RESOLUTION of the "Round Table № 2"

Round Table #2 - 24.10.2008
“Toward scientific-and-practical cooperation in the development of proposals on the use of fouling organisms for coastal zone remediation in the Baltic Sea region “

The Round Table task: to outline future possibilities to international co-operation in basic and applied research of fouling organisms and assemblages in the Baltic Sea Region Participants: Marina Orlova (Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN RAS), Russia, moderator); Christiane Fenske (University of Greifswald, Germany, moderator); Odd Lindahl (Kristineberg Marine Station, Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, Sweden); Ralph Kusserow (Technical University of Dresden, Germany); David Aldridge (Cambridge University, United Kingdom); Sergey Golubkov (ZIN RAS, Russia); Nikolai Kovalchuk (Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia); Nadezhda Berezina (ZIN RAS, Russia); Lev Kell (Vodokanal, Russia).

Fouling assemblages and dominant fouling species, both native and invasive, of invertebrates and plants are widely spread in marine, estuarine and freshwater areas of the Baltic Sea Region. As follows from the lectures presented at the conference the positive role of fouling species in the coastal zone remediation is proven. Thus, the following topics are considered by the participants as important themes for future co-operation: a research of patterns of distribution and dynamics, mechanisms and scenarios of development of living communities (with special reference to fouling species and assemblages) and coastal zone environment based on historical and current data; dissemination of knowledge on coastal zone state and ways to remediate it using these species and communities; development and implication of novel eco-friendly technologies based on farming and utilization of fouling organisms and aimed to coastal water quality improvement and receiving additional benefits in different regions and countries around Baltic Sea . Following this the Round Table #2 look forward to scientific and practical co-operation in the development of proposals for assessment of the spatial distribution and state of underwater habitats and fouling communities and species as well as the use of fouling assemblages in coastal zone remediation in the Baltic Sea Region. Along with national and bi-lateral projects the open Calls by INTERREG IV program (BSR) are considered as one of the possibilities to submit proposals and develop the involvement into projects of local municipal and local, regional and national governmental bodies.
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