Specimen collection and preparation methods


The collections of beetles in the territory of the Kurgalsky Peninsula was carried out used different means such as the light and soil traps, sweep netting and shaking off branches with an entomological net, sifting of various substrates using an entomological sieve, as well as generally accepted manual collection methods. The cameral preparation of the material was carried out by generally accepted entomological methods. The collected specimens were mounted on entomological pins, labelled and placed in the drawers of the Coleoptera collection of the Zoological Institute in taxonomic order.


Since there are no generally accepted universal methods of conducting investigations for different groups of lepidopterans, a combined technique was used, including observation of flying and feeding individuals and their catching with a net, observation and catching of individuals sitting on trunks and branches of trees, mowing with a net from grass and from tree branches, search for open-living caterpillars on different parts of plants for breeding imagos from them. Species identification was carried out visually when capturing or observing sitting specimens, sometimes – for the largest and most characteristic species – in flight. If it was impossible to make an exact visual identification in the field, the material was collected for subsequent laboratory processing (visual comparison with the fund collections and atlases, preparation and study of the structure of the genitalia).

Blood-sucking mosquitoes

The collection of larvae and pupae of mosquitoes was carried out according to standard methods using a household sieve with a diameter of 20 cm, the larvae and pupae were caught and then transferred into a plastic container filled with water. From this container, the material was transported to the Zoological Institute for further work. Adult insects were caught using an exhauster.

Rearing, determination, and fixation of mosquitoes:

Individual and mass rearing of mosquitoes was conducted in the Zoological Institute. During individual rearing, 4th-instar larvae were placed individually in a 200-ml containers, which were covered with a mosquito net on top. For mass rearing, groups of larvae and pupae were placed in 1-liter containers. Larvae of the 2nd and 3rd instar were kept in 10-liter containers until reaching the 4th instar. Containers with emerged imago were placed for 5 min into the freezer until the state of torpidity of an adult insect occurs, after which the imago was removed from a freezer, and its further determination was carried out under a binocular microscope. A similar procedure was carried out with wild captured adult females. Species determination of mosquitoes was carried out according to standard keys and tables developed by authors (Gutsevich et al., 1970; Khalin, 2009; Becker et al., 2010). Adults were placed in 5-ml tubes (25 specimens per tube). Labels were used to indicate species, sex, and place of collection of the preimaginal phase. Tubes with the material were stored in a special refrigerator, maintaining a temperature of -80°C.


Amphibians, reptiles

Equipment: rubber boots, photo camera.
