Andrey V. Panteleyev – Publications

Author of 70 publications, the principal are:

  • Panteleyev A.V. 1984. The nesting of Lesser Black-backer Gull in Leningrad // Birds and urbanistic landscape. Kaunas: 109-110.(in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Yablonkevich M.L. 1991. Skeletal mass of Lesser Whitethroat (Silvia curruca L.) and it correlation with the components of body framework // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. Vol. 239: 115-117. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Averianov A.O., Panteleyev A.V., Potapova O.R., Nessov L.A. 1991. Bony-toothed birds (Aves: Pelecaniformes: Odontopterygia) from the Upper Paleocene and Eocene of the west edge of Ancient Asia // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. Vol. 239: 3-12. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1991. Birds from two archaeology sites of the Pre-Urals and the Middle Urals // Proc. 10th Ornithol. Conf. USSR. 2 (2): 133-134. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1991. Fossil remains of passerine birds as indicators of landscape and climatic conditions of the Holocene to the outhern slope of Central Caucasus // Herald of Leningrad University. Geol. and geogr. Ser. 7. N 3: 57-62. (in Russian).
  • Ellis D.H., Ellis C.H., Pendleton G.W., Panteleev A.V., Rebrova I.V., Markin Y.M. 1992. Distribution and color variation of Gyrfalcons in Russia // J. Raptor Res. 26 (2): 81-88.
  • Panteleyev A.V., Alekseeva E.v. 1993. Fossil birds from the Bliznets cave (south Sikhote-Alin`) and landscape and climatic conditions of their habitats in the Holocene // Rus. J. Ornith. 2 (2): 133-148.(in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1993. The Late Holocene remains of birds from the Moneron Island (the Sea of Japan) // The Russian Journal of Ornitholology. 2 (2): 258-259. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Nessov L.A. 1993. The small Tubunare (Aves: Procellariiformes) from the Eocene of Middle Asia // Proc. Zool. Inst. 252: 95-103 (in Russian with English summary).
  • Nessov L.A., Panteleyev A.V. 1993. About similarities of the Late Cretaceous Ornitholofaunas of South America and western Asia // Proceedings of the Zoological Institute. Vol. 252: 84-94. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Averianov A.O., Panteleyev A.V. 1995. Lev Aleksandrovich Nessov (1947-1995) // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. 4 (3/4): 155-156. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1995. New data on the Holocene birds of the South Primorye // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. 4 (3/4): 148-149. (in Russian with English summary).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Potapova O.R. 1996. Birds in economy and culture of ancient inhabitants of Ust' Poluysk settlement at the Lower Ob' River // Soc. of Avian Paleont. and Evol. 4th Intern. Meet. Washington, 4-7 June 1996. Progr. and abstr. P. 15.
  • Panteleyev A.V., Potapova O.R. 1996. Birds in culture of inhabitants of Ust' Poluysk settlement // Animals and plants in myth and ritual systems: 102-104. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1997. Bird remains from archaeological memorial Ivanovka (Sakhalin Island) // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Expess-Issue. 9: 8-10. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1997. Bones of birds from the settlements of ancient man on Sakhalin Island // Herald of Sakhalinical Museum. 4: 281-285. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1998. Late Pleistocene birds of Mongolia // In: Adams N.J. & Slotow R.H. (eds). Proc. 22 Int. Ornithol. Congr., Durban. Ostrich. 69: 409.
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1998. New species of enantiornithines (Aves: Enantiornithes) from Upper Cretaceous of Central Kyzylkum Desert // Rus. J. Ornith. Expess-Issue. 35: 3-15 (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1999. The history of investigations of Quaternary birds in Asian part of Russia and Mongolia // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Expess-Issue. 72: 3-17. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1999. The Late Cretaceous Enantiornithes of southwestern margin of ancient Asia // VII Internat. Symp. on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosyst. Abstracts. Buenos Aires: 48.
  • Potapova O.R., Panteleyev A.V. 1999. Birds in the economy and culture of early Iron Age inhabitants of Ust' Poluysk, Lower Ob' River, Northwestern Siberia // Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology. 89: 129-137.
  • Panteleyev A.V. 1999. The systematic position of the Eocene bird Asiavis phosphatica // Zoosystematica Rossica. 8 (2): 351-352.
  • Panteleyev A.V., Potapova O.R. 2000. Late Holocene birds from an archaeological site near Salekhard (North-Western Siberia) // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 106: 3-31. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Burchak-Abramovich N.I. 2000. Passerine birds from Pleistocene asphalts of the Binagady. I. Introduction // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 112: 3-8. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Burchak-Abramovich N.I. 2000. Passerine birds from Pleistocene asphalts of the Binagady. Small corvids // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 115: 3-17. (in Russian).
  • Nomura T., Kikuchi T., Prokofiev M.M., Gorbunov S.V., Nazarkin M.V., Panteleyev A.V. 2000. Materials on archaeology and archaeozoology of the Moneron Island. - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. 68 p.(in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2001. On avifauna of southern part of the Ilmen Lake region // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 131: 95-100. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2001. New species of rails (Aves: Gruiformes: Rallidae) from Paleogene of Tadzhikistan // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 135: 331-343. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2001. The bird list of the Novgorod Region // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 141: 199-201. (in Russian).
  • Bakkal S.N., Buzun V.A., Panteleyev A.V. 2001. Spring migration in the southern part of Lake Ilmen (Novgorod Region) in 1999 // Study of the status and trends of migratory birdpopulations in Russia. Third issue. St. Petersburg: 124-129.
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2002. Peculiarity distribution of some bird species in Northern, Central and Eastern Asia in Quaternary // Rus. J. Ornith. Expess-Issue. 186: 471-484. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V., Popov E.V., Averianov A.O. 2004. New record of Hesperornis rossicus (Aves, Hesperornithiformes) in the Campanian of Saratov Province, Russia // Paleontological Research. 8. 2: 115-122.
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2004. The main signs for identification of distal parts of tarsometatarsus in Passeriformes // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. Express-issue. 275: 961-965. (in Russian).
  • Panteleyev A.V. 2005. The studying of Miocene birds from the south of European Russia // Problems of paleontology and archeology of the south of Russia and neighbouring territories. Materials of International conference Azov. Rostov-on-Don, 2005: 73-74. (in Russian).
  • Mannermaa K., Panteleyev A., Sablin M. 2008. Birds in Late Mesolithic burials at Yuzhniy Oleniy ostrov (Lake Onega, Western Russia) - what do they tell about humans and the environment? // Fennoscandia archaeologica. XXV: 3-25.
  • Panteleev A.V. 2015. Finds of Quaternary birds in Kazakhstan // The Russian Journal of Ornithology. 24. Express-issue. 1173: 2749-2752. (in Russian).
  • Zelenkov N.V., Panteleev A.V. 2015. Three bird taxa (Aves: Anatidae, Phasianidae, Scolopacidae) from the Late Miocene of the Sea of Azov region (Southwestern Russia) // Palaontol. Zeitschr. 89: 515-527.

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