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Type specimens of Palaearctic Miridae and Nabidae in the collection of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Heteroptera)

I.M. Kerzhner & A. Matocq

Abstract. A list of type specimens is given (except most species of Miridae described in the last 50 years and species of Nabidae for which data on types in Paris have been recently published). Lectotypes for 155 nominal species-group taxa (151 in Miridae and 4 in Nabidae) are designated. New synonymies in Miridae: Atractotomus mali (Meyer-Dür, 1843) = A. vireti Wagner, 1955; Macrotylus nigricornis Fieber, 1864 = Miris fuscicornis Brullé, 1839 (nomen oblitum); Macrotylus nigripes (Puton, 1874), stat. n. = M. paykullii var. nigripes = M. interpositus Wagner, 1951; Orthotylus salsolae Reuter, 1875 = O. rubidus f. fuscescens Stichel, 1933. Cyphodemidea Reuter, 1903 is transferred from Deraeocorini to Mirini. Some characters to recognize Fieber’s and Reuter’s types in the collection are indicated.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1994, 3(1): 55–68  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 24 августа 1994 г.



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