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NATO Science Programme: NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (NIG) N 975428 Computer Network for Arctic Marine Fauna |
Project Co-Director from NATO country: Surname/Initials/Title M. Spindler, Prof. Dr. Institute Name: Institute for Polar Ecology of Kiel University (IPOE) Address: Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb. 12, 24148 Kiel, Germany Telephone and Fax : +49-431-6001200 and +49-431-6001210 E-mail: mspindler@ipoe.uni-kiel.de Project Co-Director from Partner country: Surname/Initials/Title B.I. Sirenko, Head of Marine Research Laboratory, Dr. Institute Name: Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) Address: 199034, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 1 Telephone and Fax : +07-812-328-13-11 and +07-812-328-02-21 E-mail: marine@zin.ru Other Principal Investigators: Surname/Initials/Title D. Piepenburg, Ass. Prof. Dr. Institute Name: Institute for Polar Ecology of Kiel University (IPOE) Address: Wischhofstr. 1-3, Geb. 12, 24148 Kiel, Germany Telephone and Fax : +49-431-6001264 and +49-431-6001210 E-mail: dpiepenburg@ipoe.uni-kiel.de Surname/Initials/Title I.S. Smirnov, Senior Scientist Institute and address Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) Address: 199034, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 1 Telephone and Fax : +07-812-328-13-11 and +07-812-328-02-21 E-mail: smiris@zin.ru Surname/Initials/Title A.L. Lobanov, Leading Scientist Institute and address Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) Address: 199034, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 1 Telephone and Fax : +07-812-328-13-11 and +07-812-328-02-21 E-mail: all@zin.ru Surname/Initials/Title A.A. Golikov, Scientist Institute and address Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) Address: 199034, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 1 Telephone and Fax : +07-812-328-13-11 and +07-812-328-02-21 E-mail: agolikov@zin.ru Surname/Initials/Title M.B. Dianov, Scientist Institute and address Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) Address: 199034, Russia, St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 1 Telephone and Fax : +07-812-328-13-11 and +07-812-328-02-21 E-mail: mix@zin.ru
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