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Inna Kutcheva
Senior Technician
White Sea Biological Station
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Universitetskaya nab., 1
199034, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: +7(921) 4674261
Research interests:  Zooplankton: distribution, life cycles. Climate fluctuations and changes.
1976-1981 – Petrozavodsk State University, MSc
Main research areas:
I work at the WSBS since 1981. My research is focused on the zooplankton variation according to climatic and hydrological parameters in the White Sea, especially nearby the WSBS. Long-term studies showed that by the end of the 20th century zooplankton communities were very stable, while at present hydrological characteristics change significantly, which will likely affect the White Sea pelagic communities in the nearest future.

I study feeding of herring Clupea harengus larvae and fries in the White Sea. Herring larvae when they change nutrition mode from exogenous to active feeding despite the apparent abundance of zooplankton in spring may suffer from latent starvation because of the absence of the appropriate feeding objects (copepods nauplii). This situation occurs due to the accelerated water exchange in spring between Chupa Inlet and Kandalaksha Bay, when the cold-loving nauplii of Pseudocalanus minutus are replaced from the upper waters by eurybiotic adult Microsetella norvegica, Oithona similis, which are highly mobile and thereby less available for herring larvae. One of the topics of my current research is the spring explosion of zooplankton community, when during a short period of time its abundance dramatically increases. I am planning several trips in the Kandalaksha Bay immediately after the ice melting in May.