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Heteroptera of the Kuril Islands: material collected by the International Expedition 1994-1999 and updated checklist

I.M. Kerzhner, E.V. Kanyukova, Yu.M. Marusik, B.K. Urbain, M. Nakamura & A.S. Lelej

Abstract. A faunal list of Heteroptera collected in the Kuril Islands by the American participants of the International Expedition in 1994-1999 and by the Russian participants in 1996-1997 is given. Of the 121 species reported, seven are new to the fauna of the archipelago and many are recorded for the first time from particular islands, especially from Northern and Middle Kurils and smaller islands of the Habomai group. An updated list of Heteroptera of the Kuril Islands (236 species) is given. The distribution of species in the archipelago is briefly discussed.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2003, 12(2): 231–242  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 20 мая 2004 г.

https://doi.org/10.31610/zsr/2003.12.2.231  ▪  Открыть полную статью  


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