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Alexander Sukhotin, 2009

      The White Sea Biological Station "Kartesh" (WSBS) is a marine research station of the   Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg), located in the Chupa Inlet of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea (66°20.230' N; 33°38.972' E), near the North Polar Circle.
      WSBS was founded in 1957 as an all-the-year-round station to study seasonal changes and life cycles of the White Sea organisms. Since then the main areas of research at the WSBS have significantly enlarged and the Station has developed into an up-to-date marine laboratory. Currently the WSBS is one of the largest marine research stations in Russian North, and has been home for many excellent world-class researchers. The WSBS performs internationally recognized top-level fundamental research, offers educational programs, tours and excursions for scholars and students, carries out applied ecological studies and provides scientific expertise to the local businesses, industry and aquaculture. The WSBS became an associated member of the Network of Excellence: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (MarBEF) in 2005 and joined The European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations (MARS) in 2008.

Our news
The XIV conference "Exploration, sustainable use and protection of natural resources of the White Sea" will be held on October 4-7, 2022 at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia). E-mail; Web Register ( before March 1, 2022
Weather at Kartesh
The scientists of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Protistology of the Zoological Institute RAS described two new species of benthic amoebae belonging to the Dactylopodida group (Amoebozoa). One of the species was isolated from the body of a sponge Halisarca dujardini collected in the area of White Sea Biological Station Kartesh, therefore the new species was named Paramoeba karteshi. These unicellular creatures with the changeable body shape crawl over the surface of submerged substrata or float freely in the water. This group of amoebae is unique in their "matryoshka-like" cellular organisation - their cells always contain another, symbiotic cell inside their cytoplasm, that belongs to the flagellates from the group Kinetoplastida.
(Source: Volkova et al. 2019, Eur J Protistol 71, 125630)