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Alexander Komendantov
White Sea Biological Station
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Universitetskaya nab., 1
199034, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Tel: +7(812) 7140097
Fax: +7(812) 7140444
Research interests:  Osmotic and ion regulation, absorbtion of dissolved organic substances, biotic distribution along the salinity clines in estuaries, adaptations of aquatic organisms to salinity changes, effect of salinity on physiological functions, reproduction and development in a salinity gradient.
1977 Leningrad (St.Petersburg) State Institute of Education. Department of Natural History. (Diploma of the higher education)
Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Doctorate)
Main research areas:
A new approach to the classification of reactions of the eukaryotic organisms to salinity. 2001-2003. The aquatic organisms were classified into ecological groups in relation to salinity based on personal and literature data. The groups are applicable to single-celled and multicellular organisms. As a criterion for separation of groups we proposed an original method based on the analysis of the tolerant polygons and the type of osmoregulation. We formulated the criteria for inclusion of organisms into the ecological groups. We studied the salinity tolerance and constructed salinity tolerance ranges for 15 species of ciliates, 5 species of lobose amoebae (S.A. Smurov), and 4 species of multicellular marine organisms (A.Y.Komendantov). In the several studied species of unicellular and multicellular organisms we described species-specific salinity tolerance polygons and limits of the tolerance range. We shown that the potential tolerance and salinity tolerance range are stable characteristic of the species. The changes of these characteristics in the media with an ionic composition different from the ocean water are predictable and resemble the processes in the sea water. We developed and tested a new method that helps to use the data about reactions to salinity of the medium in phylogenetic reconstructions. In the course of the project we analyzed personal and literature data about the reactions of the estuarine multicellular species to salinity. The results of the analysis were presented in the monograph by A.Y. Komendantov and M.I. Orlova, "Ecology of clams and polychaetes of South Primorye.

The rate of function and resistance adaptation and adaptation of aquatic invertebrates to salinity. 2004-2006. Our results show that the duration of the resistance adaptation in marine invertebrate animals is usually less than the duration of the function adaptation, the maximum completion time of the latter may exceed 4 weeks. Our results shown that the duration of the resistance adaptation to new salinity in freshwater and euryhaline protists was 18-24 hours, which was significantly less than the duration of the resistance adaptation in marine multicellular organisms. A.O. Smurov proposed a mathematical model describing the dynamics of the of function adaptation, depending on the acclimation salinity, the magnitide of the changes in salinity within the tolerance range and time of acclimation. The rate of function adaptation of marine organisms to new salinity within the tolerance range is well described by the model of von Bertalanffy. It was shown that the choice of the response function is important when estimating the rate and duration of the acclimation for the organisms with decreasing ability of isolation from the influence of salinity of the external environment (molluscs: Hydrobia ulvae - Littorina obtusata - Hiatella arctica). The recovery of mobility and feeding activity took more than 14 days for Hydrobia ulvae and not more than 1 day in Hiatella arctica. Therefore, it is necessary to use other response function, such as heart rate, to assess the rate and duration of adaptation for organisms that do not possess the ability to isolate from the influence of salinity. Our experiments have shown that tissues of marine organisms can adapt to changes in environmental salinity during the day. At the same time it took up to 10-14 days for an intact organism to adapt to the same salinity, when evaluating the same parameters, besides the tissue adaptation and the adaptation of the whole organism could go in different directions. Our results shown that the duration of the resistance adaptation to new salinity in freshwater and euryhaline Paramecia was 18-24 hours, which is significantly less than the duration of the resistance adaptation in marine multicellular organisms.
  • Khalaman VV, Golubovskaya NS, Komendantov AYu, Malavenda SS, Manoylina PA, Mikhaylova TA, Raznovskaya S.V. 2021. Balance between biological and physical components in the impact of Mytilus edulis on associated organisms. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 674: 15-35  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman VV. Komendantov AYu, Golubovskaya NS, Manoylina PA. 2021. Comparative efficiency of Mytilus edulis as engineering species for shallow-water fouling communities on artificial structures in the White Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 101: 511-525  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Shilova O.A., Khalaman V.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Kondratenko Yu.A., Efimova L.N., Tsvetkova I.N., Kochina T.A. 2020. Investigation of the process of biofouling of environmentally friendly paints and varnishes in natural conditions of the White Sea. Glass Physics and Chemistry, 46: 1-20  Abstract  Download
  • Khalaman V, Golubovskaya N, Komendantov A, Malavenda S, Mikhaylova T. 2018. The effect of substrate spatial position on the early development of fouling communities in the White Sea. Izvestiya RAN, Ser. Biology, 1: 93-102. (In Russian)  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Exploration, sustainable use and protection of natural resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII conference, Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, 290 p. (In Russian).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Smurov A.O. 2017. The duration time of acclimation starfish Asterias rubens Linnaeus,1758 from the White Sea to the changes of environmental salinity. In: Exploration, Sustainable Use and Protection of Natural Resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII Conference on the White Sea, Saint Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, p. 106-109. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V.V., Sharov A.N., Kholodkevich S.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Kuznetsova T.V. 2017. Influence of the White Sea Sponge Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766) on Physiological State of the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, 1758), as Evaluated by Heart Rate Characteristics. Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. Vol. 53, No. 3: 225—232.  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V.V., Golubovskaya N.S., Komendantov A.Yu., Malavenda S.S., Mikhaylova T.A. 2017. Interactions between algae and sessile animals in fouling communities developing in the White Sea. Is it a competition or a separation of ecological niches? In: Exploration, Sustainable Use and Protection of Natural Resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the XIII Conference on the White Sea, Saint-Petersburg, Zoological Institute RAS, 2017, p. 270-273. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V.V., Komendantov A.Y., Malavenda S.S., Mikhaylova T.A. 2016. Algae versus animals in early fouling communities of the White Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 553: 13-32  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 2016. Experimental study of the ability of the sponge Halichondria panicea (Porifera: Demospongiae) to compete for a substrate in shallow water fouling communities of the White Sea // Biology Bulletin RAS, 43, 1: 69–74.  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V. V., Korchagina N. M., Komendantov A. Yu. 2014. The impact of waterborne cues from conspecifics and other species on the larvae of Halichondria panacea Pallas, 1766 (Porifera: Demospongiae). Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 40, 1, 36-42.  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova V.I., Komendantov A.Yu. 2013. Is an invader Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) an object for laboratory rearing? Zoologicheskii zhurnal, 92, 6: 627-638. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova V.I., Komendantov A.Yu. 2013. Using laboratory populations of the invader Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gastropoda, Hydrobiidae) to assess euryhalinity and physical modeling of invasion in salinity gradient. ? Zoologicheskii zhurnal, 92, 7: 759-770. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Smurov A.O., Komendantov A.Yu. 2013. Duration of the salinity adaptation of Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant, 1777) and Littorina obtusata (Linnaeus, 1758). In: N.V. Aladin and A.O. Smurov (Eds.). Fifty years of the concept of critical salinity. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, V. 317, Supplement 3: 201-206. (In Russian).   Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Bakhmet I.N., Berger V.Ja., Komendantov A.Yu., Smurov A.O., Khalaman V.V. 2013. Investigation of the cardiac activity of three species of Bivalvia (Mytilus edulis L., Modiolus modiolus L. and Hiatella arctica L.) under salinity changes. In: N.V. Aladin and A.O. Smurov (Eds.). Fifty years of the concept of critical salinity. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, V. 317, Supplement 3: 63-68. (In Russian).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Bakhmet I.N., Komendantov A.J., Smurov A.O. 2012. Effect of salinity change on cardiac activity in Hiatella arctica and Modiolus modiolus, in the White Sea. Polar Biol. 35: 143-148.  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman VV, Komendantov AYu 2011. Structure of fouling communities formed by Halichondria panicea (Porifera: Demospongiae) in the White Sea. Russian Journal of Ecology 42: 493–501.   Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khalaman V. V., Mukhina Yu. I., Komendantov A. Yu. 2011. Effect of excretory- secretory products of fouling organisms on settlement of larvae of the sponge Halichondria panicea (Pallas, 1766) (Porifera: Demospongiae). Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 37, issue 6.  Request for a reprint
  • Smurov A. O., Komendantov A. Yu., Khalaman V. V. 2008. Salinity tolerance polygon of Linne, 1761 (Polychaeta: Nereidae). Invertebrate Zoology, 5(1): 9-16. In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Khalaman V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 2007. Mutual effects of several fouling organisms of the White Sea (Mytilus edulis, Styela rustica and Hiatella arctica) on their growth rate and survival. Russian Journal of Marine Biology. 33(3): 139-144. (in Russian).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Bakhmet I.N., Smurov A.0., Khalaman V.V. 2006. The effect of salinity chang on the heart rate and salinity tolerance of Hiatella arctica L. (Bivalvia, Heterodonta). Vestnik Sanct-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. 4, 3: 17-23. (In Russian with English summary).  Abstract  Download
  • Smurov A.O., Komendantov A.Yu.. 2004. Use of salinity tolerance polygons for the analysis of attitude of water invertebrates to salinity factor. The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the IXth International Conference, October, 11-14, 2004. Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. Petrozavodsk. Editorial hoard: A.F. Alimov, V.Ya. Berger, E.P. leshko, N.N. Nemova.: 292-296. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Smurov A.O., Khalaman V.V. 2004. A new approach of tolerance polygon modeling for Nereis pelagica (Polychaeta, Nereidae). The study, sustainable use and conservation of natural resources of the White Sea. Proceedings of the IXth International Conference, October, 11-14, 2004. Petrozavodsk, Karelia. Russia. Petrozavodsk. Editorial hoard: A.F. Alimov, V.Ya. Berger, E.P. leshko, N.N. Nemova.: 151-155. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Filippov A.A., Komendantov A.Yu., Khalaman V.V. 2003. Salinity tolerance of the white sea mollusk Hiatella arctica L. (Bivalvia, Heterodonta). Zool. Journ. 82, 8: 913-918. (In Russian with English summary).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Orlova M.I.. 2003. Ecology of estuarine bivalve mollusks and polyhaetes of South Primorye. Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg, Explorations of the fauna of the seas. Editor A.F. Alimov. 52 (60): 200. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 2002. Temporary variation of paragnath arrangement in Hediste diversicolor and H. japonica (Polychaeta, Nereidadae). Zool.Journ., 81, ¹4: 503-505. (In Russian with English summary).  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 2001. Annelida. Polychaeta. Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865. Red Data Book of Russia.: 29-30.  Request for a reprint
  • Vsevolodova-Prel T.C., Komendantov A.Yu., Khlebovich V. V.. 2001. Red Data Book of Russia: 762. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu.. 2001. Annelida. Polychaeta. Aphrodita australis Baird, 1865. Red Data Book of Russia: 29-30.  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova M.I., Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 1998. Potential Eurihalinity of Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas) and Dreissena bugensis (Andr.). Russian Journal of Aquatic Ecology 7: 17-28.  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Orlova M.I. 1996. The effect of environmental salinity on the development of the bivalve Laternula limicola Reev. Estuarine ecosystems and species. 2-nd International Estuary Symposium held in Gdansk, october 18-22, 1993: 43-47.  Request for a reprint
  • Filippov A.A., Komendantov A.Yu. 1996. The salinity tolerance of benthic invertebrates of the Aral Sea. International Journal of Salt Lake Research 4: 251-263.  Abstract  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 1995. Biotic communities of the Kara Sea estarine ecosystems. Russian- Norwegian Workshop: 18.  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova M.I., Komendantov A.Yu. 1995. Salinity responses of Laternula limicola Reev from Possiet Gulf (Sea of Japan). Proceeding of 30 European Marin Biological Symposium, Southhampton, UK, September 1995: 35-44.  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova M.I., Komendantov A.Yu. 1995. To the ecology of dominating species of bottom macroinvertebrates of the Aral sea.Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 262: 174-188. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Filippov A.A., Petukhov V.A., Komendantov A.Yu.. 1992. Zoobenthos of the berg's strait (Aral sea) in may Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 250: 72-80. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Orlova M.I., Komendantov A.Yu. 1993. The influence of environmental salinity on filtration rates and gill epithelium activity in the euryhaline bivalves from the Gladkaya River estuary (Possiet bay, the Sea of Japan). Estuarine ecosystems and species. 2-nd International Estuary Symposium held in Gdansk, october 18-22, 1993: 65-72.  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Khlebovich V.V. 1992. Salinity preference of Lycastopsis augeneri (Polychaeta, Nereididae). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 43(51): 142-144. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Orlova M.I. 1990. Further study of macrozoobenthos of Gladkaya river (The Possjet bay of the Japan Sea). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 218: 161-174. (in Russian).mendantov A.Yu., Orlova M.I. 1991. The effect of environmental salinity on the development ofLaternula limicola. Biologiya morya, Vladivostok, 4: 99-102. (In Russian).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Orlova M.I. 1990. Further study of macrozoobenthos of Gladkaya river (The Possjet bay of the Japan Sea). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 218: 161-174. (in Russian).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Yezhova E.E. 1990. Salinity dependance of reproduction and development in Lycastopsis augeneri Okuda (Polychaeta, Nereididae). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 218: 130-139. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Alexenko L., Komendantov A.Ju., Khlebowich V.V. 1989. The osmoregulation capacities of some Turricaspia species (Gastropoda, Pyrgulidae) from the Lower Dnieper. Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 196: 117-121. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Ju., Khlebovich V.V. 1989. Uptake of dissolved organic matters (DOM) by water invertebrates in relation to salinity. Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 196: 22-50. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Ju., Orlova M.I., Halaman V.V..1989. On species from genus Corbicula (Corbiculidae, Bivalvia) of Gladkay estuary (the Possiet Bay of Sea of Japan). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 196: 99-116. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Ju., Khlebovich V.V., Kiyko I.S. 1989. Estuarine biocoenoses of the Pucheyeem River (Chaun Inlet. East-Sibirian Sea). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 196: 82-90. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Ju., Aladin N.V., Yezhova E.E. 1989. Environmental dependence of oamoregulation in Lycastopsis augeneri (Polychaeta, Nereidae). Zool. Journ. 1989, LXVIII, ¹4: 137-140. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Ju., Yezhova E.E.1989. Salinity dependence of dissolved amino acids uptake by Lycastopsis augeneri (Pofychaeta, Nereidae). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 196: 91-98. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 1986. Low osmotic concentration of blood as a general characteristic of Bivalvia from fresh and oligohaline waters. Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 152: 50-56. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Aladin N.V., Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu.. 1986. Cryoscopical method in hydrobiology. Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. 141: 127-135. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu. 1985. On physiologically fresh-water invertebrates of marine origin. Journ.obchei biologii. XLVI, 3: 331-336. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Aladin N.V., Khlebovich V.V.. 1985. Special features of the osmotic and ionic regulation of bivalv mollusks depending on the factors of medium. Ekologiya, Sverdlovsk, 5: 39-46. (In Russian).  Download
  • Komendantov A.Yu., Yakovishina L.A.. 1985. Comparative analysis of the osmoregulation abilities of Nereis diversicolor and N.japonica (Polychaeta, Nereidae). Proc.Zool.Inst., St.-Petersburg. Explorations of the fauna of the seas. 34(42): 73-75. (In Russian).  Request for a reprint
  • Komendantov A.Yu. 1984. Osmoregulation capacities of Corbicula japonica (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae) in water of various salinity. Zool.Journ. LXIII, 5: 769-771. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Yakovishina L.A. 1983. On variation of paragnath number in Nereis diversicolor, N. japonica and N. limnicola (Polychaeta, Nereidae). Zool.Journ. LXII, 7: 1110-1114. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Yakovishina L.A. 1983. Osmotic regulation of Lycastopsis augeneri and Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus (Polychaeta, Nereidae) in waters of different salinity.). Zool.Journ. LXII, 5: 796-799. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Yakovishina L.A. 1982. Salinity dependence of the glycine uptake by Mytilus edulis of the White Sea and Sea of Japan.). Zool.Journ. LXI, 5: 783-787. (In Russian with English summary).  Download
  • Khlebovich V.V., Yakovishina L.A., Komendantov A.Yu. 1981. Changes of electrolytes content in the mantle fluid and haemolymph of the mussel Mytilus edulis at the longterm influence of fresh water. Biologiya Morya, Vladivostok, 2: 86-89. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint
  • Khlebovich V.V., Komendantov A.Yu., Shklyarevich G. A. 1980. Validity of Nereis virens, N.grandis and N. brandti. (Annelida, Polychaeta) and variations in the number of their paragnaths. Zool.Journ. LIX, 11: 1617-1624. (In Russian with English summary).  Request for a reprint