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Taxonomic notes on some recently described Eocene Glires (Mammalia)

A.O. Averianov

Abstract. Hypsimylus beijingensis Zhai, 1977 (Eurymylidae) from the Eocene of China is considered as Lagomorpha incertae familiae. Shamolagus ninae Gabunia, 1984 (Palaeolagidae) from the early Eocene of Kazakhstan is excluded from the genus Shamolagus Burke, 1941, considered as a nomen dubium and referred to Lagomorpha incertae familiae. Bulatia aksyirica Gabunia & Shevyreva, 1994 (Mixodontia incertae sedis) from the middle Eocene of Kaszakhstan is considered as a nomen dubium and reffered to Mammalia incertae ordinis. Anatolmylus rozhdestvenskii Averianov, 1994 (Mimotonidae) and Romanolagus hekkeri Shevyreva, 1995 (Palaeolagidae), both from the early Eocene Andarak 2 locality in Kirghizia, are considered as junior subjective synonyms of Anatolimys rozhdestvenskii Shevyreva, 1994 (Eurymylidae) described from the same locality; this species actually belongs to Mimotonidae. Accordingly, Anatolimys Shevyreva, 1994 = Anatolmylus Averianov, 1994 = Romanolagus Shevyreva, 1995 (new synonymy). Annalagus margarita Shevyreva, 1996 (Palaeolagidae) is considered as a nomen dubium and reffered to the family “Mytonolagidae”. Dituberolagus venustus Tong, 1997 (?Leporidae) from the middle Eocene of China is provisionally reffered to Mimotonidae.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1998, 7(1): 205–208  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 25 июня 1998 г.

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