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Year 1986, Volume 20, Issue 4
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Issue 1
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Issue 6
General regularities of functioning of parasitic systems (mechanisms of selfregulation). P. 249-255.
Parasitic system is determined as a parasite's population in interaction with its natural habitat (host's population). Epidemiology, epizootiology and epiphitology as well as virology, microbiology, protozoology and helminthology study applied aspects of parasitic systems. The latter are characterized by four general principals determining self regulation mechanisms of these systems: heterogeneity of interacting populations, their dynamic variability, phase functioning, dependence on conditions.
in Russian
Minimal volumes of samplings necessary for estimation of abundance indices of the flea Ceratophyllus tesquorum on longtailed souslik. P. 256-260.
Data obtained during observations on seasonal dynamics of month, and decade abundance indices of C. tesquorum on longtailed souslik have been analysed. On the basis of three-year observations the statistic connection has been established between sample average (month and decade) abundance induces and estimates of standard deviation. Chebyshev's inequality for interval estimate of statistic parameters of distribution was used. It is necessary to catch 100 animals to provide 25% confidential interval with P=0.75 and 50% confidential interval with P=0.95.
in Russian
Distribution area of the bloodsucking mosquito Aedes togoi. P. 261-264.
The distribution area of Aedes togoi (Theob.) stretches along the coast of the Pacific embracing the Indo-Malayan and Holarctic faunistic provinces. In the Indo-Chinese subregion Ae. togoi penetrates the Indo-Chinese province and in the Malayan subregion into the Soenda province. Northwards this species inhabits the coastal regions of- Holarctic, namely, these of Chinese-Korean and Central-Japanese provinces in Chinese-Himalayan subregions. The habitat of Ae. togoi in western Canada is obviously cut off from the principal distribution area of the species and should be regarded as a secondary penetration of the species into a new territory due to casual delivery. In the USSR Ae. togoi is distributed in South Primorje, northwards along the coast to the settlement of Terney, occupies the southern half of Sakhalin and the southern Kuril Islands.
in Russian
Revision of tabanid fly larvae of the group Tabanus bromius (Tabanidae). P. 265-271.
New descriptions of three species and one subspecies of larvae of T. semenovi Ols., T. regularis Jaenn., T. laetetinctus laetetinctus Beck., and Т. l. sordes Bog. et Sam. as well as a key to larvae of the group T. bromius, excluding two rare species T. armenicus Szil. and T. hissaricus Bar., are given. Such characters as shape and size of chaetoid fields on thoracic and abdominal segments and the character of pattern of the caudal segment are used.
in Russian
External structure of injuries of skin and mouth parts in larvae of Euschoengastia rotundata and Neotrombicula vulgaris (Trombiculidae). P. 272-277.
When E. rotundata larvae parasitize the abdominal part of the body of their host (Clethrionoinys glareolus), capsules with round terminal opening are formed from which hind part of the mite's body projects forwards. Organization of the capsules shows that their walls are formed by a substance (probably by larval saliva) which differs from host's tissues. At the bottom of the capsules there are larval adhesive sites with openings in the proximal parts of stylostomes which resemble in their structure these of N. vulgaris larvae. The latter do not form capsules when feeding on their natural hosts, Microtus arvalis. Proximal part of stylostome is formed in both cases by amorphous glutinous substance bearing imprints of mite's mobile digits of chelicerae and hypostome. Mouth parts of hungry mites and satiated larvae of both species differ only in relative sizes of constituent parts. Soft apical part of hypostome turns backwards during the feeding and forms a sucker. The feeding of larvae of trombiculids in capsules, which is formally regarded as ectoparasitism, can apparently be considered as a special type of parasitism.
in Russian
New genera and species of cestodes (Pseudophyllidea, Amphicotylidae) from marine fishes. P. 278-287.
Three new genera of pseudophyllid cestodes from marine deep-water fishes of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are erected. Diagnoses of the new genera, descriptions and figures of species and differential diagnosis are given. A key to 5 genera of the subfamily Amphicotylinae Lühe, 1899 is given.
in Russian
The developmental cycle of the trematode Amurotrema dombrowskajae (Trematoda, Diplodiscidae). P. 288-293.
The developmental cycle of Amurotrema dombrowskajae Achmerov, 1959 is accomplished with the participation of molluscs Anisus acronicus (syn. Gyraulus gredleri) as the first intermediate host. The second intermediate host is missing. Larvae encyst in the external medium.
in Russian
Anatomy and ultrastructure of the genital ganglion in the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi. P. 294-299.
The genital ganglion of the male acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi has been studied by means of electron microscopy. Interneuronal junctions having no analogy in other groups of animals have been found and are being described and discussed.
in Russian
Emergence of microfilarians of Thamugadia ivaschkini from the stomach to haemocoel of mosquitoes of Sergentomyia arpaklensis. P. 300-306.
Regularities of migration of microfilarians from the stomach to haemocoel in connection with blood digestion and peri trophic membrane formation were studied in mosquitoes of S. arpaklensis experimentally infected with larvae of Th. ivaschkini. Whatever the number of swallowed parasites, the average number of larvae reaching the haemocoel does not exceed 5. Factors limiting the invasion are the thick layer of prosecretion of the peritrophic membrane and a peculiar way of clot formation during the feeding of S. arpaklensis mosquitoes with blood of reptiles. The results obtained are compared with data on members of the genus Phlebotomus and other bloodsucking Diptera.
in Russian
Haemoproteus tartakovskyi sp. n. (Haemosporidia, Haemoproteidae) from crossbill. P. 307-310.
Examination of blood in birds (Loxia curvirostra) having White Sea-Baltis direction of migrations revealed gametocytes of Haemoproteidae whose morphology differs distinctly from that of all known species of haemoproteuses of Passeriformes. The parasites found are described as a new species, Haemoproteus tartakovskyi. Description, figures, microphotoes and differential diagnosis of the new species, which is a first member of the group "enucleator" in Holarctic, are given.
in Russian
A new species of tabanid flies Tabanus dolini sp. n. (Tabanidae). P. 310-313.
A new species of tabanid flies, Tabanus dolini Ivanishchuk, sp. n., from Azerbaijan is described.
in Russian
New ptychobothriid cestode, Tetrapapillocephalus magnus gen. et sp. n. (Pseudophyllidea, Ptychobothriidae) from marine fishes. P. 313-
A new species and genus of ptychobothriid cestode, Tetrapapillocephalus magnus gen. et sp. n., are described. The cestodes in question due to their structure were separated into a distinct subfamily in the family Ptychobothriidae Lühe, 1902. An additional diagnosis of the family and key to its subfamilies are given.
in Russian
Pricetrema callorhini sp. n. (Trematoda, Heterophyidae), a parasite of fur seal. P. 317
A new trematode species of the genus Pricetrema Cinrea, 1933 from the intestine of fur seal from the Commander Islands is described. The new species differs from other species of the genus in greater sizes of mouth and abdominal suckers, pharynx, spines on the body and other characters.
in Russian
Influence of parthenites of Proctoeces maculatus (Trematoda, Fellodistomatidae) on lipid content of tissues of Black Sea mussels. P. 320-323.
Dynamics of the lipid content in tissues of infected and non-infected mussels during an annual cycle was observed. A high infection rate with parthenites of Proctoeces maculatus results in an abrupt fall of triglycerides in gonads and hepatopancreas of infected mussels. A connection between seasonal dynamics of the lipid content and biology of the development is noted.
in Russian
Intermediate host of the trematode Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis (Trematoda, Notocotylidae) in the USSR and morphology of its parthenites and larvae. P. 323-326.
A high infection rate of muskrat with the trematode Q. quinqueserialis was recorded in Pribaikalje. Its intermediate host is the mollusc Gyraulus (Anisus) stroemi. Morphology and biology of parthenites and larval phases of the development are studied and characters of the biology of this trematode are found out.
in Russian
On the infection rate of Far East salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus with parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis in the liman of the Amur. P. 327-329.
Data are given on the infection rate of Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walb.), summer Oncorhynchus keta (Walb.) and autumn Oncorhynchus keta (Walb.) infraspecies autumnalis Berg with parasitic Lepeophtheirus salmonis in the liman of the Amur. L. salmonis was found to favour the falling salmons sick with saprolegniosis, their becoming weak and partial death prior to spawning.
in Russian
A new parasitic isopode of the flight fishes, Glossobius albinae sp. n. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), from the Atlantic. P. 329-332.
A description of a new parasitic isopode Glossobius albinae sp. n. from the Atlantic is given. Its host is Cheilopogon heterurus.
in Russian
Book review. P. 333-335.
Summary is absent.
in Russian