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Phylogeny and higher classification of Ephemeroptera

N.Ju. Kluge

Abstract. The order Ephemeroptera is divided into Permoplectoptera and Euplectoptera; Euplectoptera are divided into two holophyletic taxa-Posteritorna and Anteritorna; Anteritorna are divided into Tridentiseta (which is possibly a paraphyletic group) and a holophyletic taxon Bidentiseta; Bidentiseta are divided into Branchitergaliae and Furcatergaliae. Characters of these taxa are described and discussed, together with characters of higher taxa in Ephemeroptera suggested by other authors.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1998, 7(2): 255–269  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 27 ноября 1998 г.

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