Home Laboratory of Experimental Entomology and BioControl Theory

Russia, 199034, St.-Petersburg, Zoological Institute.
Phone: +7 (812) 714 0442; Fax: +7 (812) 714 0444; E-mail: sreznik@zin.ru

Recent papers in English


Vinogradova E. B., Reznik  S. Ya. 2015. Photothermal control of larval diapause in the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D.(Diptera, Calliphoridae) from the Lofoten Islands (Northern Norway). Entomological Review 95 (3): 296-304.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Voinovich, N. D. 2015. The influence of temperature and photoperiod on the rate of development in Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor.(Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 95 (3): 289-295.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina, N. P., Voinovich, N. D. 2015. Variations in the tendency to diapause among successive generations of laboratory strains of Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae): Endogenous or exogenous? Entomological Review 95 (2): 157-165.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Ovchinnikov, A. N., Dolgovskaya, M. Y.,  Belyakova, N. A. 2015. Interspecific variation in photoperiodic effect on the rate of preimaginal development in Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)(Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Entomological Review 95 (1): 15-27.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Samartsev K. G. 2015. Multigenerational maternal inhibition of prepupal diapause in two Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). J. Insect Physiol. 81 (1): 14-20

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Reznik S. Ya., Dolgovskaya M. Y., Ovchinnikov A. N. 2015. Effect of photoperiod on adult size and weight in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Europ J. Entomol. 112 (4) doi: 10.14411/eje.2015.081

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Vinogradova E.B., Reznik S.Ya. 2015. Influence of constant and changing temperatures on larval development of Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 79 (1): 149-154.

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Voinovich N. D., Reznik S. Ya. & Vaghina,N. P. 2015. Maternal thermal effect on diapause in Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). J. Appl. Entomol. doi: 10.1111/jen.12214.

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Reznik S. Ya., Dolgovskaya M. Y., Ovchinnikov A. N., Belyakova N. A. 2015. Weak photoperiodic response facilitates the biological invasion of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 139 (4): 241-249.

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Akhanaev, Y. B., Berim, M. N., Reznik  S. Ya., Saulich, A. K., Frolov, A. N. 2014. On the temperature tolerance of diapausing prepupae of the beet webworm Loxostege sticticalis L.(Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea: Crambidae). Entomological Review 94 (7): 925-929.

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Volkovitsh, M. G., Dolgovskaya, M. Y., Korotyaev, B. A., Reznik  S. Ya., Gassmann, A. 2014. Factors influencing the population density of the weevil Microplontus millefolii Schze.(Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae) in the environs of St. Petersburg. Entomological Review 94 (9): 1218-1228

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Reznik  S. Ya., Ovchinnikov, A. N. 2014. Cumulative induction of diapause in successive generations of Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological review 94 (2): 149-156.

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Sugonyaev, E. S., Balakhnina, I. V., Doroshenko, T. N., Yakovuk, V. A., Shevchenko, O. S., Vasilyeva, L. A., & Pasternak, I. N. 2014. Species diversity and abundance of zoophages as a basic resource of the ecological pest management program for suppression of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.)(Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and secondary arthropod pests in the apple orchard agroecosystems of southern Russia. Entomological Review 94 (8): 1073-1090.

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Ovtshinnikova O.G., Wang Zhiliang, Ovchinnikov A.N.,  Wang Xinli., Krivokhatsky V.A. 2014. Description of the larva and biological notes on Vermiophis taihangensis Yang et Chen (Diptera: Vermileonidae) from China.  Zootaxa 3790 (3): 487–494.

Pazyuk I. M., Musolin D. L., Reznik S. Ya. 2014. Geographic variation in thermal and photoperiodic effects on development of zoophytophagous plant bug Nesidiocoris tenuis. J. Appl. Entomol. 138 (1-2): 36-44.

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Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D., Reznik S.Ya. 2014. Maternal thermal and photoperiodic effects on the progeny diapause in Trichogramma telengai Sorokina (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Entomol. Sci. 17 (2): 198–206.

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Akhanaev Y. B., Berim M. N., Jiang X., Kutcherov D. A., Luo L., Malysh Y. M., Reznik S. Ya., A. Kh. Saulich, V. A. Sobolev, Yu. S. Tokarev, A. N. Frolov, Zhang, L. 2013. Photoperiodic reaction in the beet webworm Loxostege sticticalis L.(Pyraloidea, Crambidae) from eastern and western parts of its Eurasian range. Entomological Review 93 (7): 814-818.

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Vinogradova E. B., & Reznik  S. Ya. 2013. The rate of preimaginal development of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D.(Diptera, Calliphoridae) under field and laboratory conditions. Entomological Review 93 (5): 533-539.

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Vinogradova E. B., Reznik  S. Ya. 2013. Induction of larval diapause in the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D.(Diptera, Calliphoridae) under field and laboratory conditions. Entomological Review 93 (8): 935-941.

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Voinovich, N. D., Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina, N. P. 2013. Variations in the “spontaneous” dynamics of the tendency to diapause among generations of Trichogramma telengai Sor.(Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 93 (8) 942-953.

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Belyakova N.A., Reznik S.Ya. 2013. First record of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in the Caucasus. Europ. J. Entomol. 110 (4): 699–702.

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Vaghina N. P., Reznik  S. Ya., & Voinovich, N. D. (2013). Photoperiodic responses of pupa and adult determining maternal influence on progeny diapause in two species of the genus Trichogramma (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 93(1): 1-8.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina N. P. 2013. Effects of photoperiod and diet on diapause tendency, maturation and fecundity in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 137 (6): 452-461.

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 Voinovich N.D., Vaghina N.P., Reznik S.Ya. 2013. Comparative analysis of maternal and grand-maternal photoperiodic responses of Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Europ. J. Entomol. 110 (3): 451–460.

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Vinogradova E. B., Ivshina, E. V., Shaikevich, E. V. 2013. A study of the mosquito Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) population structure in the transcaucasia using molecular identification methods. Entomological Review 93 (1): 14-18.


Voinovich N. D., Vaghina N. P., Reznik  S. Ya. 2013. Effects of cold shock on host egg parasitization by females of Trichogramma buesi Voegele (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 93 (4): 405-411.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina N. P., Vasiljev A. L. 2013. Photo-thermal regulation of diapause in Trichogramma piceum Djur.(Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 93 (1): 9-13.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D. 2012. Multigenerational maternal effect on diapause induction in Trichogramma species (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Biocontrol Sci. Techn. 22 (4): 429-445.

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Reznik  S. Ya. 2011. Host plant population density and distribution pattern as factors limiting geographic distribution of the ragweed leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F.(Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Entomological Review 91 (3): 292-300.

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Reznik S. Ya. 2011. Ecological and evolutionary aspects of photothermal regulation of diapause in Trichogramma. Zhurnal evoliutsionnoĭ biokhimii i fiziologii 47 (6): 434.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina, N. P., Voinovich, N. D. 2011. Effects of previous experience and age-related changes on host eggs parasitization by Trichogramma buesi Voegele (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) females. Entomological Review 91 (3): 281-291.

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Reznik  S. Ya., Vaghina, N. P., Voinovich, N. D. 2011. On the direct influence of photoperiod on diapause in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 91 (3), 301-305.

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Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D., Vaghina N.P. 2011. Maternal regulation of Trichogramma embryophagum Htg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) diapause: Photoperiodic sensitivity of adult females. Biol. Contr. 57 (2): 158–162.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2011. Photoperiodic control of development and reproduction in Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Europ. J. Entomol. 108 (3): 385–390.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D. 2011. Maternal influence on diapause induction in Trichogramma (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae): the dynamics of photosensitivity. J. Appl. Entomol. 135 (6): 438-445.

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Vinogradova E. B. 2011. The sex structure of the larval populations of the urban mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens f. molestus Forskal (Diptera, Culicidae) in St. Petersburg. Entomological Review 91 (6): 729-734




Reznik  S. Ya. 2010. On the effects of diet and photoperiod on Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) larval development. Entomological Review, 90 (4): 411-414.

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Sugonyaev E. S., Doroshenko T. N., Yakovuk V. A., Balakhnina I. V., Shevchenko O. S. 2010. Principles of formation of the environment friendly program of management of arthropod pests and their enemies in an apple orchard agroecosystem in the North Caucasus. Entomological Review 90 (7): 799-810.

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Reznik S. 2009. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Russia: spread, distribution, abundance, harmfulness, and control measures. Ambroisie, the first International ragweed review. 26: 88-97.

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Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D., Vaghina N.P. 2009. Effect of temperature on the reproduction and development of Trichogramma buesi (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). European J. of Entomology, 106 (4): 535-544.

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Reznik S. Ya., Voinovich N. D. and Karpova S. G. 2009. Daily rhythms in parasitization of the Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) eggs by the egg parasitoid Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) females. Entomological Review 89 (1): 5–15.

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Sugonyaev E.S. 2009. Principles and methods of rice lepidopteroid pest and its enemy management (PEM) programme in North Vietnam. In: R.Peshin, A.K. Dhawan (eds.) Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact. Springer, p.383-394

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Sugonyaev E.S. 2009. IPM programmes in Commonwealth of Independent States and Russia. In: R.Peshin, A.K. Dhawan (eds.), Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and Impact. Springer, p. 455-479.

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Gnezdilov V.M., Sugonyaev E.S., Artokhin K.S. 2008. Arboridia kakogawana (Matsumura) (Hemiptera Cicadellidae Typhlicybinae): a new pest of grapewine in southern Russia. Redia, XCI, 51-54.


Reznik S.Ya., Spasskaya I.A., Dolgovskaya M.Y., Volkovitsh M.G. and Zaitzev V.F. 2008. The ragweed leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Russia: current distribution, abundance, and implication for biological control of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. In: Proc. of the XII Intern. Symp. On Biological Control of Weeds (eds. Julien M.H. et al.). CABI, Wallingford, UK. P. 614-619.

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Volkovitsh M.G.; Dolgovskaya M.Yu.; Reznik S.Ya.; Cristofaro M.; Tronci C.; Markin G.P. 2008. Sphenoptera foveola (Buprestidae) as a potential agent for biological control of skeletonweed, Chondrilla juncea. In: Proc. of the XII Intern. Symp. On Biological Control of Weeds (eds. Julien M.H. et al.). CABI, Wallingford, UK. P. 227-231.


Reznik S.Ya., N.P.Vaghina, N.D.Voinovich. 2008. Diapause induction in Trichogramma embryophagum Htg. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae): the dynamics of thermosensitivity. J. Appl. Entomol. 132: 502-509

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Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D., Vaghina N.P., Karpova S.G. 2008. Arrhythmic adult ecdysis but rhythmic emergence from the host chorion in Trichogramma embryophagum. European J. Entomol. 105: 81-85.

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Moriyama Y., Sakamoto T., Karpova S.G., Matsumoto A, Noji S., Tomioka K. 2008. RNA interference of the clock gene period disrupts circadian rhythms in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 23 (4): 308-318.


Invanov M.F., Reznik S.Ya. 2008. Photoperiodic regulation of the diapause of the progeny in Trichogramma embryophagum Htg. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae): dynamics of sensitivity to photoperiod at the immature stages of maternal females. Entomological Review 88 (3): 261–268.

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Reznik S.Ya.2008. Geoclimatic analysis of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) and the ragweed leaf beetle (Zygogramma suturalis F.) distribution ranges. In: Abstracts of International conference on Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring, and forecasting the major weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops (St.Petersburg, 12-16 May 2008). P. 81.

Reznik S.Ya.2008. Insect host specificity as a component of computer databases. In: Abstracts of International conference on Information systems of diagnostics, monitoring, and forecasting the major weed plants, pests and diseases of agricultural crops (St.Petersburg, 12-16 May 2008). P. 82-83.


Widmer T.L., Guermache F., Dolgovskaia M.Yu., Reznik S.Ya. 2007. Enhanced growth and seed properties in introduced vs. native populations of yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis). Weed Science 55: 565-473.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2007. Effect of photoperiod on parasitization by Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). European J. Entomol. 104 (4): 705-713.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2007.Effect of experience on response of Trichogramma buesi Voeg. and T. principium Sug. et Sor. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) females to different ages of host eggs. Entomological Review 87 (1): 1-10.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P., Voinovich N.D., Karpova S.G. 2007. Egg retention as risk-spreading in Trichogramma Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry. July 6-8 2007, Okayama, Japan. Abstract Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B. Vol. 148 No. 3. P. 340

Sugonyaev E.S., Monastyrski A.L. 2007. Ecological bases of integrated control of rice pests populations in the Northern Vietnam. V. Peculiarities of population size dynamics of Lepidopteran rice pests in Red River delta. Entomological Review 86 (2): 267-287.

Sugonyaev E.S. 2007. Chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) – parasitoids of soft scale (Homoptera, Coccidae) in Vietnam. New unusual species of Coccophagus Westwood (Aphelinidae). Entomological Review 85 (3): 676-679.

Karpova S., Tomioka K.. 2007. After-effects of temperature entrainment on the circadian locomotor rhythm in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. Vol. 148 No. 3. P. 353. (Proc. Ann. Meet. JSCPB, Okayama, Japan, 2007).

Vinogradova E.B., Shaikevich E.V., Ivanitsky A.V. 2007. A study of the distribution of the Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes in the European part of Russia by molecular methods of identification. Comparative Cytogenetics. 1 (2): 129-138.


Vinogradova E.B. 2007. Diapause in aquatic insects, with an emphasis on mosquitoes. In: V. R. Alekseev et al. (eds.), Diapause in Aquatic Invertebrates. Springer. pp. 83-113.

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Karpova S., Tomioka K. 2006. Temperature entrainment of circadian locomotor rhythm in cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) after removal of optic lobes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B. Vol. 145 No. 3-4. P. 406 (Proc. Ann. Meet. JSCPB, 2006, Hamamatsu, Japan)

Karpova S., Tomioka K. 2006. Effect of optic lobectomy on the thermoperiodic entrainment of circadian locomotor activity rhythm in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Proc. of the Chugoku-Shikoku Branch of the Zool. Soc. of Japan (Matsuyama, Japan, 2006). No. 58. P. 15.

Karpova S., Tomioka K. 2006. Multioscillatory control of locomotor activity in the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus: evidences for a circadian oscillator outside the optic lobes. Zool. Science. Vol.23. No.12. P.1193 (Proc. Ann. Meet. Zool. Soc. Jap., Matsue, Japan, 2006).

Karpova S., Tomioka K. 2006. Entrainment of circadian locomotor rhythm to temperature cycles in the cricket. J. Chronobiol. Vol.12. No.2. P.78. (Proc 13th Ann. Meet. Jap. Soc. Chronobiol. (Tokyo, Japan, 2006).

Karpova. S. G. 2006. The role of endogenous and exogenous factors in regulation of synchronous emergence of Trichogramma embryophagum Hartig and T. principium Sug. et Sor.(Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review. Vol. 86 (3). pp. 252-263

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Vinogradova E.B. and Karpova S.G. 2006. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on the autogeny rate, fecundity and wing length in the urban mosquito, Culex pipiens pipiens f. molestus (Diptera, Culicidae). International Journal of Dipterological Researches. Vol.17 (1). pp. 3-12

Reznik S.Ya., Klyueva N.Z. 2006. Egg retention and dispersal activity in Trichogramma principium. Journal of Insect Science. 6 (16): 1-6.

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Hattendorf J., Hansen S.O., Reznik S.Ya., Nentwig W. 2006. Herbivore impact versus host size preference: endophagous insects on Heracleum mantegazzianum in its native range. Environ. Entomol.35: 1013-1020.

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Hansen S.O., Hattendorf J., Wittenberg R., Reznik S.Ya., Nielsen Ch., Ravn H.P., Nentwig W. 2006. Phytophagous insects of giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum (Apiaceae) in invaded areas of Europe and in its native area of the Caucasus. Europ. J. Entomol. 103: 387-395.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2006. Dynamics of Fat Content during Induction and Termination of "Trophic Diapause" in Harmonia sedecimnotata Fabr. Females (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae). Entomological Review, 86: 125-132.

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2006. Heat Shock Influences on Parasitization of the Angoumois Grain Moth Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) Eggs by the Egg Parasitoid Trichogramma principium Sug. et Sor. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) Females. Entomological Review 86: 861-865)

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Reznik S.Ya., Vaghina N.P. 2006. Temperature Effects on Induction of Parasitization by Females of Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review, 86:133-138.

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Anisimov A.I., Sugonyaev E.S. 2006. General entomology. Course of study. Part 1. S.-Pb. Agrarian Univ. Saint-Petersburg. 184 pp.

Klyueva N. Z., Ryzhov D. B., Karpova S. G. and Reznik S. Ya. 2005. Influence of Phenybut on Regulation of Daily Rhythm of Adult Eclosion in Trichogramma embryophagum Htg. (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) Entomological Review 85 (4): 347–351.

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Vinogradova E.B2005. Influence of carbohydrate diet, photoperiodic and temperature conditions on the manifestation of autogeny in the house mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens f. molestus (Diptera, Culicidae). Entomol. Review 84 (2): 256-261.

Monastyrski A.L., Sugonyaev E.S. 2005. Ecological bases of integrated control of rice pests populations in the Northern Vietnam. IV. Method for collection and samples analysis for estimation of damage causing by pyralid moths, the rice pests. Entom. Rev. 84 (3): 492-510.

Sugonyaev E.S. 2005. Fauna of chalcid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) infesting soft scale (Homoptera, Coccidae) in Vietnam IX. New species of Microterys Thomson, Anicetus Howard, Metaphycus Mercet and Prochiloneurus Silvestrincyrtidae genera (Encyrtidae), with notes on taxonomy. Entom. Rev. 84 (1): 196-208.


Reznik S.Ya., Volkovitsh M.G., Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Cristofaro M., 2004. Introduction of the ragweed leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) into Russia for biological control of common ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae) as a model of biological invasion. Abstr. of Neobiota, 3rd International Conference on Biological Invasions (Bern, Switzerland, 30 September - 1 October 2004). P. 111.

Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Konstantinov A., Reznik S.Ya., Spencer N., Volkovitsh M.G. 2004. Flea beetles associated with purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, in Russia. Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Canberra, Australia, 27 April – 2 May 2003). P. 96-101.

Cristofaro M., Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Konstantinov A., Lecce F., Reznik S.Ya., Smith L., Tronci C., Volkovitsh M.G. 2004. Psylliodes chalcomerus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), a flea beetle candidate for biological control of yellow starthistle Centaurea solstitialis. Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Canberra, Australia, 27 April – 2 May 2003). P. 75-80.

Zaitzev V.F., Reznik S.Ya., Volkovitsh M.G., Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Konstantonov A., Spencer N. 2004. Prospects for the search for weed biocontrol agents in Russia. Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Canberra, Australia, 27 April – 2 May 2003). P. 203-207.

Reznik S.Ya., Kats T.S. 2004. Exogenous and endogenous factors inducing diapause in Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 84 (9): 963–970.

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Vinogradova E.B. and Petrova N.A. 2004. The first finding of synanthropic population of Chironomus riparius Mg. 1804 (Diptera, Chironomidae) in flooded basements in St. Petersburg and some of its biological and karyologycal peculiarities. Entomol. Review 83(2): 334-346.


Reznik S.Ya., Umarova T.Ya, Voinovich N.D. 2003. Egg retention in Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae): learning or diapause? Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem. 67 (1): 25-33.

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Voinovich N.D., Umarova T.Ya, Kats T.S., Reznik S.Ya. 2003. Variation of the photoperiodic reaction in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 83 (7): 779–782.

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Vinogradova E.B. 2003. Ecophysiological and morphological variations in mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex (Diptera, Culicidae). Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem 67(1): 41-50.

Vinogradova E.B., Petrova N.A. 2003. Synanthropization in Chironomids: Chironomus riparius as an example. Proc. Zool. Inst. RAS 299: 187-196.

Sugonyaev E.S., Voinovich N.D.2003. On geographical distribution and feeding of herbivorous chalcid wasps from Mongolocampinae Sug. subfamily (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Tetracampidae) inhabiting Nitraria, with preimaginal stages description. Entom. Rev. 82(2): 310-320.


Karpova S.G., Reznik S.Ya. 2002. Masking effect of light and temperature on the daily rhythm of adult eclosion in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Insect Photoperiodism and Rhythmicity (Abstracts of 2nd Czech-Japanese Seminar on Entomology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, August 5-8, 202). P. 11.

Vinogradova E.B., Reznik S.Ya., Erlykova N.N. 2002. Endogenous factors in diapause regulation in species with different types of seasonal development. Insect Photoperiodism and Rhythmicity (Abstracts of 2nd Czech-Japanese Seminar on Entomology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, August 5-8, 202). P. 23.

Vinogradova E.B. and; Reznik S.Ya. 2002. Influence of single stepwise change in photoperiod and of female age on larval diapause in the blowfly Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Entomological Review 82 (9): 1190–1196.

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Voinovich N.D., Umarova T.Ya, Kats T.S., Reznik S.Ya. 2002. The role of endogenic factors in diapause induction in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 82 (9): 1233–1237.

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Vinogradova E.B., Reznik S.Ya., Erlykova N.N. 2002. The importance of endogenous factors in the regulation of insect seasonal development. Abstracts of XII Congress of Russian Entomological Society (St.Petersburg, 19-24 August 2002). P. 63.

Karpova S.G., Reznik S.Ya. 2002. Interaction of exogenous factors (light and temperature) in their influence on the daily pattern of adult eclosion in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Europ. J. Entomol. 99: 427-436.

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Reznik S.Ya, Kats T.S., Umarova T.Ya. and; Voinovich N.D. 2002. Maternal age and endogenous variation in maternal influence on photoperiodic response in the progeny diapause in Trichogramma embryophagum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Europ. J. Entomol. 99: 175-181.


Sugonyaev E.S . 2002. Fauna of chalcid wasps infesting soft scale insects (Homoptera, Coccidae) in Vietnam. VIII. Tonkinecyrtus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov., a new genus and species of Encyrtidae family. Entom. Rev. 81(2): 723-725.

Sugonyaev E.S. 2002. On the character of parasitism of the Apocrita (Hymenoptera). Proc. Zoological Institute RAS, Vol 296, P. 151-156.


Reznik S.Ya, Voinovich N.D.,Umarova T.Ya. 2001. Comparative behavioral analysis of females manifesting oviposition and egg retention in Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 81 (8): 895–903.

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Reznik S.Ya, Voinovich N.D.,Umarova T.Ya. 2001. Long-term egg retention and parasitization in Trichogramma principium. J. Appl. Entomol. 125: 169-175.

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Vinogradova E.B. 2001 Experimental study of the choice of oviposition place by the urban mosquito, Culex pipiens pipiens (f. molestus) (Diptera, Culicidae). Int. J. Dipterol. Res 12(1): 3-7.


Vinogradova E.B., Reznik S.Ya. 2000. Influence of female age on progeny larval diapause in the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Entomological Review 80 (2): 185-189

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Vinogradova E.B.,Reznik S.Ya. 2000. Endogenous change of the tendency to larval diapause in laboratory generation sequences of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina R.-D. (Diptera, Calliphoridae). Intern. J. Dipterological Res. 11: 3-8.

Reznik S.Ya. 2000. What we learned from the failure of the ragweed leaf beetle in Russia. In: Spencer, N.R. (ed.). Proc. of the X Intern. Symp. on Biological Control of Weeds (4-14.07.1999, Montana, USA). pp. 195-196.

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Vinogradova E.B. 2000. Mosquitoes Culex pipiens pipiens: taxonomy, distribution, ecology, physiology, genetics and control. PenSoft, Sofia. 280 pp.

Volkovitsh M., Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Reznik S. and Cristofaro M. 2000. The life history and biology of Aphthona russica sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae), a potential biological control agent of leafy spurge. In: Spencer, N.R. (ed.). Proc. of the X Intern. Symp. on Biological Control of Weeds (4-14.07.1999, Montana, USA). pp. 113-116.

Dolgovskaya M.Yu., S.A.Podlipaev, S.Ya.Reznik M.G.Volkovitch, A.Pilgeram, D.C.Sands. 2000. Preliminary results of the screening of Euphorbia esula pathogens collected in Russia. In: Spencer, N.R. (ed.). Proc. of the X Intern. Symp. on Biological Control of Weeds (4-14.07.1999, Montana, USA). pp. 533-535.


Erlykova N.N. 1999. Effect of photoperiod and maternal age on the progeny pattern of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera, Aphididae) from the Volga area. Entomological Review 79(9): 1098-1106).

Voinovich N.D., Umarova T.Ya. Reznik S.Ya. 1999. Host spatial pattern influences induction of parasitization by Trichogramma. Eur. J. Entomol. 96:369-373.

Zaslavski V.A., Zinovjeva K.B., Umarova T.Ya. and; Reznik S.Ya. 1999. Interaction of circadian rhythm synchronized by photoperiod and thermoperiod with direct influence of light and temperature in adults eclosion rhythm determination in two species of the genus Trichogramma (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 79: 1-10.

Voinovich N.D., Umarova T.Ya. and; Reznik S.Ya. 1999. Host spatial pattern influences induction of parasitization by Trichogramma. Europ. J. Entomol. 96:369-373.

Sugonyaev E. S., Voinovich N. D. 1999 Peculiarities of parasitism of chalcids on soft scales. VII. Blastothrix truncatipennis Ferriere, a parasite of Eulecanium douglasi Sulc in high latitudes. Entom. Rev. 78 (3): 545-554.


Reznik S.Ya, Voinovich, N.D. and; Umarova T.Ya. 1998. Egg retention in the presence of a host in Trichogramma females J. Appl. Entomol. 122: 555-559.

Vinogradova E.B. 1998. Intrapopulation variation of the siphonal index in the larvae of the north house mosquito, Culex pipiens pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae). J. Dipterol, 9(1): 15-21.


Reznik S.Ya., Umarova T.Ya. and; Voinovich N.D. 1997. The influence of previous host age on current host acceptance in Trichogramma. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 82: 153-157.


Reznik S.Ya., Voinovich N.D.,Umarova T.Ya. 1997. Carbohydrate suppresses parasitization and induces egg retention in Trichogramma. Biocontrol Science and; Technology. 7: 271-274.

Sugonyaev E. S., Monastyrski A. L. 1997. An introduction in Ecological Integrated Lepidopteroid Rice Pest Management in North Vietnam. Russian - Vietnamese Tropical Centre publ., Hanoi, 291 pp.

Sugonyaev E. S. 1996. A fauna of chalcid-wasps (Hym., Chalc.) in Vietnam. IV. New species from the genera Microteris Thoms. and Metaphycus Mercet (Encyrtidae) partly inhabiting in ant nest, with notes on their morphology. Entomological Review 75(2): 417-425.

Reznik S.Ya. 1996. Classical biocontrol of weeds in crop rotation: a story of failure and prospects for success. Proc. IX Intern. Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Stellenbosch, South Africa). Ed. by V.C.Moran and J.H.Hoffman. P. 503-506.


Reznik S.Ya. 1996. The Ambrosia - Zygogramma host plant - phytophagous insect system. In: P.D.S.Caligari and; D.J.N.Hind (eds.). Compositae: Biology and Utilization. Proc. of the Intern. Compositae Conference, Kew, 1994. Vol. 2. pp. 237-244.


Zinovjeva K.B., Reznik S.Ya., Zaslavski V.A. Umarova T.Ya. 1996. Effect of photoperiod and thermoperiod on the eclosion rhythm of adults of Alysia manducator (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) and Trichogramma evanescens (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae). Entomological Review 76: 1244-1250).

Podlipaev S.A., Reznik S.Ya., Dolgovskaya M.Yu, Volkovitsh M.G. and; Sands D. 1996. Fusarium strains isolated from Papaver spp. in the former Soviet Union. Abstr. of First Intern. Fusarium Biocontrol Workshop, October 28-31, 1996. College Park, MD, USA. P. 11.

Reznik S.Ya., Volkovitsh M.G., Podlipaev S.A., Dolgovskaya M.Yu and; Sands D. 1996. Biocontrol of Papaver somniferum and Cannabis sativa in Russia with Fusarium: field evaluation. Abstr. of First Intern. Fusarium Biocontrol Workshop, October 28-31, 1996. College Park, MD, USA. P. 45.

Dolgovskaya M.Yu, Podlipaev S.A., Reznik S.Ya, Volkovitch M.G., McCarthy M. and; Sands D. 1996. Screening of fungal pathogens for the control of Papaver somniferum in the former Soviet Union. Proc. IX Intern. Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds (Stellenbosch, South Africa). Ed. by V.C.Moran and J.H.Hoffman. P. 543.

Vinogradova E.B., Reznik S.Ya. and; Kuprijanova E.S. 1996. Ecological and geographical variations in the siphonal index of Culex pipiens larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). Bull. Entomol. Res. 86: 281-287.

Vinogradova E.B., Pantyukhov G.A., Bratchikova N.Yu. 1996. Environmental control of reproductive diapause in the leaf beetle, Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae).Folia Biologica (Krakow) 44(1-2): 68-72.

Vinogradova E.B., Pantyukhov G.A. 1996. Adult diapause and its physiological characteristic in the ragweed leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae), introduced in Russia from North America. Folia Biologica (Krakow) 44(3-4): 138-141.


Zaslavski V.A., Zinovjeva K.B., Reznik S.Ya. and; Umarova T.Ya. 1995. Effect of photoperiod and thermoperiod on the eclosion rhythm of Trichogramma evanescens. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 74: 99-104.

Sugonyaev E. S.1995. Ant nest on living plants in the Tropic as a refuge for soft scale insects (Hom., Cocc.) protecting them from attacks of chalcidoid parasites (Hym., Chalc.). - Entomological Review 75(3): 120-127.


Sugonyaev E. S.1994. Cotton pest management: part 5. A Commonwealth of Independent States perspective.- Ann. Rev. Entomol., 39: 579-592.

Reznik S.Ya., Belokobylski S.A. and; Lobanov A.L. 1994. Weed and herbivorous insect population densities at the broad spatial scale: Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). J. Appl. Entomol. 118: 1-9.

Dolgovskaya M.Yu., Podlipaev S.A., Reznik S.Ya. and; Volkovitsh M.G. 1994. Preliminary results of the isolation of pathogenic fungi associated with Eurasian Water Milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum L. in the former Soviet Union. Abstracts of 9th International Symposium of Aquatic Weeds. (Dublin, Irish Republic, 12-16 September 1994). p.13.


Reznik S.Ya. 1993. Influence of target plant density on herbivorous insect oviposition choice: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae) and Zygogramma suturalis F. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Biocontrol Science and; Technology 3: 105-113.

Reznik S.Ya. 1993. Seasonal changes in ovipositional selectivity in the monophagous leaf beetle Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). European J. Entomol. 90: 295-301.


Reznik S.Ya., Chernoguz D.G. and; Zinovjeva, K.B. 1992. Host searching, oviposition preferences and optimal synchronization in Alysia manducator (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the blowfly, Calliphora vicina. Oikos 65: 81-88.


Reznik S.Ya. 1991. The effects of feeding damage in ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae) on populations of Zygogramma suturalis (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Oecologia, 88: 204-210.


Reznik S.Ya. and; Umarova T.Ya. 1991. Host population density influence on host acceptance in Trichogramma. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 58: 49-54.



Reznik S.Ya. and; Umarova T.Ya. 1990. The influence of host's age on the selectivity of parasitism and fecundity of Trichogramma. Entomophaga. 35 31-37.

Sugonyaev E. S.1990. Phenology of coccid - a basis of adaptive strategies of wasp parasites in the Northern Hemisphere (Hom., Cocc. - Hym., Chalc.). - Proc. VIth Internat. Symp.Ins. Scale Stud., Krakow, Agr. Univ. publ. pp. 135 - 137.