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Year 1997, Volume 31, Issue 2
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Issue 6
Location of borreliae in different stages of the tick Ixodes persulcatus. P. 97-103.
Borrelia burgdorferi s. lato have been recovered by means of an observations in a dark screen, phase and anoptrail contrasts in 87.47% imago and 100% nymphs and larvae of the Ixodes persulcatus ticks collected in the Leningrad, Novgorod and Pskov regions. Four morphological types of borreliae have been recognized, which were present in all stages of ticks examined. The location of the agent in ticks was examined in the material coloured after Levaditi. In the hungry stages the most abundance of the agent was accumulated at the apical surface of midgut epithelium. In the majority of hungry I. persulcatus the generalized infection was recorded. The feeding stimulates the migration of the agent through the intracell space to the basal membrane and cells of organs and finally leads to complification of the agent in the organism of vector.
in Russian
A fauna of ixodid ticks from the Kopetdagh in relation to the compilation of their check-list. P. 104-115.
The check-list of the Ixodid ticks of the Kopetdagh mountains is based on authors' collections and cited data. The investigations have been held in 59 points. 33 Ixodid ticks species have been recorded. The points of records are given to each species and subspecies of the Ixodid ticks.
in Russian
On the flies of the family Nycteribiidae (Diptera) from the Middle Asia and Kazakhstan. P. 116-125.
Collection materials and cited data on the Nycteribiidae of the Middle Asia and Kazakhstan are summarized. The geographical coordinates of the 82 localities and main hosts of the fleas are listed. The fauna of the described region consists of six groups of species. The species of the first group (Penicillidia dufourii, P. monoceros) have transpalearctic areas. The second group (Nycteribia kolenatii) is represented by the species with the westpalearctic areas. The species of the third group (N. latreillei, N. schmidlii, Acrocholidia lindbergi, A. vexata, Phthiridium biarticulatum, Ph. simile, Ph. khabilovi, Penicillidia conspicua) are distributed in the south part of the west-centralpalearctic areas. The species of the fourth group (Nycteribia quasiocellata, Basilia mongolensis, Phthiridium szechuanum) have central-east palearctic areas. The fifth and six groups include only one species each - Basilia truncata (it has eastpalearctic area) and Basilia rybini (it has Siberian area). The most number the Nycteribiidae taxa are represented in mountain regions of Middle Asia (8 species), South and South-East Kazakhstan (7 species) and in East Kazakhstan (5 species). In semideserts and deserts regions was found only one species (Basilia mongolensis) which parasitizes on synantrop whiskered bats.
in Russian
Notentera ivanovi n.gen., n. sp. (Turbellaria: Platyhelminthes), a new parasitic turbellarian. P. 126-131.
A new species and genus are founded for an unusual parasitic turbellarian from the gut of a polychaete Nephthis ciliata from the White Sea. The digestive system is wholly lacking in the worms of any age. In young and some adult specimens, the epidermis on the dorsal side of the body is slightly higher than that of the ventral side of the body. In other adult specimens, the dorsal epidermis forms a pad of very high cells (ca. 20 times as high as the ventral epidermis) which has an appearance typical for gastral epithelia. Male genital system has a very primitive organization, in particular, the testes are represented by several follicles without tunica propria. Notentera shows similarity to only two turbellarian groups, the Urastomidae and the Fecampiidae. Both are symbiotic and phylogenetic relationships of both are not clear.
in Russian
An ultrastructure of some systems of the Diplocotyle olrikii (Cestoda: Cyathocephalata) in relation to peculiarities of its life cycle. P. 132-141.
The structure of tegument, penetration glands, uterine and prostate glands in the progenetic cestode D. olrikii with a monoxenous life cycle was studied. It is shown, that the teguments of worms produce the metabolically active cyst and are covered with microtrichiae of a trophic type. Numerous cells of the penetration glands are located in the parenchyma of the scolex. These glands perfom the perforation in a host body wall to throw eggs to environment. The uterine glands are the sunk syncytial epithelium of the uterus wall. The prostate glands are specialized gland cells, which do not derive from the epithelium of genital ducts. The discussion on the conditions, which could cause the origin of a progenesis in the Cestodes is based on the analysis of host-parasite relationships and life cycles.
in Russian
The Life cycle of the Wardium fryei (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae). P. 142-156.
Postembrional development of the type species of the cestode genus Wardium - W. fryei Mayhew, 1925, the parasite of gulls, was studied. Two species of its natural intermediate hosts were recorded in the Motykley Gulf of the Okhotsk sea, namely: bentic polychaetes Alittia braridti Malmgren ( = Nereis virens Grube, 1849) and Nereis vexilosa Grube (Polychaeta: Annelidae). Experimental development of metacestodes was also observed in the A. brandti. The mature cysticercoid of W. fryei shows typical structure of the tailed diplocyst, but its type of the postembrional development has characteristics, which is intermedial between the modification of cysticercoid called the floricerc and typical tailed diplocyst. Two peculiarities of the metacestodes were noted. Firstly, they can form the "larvophorae" in the coelom of the host. Secondly, the budding of the tail is similar to that in staphylocyst. Whether the separated buds develope into the new cysticercotds is still a question.
in Russian
Spatial structure of the hemipopulation of Bunodera luciopercae (Trematoda: Bunoderidae) in the Rybinsk reservoir. P. 157-164.
The spatial structure of the hemipopulation of the trematode Bunodera luciopercae has been studied. The seasonal dynamics of the parasite number in the perch, ruff and sander was registered. The original distribution of the parasites in populations of percid fishes is an overdispersion and well tested by the Gamma-model.
in Russian
Ecology and biology of cercariae Sphaerostomum sp. (Trematoda: Opecoelidae). P. 165-169.
The length of life cycle, means of dispersion, and diary rhytm of cercariae emission in the trematode Sphaerostomum sp. living in the mollusc C. inflata have been studied.
in Russian
A distribution of diplozoids on gills of the ide in the water basin of the middle part of the Vychegda river. P. 170-178.
It was shown, that worms occupy both halves of the gill apparatus of the ide, and prefer the 1-st gill, while other gills are occupied by worms uniformly in smaller number. In June the worms usually situated in the ventral sector, and in July and August they prefer the dorsal sector. We did not find reliable differences in location of Paradiplozoon megan on gills of the ide with different size, in different years, months and in different whater reservoirs.
in Russian
Myxobolus ladogensis sp. n. (Myxosporidia: Myxobolidae) - a parasite of cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae). P. 179-180.
Myxobolus ladogensis sp. n. is described from the muscles of the sabrefish Pelecus cultratus (L.) (Cyprinidae) from the Ladoga lake.
in Russian
An influence of microsporidiosis on the protein pattern in a fat body and haemolymph of the crickets Gryllus bimaculatus. P. 181-185.
The influence of the microsporidiosis caused by Nosema grilli on the protein patterns in the fat body and haemolymph of Gryllus bimaculatus is discussed. By means of an electrophoresis several changes in the protein patterns were found out: 1) the accumulation of some protein MW 110 kDa in the fat body, 2) the disappearance of the group of the major fat body proteins with the main one of MW 60 kDa, 3) insignificant accumulation of the group of proteins of MW from 100 to 220 kDa in haemolymph, 4) disappearance of MW 90 kDa protein in the haemolymph.
in Russian
Eimeria nordensheldi sp. n., a new species of coccidia (Eucoccidiida: Eimeridae) from the lemming Dicrostonyx torquatus vinogradovi. P. 185-186.
While studying parasites of the lemmings Dicrostonyx torquatus vinogradovi Ognev, 1948 from the coast of the Vrangel Island a new species Eimeria nordensheldi was found out. Its description, figure and differential diagnosis are given.
in Russian
Book review 1. P. 187-188.
Summary is absent.
in Russian
Book review 2. P. 189.
Summary is absent.
in Russian