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Year 1981, Volume 15, Issue 4
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Issue 1
Issue 2
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Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Parasitic ciliates (Peritricha, Urceolariidae) of some fishes from water bodies of Armenia. P. 305-312.
5 species of urceolariids have been found on fishes from natural water bodies of Armenia: Trichodina jadranica armeniensis Grigorjan et Stein subsp. n. on the skin of Neogobius fluviatilis, Trichodina reticulata Hirschmann et Partsch, 1955 on the skin of Rutilus rutilus schelkovnikovi, Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950); Tripartiella copiosa (Lom, 1959); Paratrichodina incisa Lom, 1963 on the gills of Alburnoides bipunctatus armeniesis. Additional taxonomic characteristic has been proposed for identification of trichodinids with a clear zone in the centre of the adhesive disc: ratio between the diameter of the clear zone and that of the denticulate ring (per cent).
in Russian
Study of the effect of infection intensity on the morphology of Diphyllobothrium latum (Gestoda: Diphyllobothriidae) with the use of the relationship analysis. P. 313-317.
The effect of the density of micropopulation on the physiologically different strobile sections of Dyphillobothrium latum was estimated statistically.
in Russian
Postembryonal development of Paricterotaenia decacantha and Dichoanotaenia tundra (Gestoda: Dilepididae), parasites of plover birds. P. 318-324.
Experimental study of the postembryonal development of cestodes of the family Dilepididae, Paricterotaenia decacantha (Lumbriculus variegatus serves as an intermediate host) and Dichoanotaenia tundra (larvae of Pryonocera gracilistyla serve as an intermediate host), has revealed the identity of the main stages of larvogenesis. Larvae of the both species belong to the same variety of cysticercoid — monocercus. The developmental periods of larvae at the fixed temperature have been established. The morphological description of some developmental stages is given.
in Russian
Morphology and developmental cycle of the cestode Confluaria podicipina (Szymanski, 1905) (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae). P. 325-331.
In summer and autumn of 1971, 1972, 1977 in Podiceps nigricollis (83.3—100%) from Tengiz Lake (Central Kazakhstan) there were found cestodes of Confluaria podicipina, the infection rate being 4 to 200 cestodes per one bird. The examined specimens of Artemia salina from the same water body turned out to be spontaneously infected with larvae of these cestodes too (0.05—0.35%). The postembryonal development of C. podicipina in the intermediate host Artemia salina was traced experimentally.
in Russian
The finding of Aspidogaster limacoides (Diesing, 1834) (Aspidogastrea) in fishes from the Rybinsk water reservoir. P. 332-337.
The finding of Aspidogaster limacoides in fishes from the Rybinsk water reservoir is first reported herein. In 1978 the single helminth of this species was found in one bream of 18 examined and in 1980 — in 18 of 21 examined roaches, the infection intensity being 1 to 105 specimens. The prevailing number of aspidogasters was localized in the initial parts of the anterior portion of the intestine. Apparently, A. limacoides penetrated the reservoir with fishes or mollusks from the lower Volga. The fishes are supposed to play a role of postcyclic definitive hosts in the developmental cycle of A. limacoides.
in Russian
New genera and a new species of mermithids (Nematoda, Mermithidae) infecting fleas. P. 338-341.
A new genus and a new species Imosmermis morosovi gen. sp. n. found in the flea Xenopsilla gerbilli minor Jordan are described. The genus Imosmermis differs from all known genera of Mermithidae by the absence of mouth and reduction of stihostome and the dorsal chord. Body is long and very thin. A new genus Aphanimermis comb. n. for the species Psyllomermis tshumacovae Rubzov is created. This genus is characterized with a stilet, with high developed lateral and ventral chord as well as with a tail which is absent in other genera infecting fleas.
in Russian
The nematode Dioctophyme renale of wild carnivorous animals from the Far East of the USSR. P. 342-346.
Of wild carnivorous animals from the Far East of the USSR wolf plays the main role in the maintenance of natural nidi of dioctophymosis.
in Russian
On the use of the light trap for studies of seasonal changes in the abundance and age composition of Culicoides sinanoensis (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) in the south of the Krasnoyarsk district. P. 347-353.
Results of the use of the light trap for studies of seasonal changes in the abundance and age composition of females and for the establishing of the number of generations of Culicoides sinanoensis, the most abundant species of bloodsucking black flies in the south of the Krasnojarsk district, are given. Certain advantages of the light trap over the Monchadsky's bell are recorded.
in Russian
Bloodsucking mosquitoes from south-eastern and western Evenkia (Culicidae). P. 354-359.
24 species of bloodsucking mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culiseta are recorded from south-eastern and western Evenki a situated in Central Siberia, of which C. bergrothi, A. increpitus, A. mercurator and A. riparius are first reported for Evenkia. The specific composition, dominant species in water bodies and air, phenology, the activity in attacking man and reindeer, parameters of external factors typical of the attacking of warmblooded animals are noted for each investigated area.
in Russian
On the effect of allantonematides on the reproduction and abundance of the flea Ceratophyllus laeviceps (Siphonaptera). P. 360-363.
Allantonematides Psyllotylenchus pawlowskyi and P. caspius, parasites of the body cavity of the flea Ceratophyllus laeviceps, affect greatly the abundance of this vector and its reproduction in the Volga-Ural sands.
in Russian
On fleas (Siphonaptera) of Sorex daphaenodon from the Charskaya hollow. P. 364-367.
Investigations of the fauna of fleas of Sorex daphaenodon Thomas were conducted in the Charskaya hollow of the Chita district in summer of 1975—1977. 10 species of fleas were recorded. Data on the abundance dynamics of the specific and dominant species of shrews, Doratopsylla birulai Ioff, are given.
in Russian
Myxidium profundum Zubtschenko, 1981 (Myxosporidia: Myxidiidae), a new name for M. noblei Zubtschenko, 1980. P. 368.
The specific name of the myxosporidian (M. noblei Zubtschenko, 1980) described from Macrurus rupestris from North Atlantic has turned out to be preoccupied (M. noblei Konovalov, 1966 from Thymallus arcticus grubei n. mertensi from water bodies of Kamchatka). The new name M. profundum is suggested.
in Russian
The finding of Leucocytozoon (Akiba) caulleryi (Haemosporidia) in hens of Kazakhstan. P. 369-370.
A blood parasite was found in hens from southern Kazakhstan. The blood parasite was referred by the authors to Leucocytozoon (Akiba) caulleryi Mathis et Leger, 1909.
in Russian
Fauna and ecology of horn flies (Muscidae) from the territory of the Baikal-Amur railway. P. 371-374.
4 species of horn flies were recorded from the territory of the Baikal-Amur railway: Stomoxys calcitrans, Haematobia stimulans, Lyperosia irritans and Lyperosia titillans. The autumn horn fly was found to be most widespread and dangerous. It was especially abundant in Priamurje, in the zone of the monsoon climate, where it behaves as a typical pasture species. The behaviour, daily and seasonal dynamics and flight duration (90 to 150 days) of horn flies changes noticeably depending on natural conditions; they alL have a broken distribution area here. The cultivation of the Baikal-Amur railway territory by man favours the spread of horn flies over this territory. Most dangerous they are for man and domestic animals in the western and eastern parts of the Baikal-Amur railway.
in Russian
Morphology of larva and pupa of Hybomitra arpadi (Diptera, Tabanidae). P. 374-378.
Morphology of preimaginal phases of Hybomitra arpadi from the European north of the USSR described earlier by Teskey (1969) and Jezek (1977) was studied. The descriptions of the preimaginal phases by the above authors do not coincide. This induced us to study the morphology of larvae and pupae of this species once more.
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Book review 1. P. 379-381.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 2. P. 381-383.
Summary is absent.
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Book review 3. P. 383-385.
Summary is absent.
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Chronicle. P. 386-387.
Summary is absent.
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At the institutes and laboratories 1. P. 388-391.
Summary is absent.
in Russian
At the institutes and laboratories 2. P. 391-392.
Summary is absent.
in Russian