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"Philosophy of Biological Systematics" - course in University of Oslo (10-14 October 2016)

Если Вы хотите встретиться с учеными из разных стран и за одну неделю погрузиться в современные проблемы биологической систематики и узнать о новейших методах их решения, то Вам сюда:


The course, Philosophy of Biological Systematics, 
will be offered at the Biological Station Dr?bak 
(University of Oslo), Norway, from 10-14 October 2016. 
This is a great opportunity to critically examine what is required 
for systematics to function as a part of scientific inquiry, 
and discover many of the problems with current methods.

Additional information and an outline of topics to be covered can be found at: . 

The deadline for registering is 1 July 2016.