budding stages common to other similar parasites. Trophonts of the last generation are transformed synchronously into "trophotomites" (new term for total buds) reinfesting new hosts. Rapid intoxication of a host leads to cessation of feeding, macronuclear breakdown, resorption of the entire preoral complex, disappearance of peristomial cavity, and ultimate death of a host. No stalked podophryoid or cyst were detected. Gonjugants and exconjugants of Bursaria are not infected; parasitized hosts do not encyst. Stentors, paramecia and euplotids are not infected by bursarian parasite in natural samples, laboratory aquaria and oil chambers.
in Russian
The development of Eurytrema pancreaticum (Janson, 1889) (Trematoda: Dicrocoeliidae) in the Primorje Territory. P. 408-417.
In the Primorje Territory the development of Eurytrema pancreaticum, the parasite of domestric ruminants, carries out with the participation of two intermediate hosts. The terrestrial mollusks: Bradybaena fragilis Pils., B. selskii Gerst., B. middendorffi Gerst., B. maacki Gerst. and B. arcasiana Gr. et Deb. are the first intermediate hosts; Orthoptera: Conocephalus chinensis Redt. and Oecanthus longicaudus Motsch. are the second intermediate hosts. The complete developmental cycle of E. pancreaticum lasts 500 to 560 days.
in Russian
Glandular cells of maritae of some species of trematodes. P. 418-422.
Glandular cells of maritae of five species of trematodes (Haplometra cylindracea, Opisthioglyphe rastellus, Pleurogenes claviger, Gorgodera pagenstecheri, Diplodiscus subclavatus) are described. Differences in morphology, nature of localization of these glandular formations and places of excretion of their secretion in helminth's body are established. Suggestions are expressed on the functional role of glandular cells and their heterogeneity.
in Russian
A new species of nematodes, Dolichodorus kirjanovae sp. n. (Nematoda: Dolichodoridae). P. 423-426.
A new species of long-styleted nematodes, Dolichodorus kirjanovae sp. nov., is described. The species was found in soil near roots of cucumbers in Kazakhstan. Representatives of the tropical genus Dolichodorus are reported from the USSR for the first time.
in Russian
New information on the structure, geographic distribution and hosts of the marine tropical leech Trachelobdella lubrica (Piscicolidae). P. 427-436.
The paper presents the first information on the occurrence of Trachelobdella lubrica (Grube) off the coasts of Australia, the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands. Studies were conducted of the external morphological characters, intestine structure and sexual apparatus of T. lubrica collected in various parts of its distribution area (the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Great Australian Gulf, the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands). Despite some differences, the leeches are supposed to belong to the same species. The systematic list of hosts of T. lubrica is given. It includes 30 species of fishes most of which belong to the order Perciformes.
in Russian
Experimental studies of salivation in ixodid ticks. P. 437-442.
Salivation of the ticks of the genera Dermacentor and Ixodes was studied. In order to obtain the saliva the method was used of the insertion (under the control of microscope) of the tick's proboscis fixed with vacuumholder into an empty capillary. Up to 20 mkl of saliva were obtained from some individuals of the genus Dermacentor. The possibility was established of repeated obtaining the saliva from quickly attaching specimens of Dermacentor as well as possibility to obtain the saliva in 24 hours after the removal of the tick. Up to 0.1—0.15 mkl of salivary glands secretion can be obtained from males of Dermacentor.
in Russian
Determination of mosquito females (Culicidae) by microscopic preparations of the head. III. A key to species (excluding Aedes). P. 443-449.
A key to species (excluding the genus Aedes) as well as additional notes and quantitative indices for 34 species (see the Table) are given.
in Russian
The fauna and biology of mosquitoes in the lower reaches of the Viljui river. P. 450-456.
21 species of mosquitoes are recorded from the lower reaches of the Viljui river. Of them, four species are most abundaut and one species, Aedes communis, dominates in attacking. The most intensive flight occurs in the second or third decade of June. The hatching of larvae proceeds in waters of meadows, in temporary pools and bogs. The first larvae appear in the middle or end of the second decade of May. The general duration of preimaginal season is 1 to 1.5 month.
in Russian
The fauna and ecology of black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) from the basin of the Anadyr river (the Magadan district). P. 457-464.
The fauna of black flies of the Anadyr basin includes 21 species. The main bloodsuckers, Simulium aff. truncation, Gnus decimatum, G. malyshevi, G. rostratum, hatch in the Anadyr river and its tributaries. The mass flight lasts about a month. The maximum number of black flies has been registered from July to the first half of August. 24-hour activity hes two peaks — in the morning and in the evening.
in Russian
On the developmental periods and survival of Oedemagena tarandi L. larvae under artificial infection of reindeer. P. 465-472.
der conditions of artificial infection of reindeer with eggs of Oedemagena tarandi the formation of fistular capsules took place, on the average, in 6.5 months. The formation of all capsules lasted about 6 months. In larvae, migration of which completed later, the duration of the development in fistular capsules decreases. Summary duration of the development of the 1st—3d stage larvae in the organism of individual animals is more stable. 52% of the 1st stage larvae perished during migration and 48% of the 2nd—3d stage larvae perished in fistular capsules.
in Russian
A new parasitic isopode, Irona philippinensis sp. n. (Cymothoidae) from Euleptorhamphus sp. P. 473-475.
A new species of parasitic isopodes of the genus Irona Schioedte et Meinert, 1884 was found on the surface of the body of Euleptorhamphus sp. Description and figures of the new species are given.
in Russian
On cholinesterase activity of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas, 1781) (Acanthocephala). P. 475-478.
It was shown histochemically (after Gomori) that in some nerve and muscular structures of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus hydrolysis of iodide of acetyltiocholine (ATCh) and butyryltiocholine (BTCh) takes place. The reaction was observed to occur in musculature, nerve stems and fibrils innervating the apical and lateral papillae. Muscular elements of the proboscis, proboscis sheath, bursa and apical portion of the genital system are stained intensively. Similar results were obtained from tests on Acanthocephalus lucii. At ATCh tissues are stained more intensively than at BTCh. The results obtained indicate that nerve and muscular structures contain cholinesterase.
in Russian
Obituary. P. 479.
Summary is absent.
in Russian