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On the classification of the weevil tribe Oxyonychini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

B.A. Korotyaev

Abstract. The genus Suboxyonyx Hoffmann, 1956 is transfeerred to Ceutorhynchini. A new subgenus Aferonyx is erected in the genus Pseudoxyonyx Hoffmann, 1956 for Pseudoxyonyx pici (Schultze, 1900) (type species), comb. n. (from Notoxyonyx Colonnelli, 1995) and P. cailloli (Peyerimhoff, 1919), comb. n. (from Paroxyonyx Hustache, 1931). A key to species of the subgenus Aferonyx is provided. The following new synonymies are established: Platygasteronyx solskyi (Faust, 1885) = P. dieckmanni Bajtenov, 1982, Protoxyonyx subfenestratus (Voss, 1967) = P. mesasiaticus Korotyaev, 1982.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1998, 7(1): 177–180  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 25 июня 1998 г.

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Bajtenov, M.S. 1982. Neue Arten und geographische Neuigkeiten über die Rüsselkäfer (Col., Curculionidae) aus der Paläarktis. Entomol. Nachrichten, 26(1): 33-35.

Colonnelli, E. 1995. Key to the genera of Ceutorhynchinae living on Ephedra, with description of a new genus and two new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Koleopterol. Rundschau, 65: 203-220.

Korotyaev, B.A. 1982. Review of weevils of the subtribe Oxyonycina Hoffm. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) living on Ephedra, from the USSR and Mongolia. Trudy zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 110: 45-81. (In Russian.)

Korotyaev, B.A. 1990. Material on the fauna of beetles of the superfamily Curculionoidea (Coleoptera) of Mongolia and adjacent countries. Nasekomye Mongolii,11: 216-234. (In Russian.)

Korotyaev, B.A. 1995. Material on weevils of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Palaearctic. Entomol. Obozr., 74(2): 378-423. (In Russian).

Korotyaev, B.A. & Cholokava, A.O. 1989. Review of weevils of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of the fauna of Georgia. Entomol. Obozr., 68(1): 154-177. (In Russian). See also English translation: Entomol. Rev., 68(4): 117-140.

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