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The phylogeny, classification and zoogeography of the class Priapulida. I. Phylogeny and classification

A.V. Adrianov & V.V. Malakhov

Abstract. The class Priapulida consists of six orders (Selkirkiomorpha, Ottoiomorpha, Priapulomorpha, Halicryptomorpha, Meiopriapulomorpha and Seticoronaria), seven families, ten genera, and 7 macrobenthic and 9 meiobenthic species. Selkirkiomorpha and Ottoiomorpha are composed of only fossil priapulids from the Middle Cambrian. Recent priapulids have the loricated larva in the postembryonic development. The phylogenetic conclusions and classification are based on the external morphology of the introvert, neck, trunk, and tail. Plesiomorphic and apomorphic states of most characters are summarized for Priapulida. A scheme of phylogenetic relationships within Priapulida and a revised classification of the class are proposed. Modified diagnoses of the class, orders, families and genera are given.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1995, 4(2): 219–238  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 11 октября 1996 г.



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