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K.V. Makarov, E.E. Bokhovko. "Continuity of chaetom pattern in Brachinus-larvae ... (Carabidae)"

K.V. Makarov, E.E. Bokhovko
Continuity of chaetom pattern in Brachinus-larvae developing with hypermetamophosis (Coleoptera: Carabidae)
Russian Entomol. J., 2005, 14(4): 263-274 (RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2005)
KEYWORDS: larvae, chaetotaxy, morphology, adaptations, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Brachinini.
ABSTRACT. Extrenal morphology and the chaetoítaxy of all larval stages of carabid beetle Brachinus elegans Chaudoir, 1842 were studied. First larva of this beetle is triangulina-like, whereas larvae II and III are engorged, scarcely moving forms. In spite of hypermeítamorphosis, the great continuity of chaetome compoísition was revealed. The analysis of the topology of chaetome elements during larval development allowed to ascertain follows: 1) the strong modification of the cephalic capsule is caused but the disproportional enílargement of basal regions of frontal and parietal scleriítes; 2) body tergits increase in size proportionally; 3) pleurites and ventrites become hypertrophied; 4) the reduction and immobilization of leg segments have not effect on the set of their chetome elements. There are two the most important tendencies in chaetome formaítion in Brachinus larvae during the ontogenesis: the weakening of sensorial and locomotory elements and the development of the supporting chaetome of abdoíminal ventrites and pleurites. The assessment of the transformation of different adaptive and nonadaptive structures enabled to select the taxonomically valuable features. Their application supports the hypothesis of the proximity of Brachinini to the group Truncatipenne within Limbataconchifera.

PDF: REJ_14-4_263-274.pdf