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Larval characters and their ontogenetic development in Fulgoroiidea (Homoptera, Cicadina)

A.F. Emeljanov

Abstract. Special larval characters and characters undergoing age-dependent development are considered: sensory pits, placs, spinulation on tibiae and tarsi, and wax-pore plates. For sensory pits, the pattern of arrangement and orientation in relation to the body axis, order of multiplication from instar to instar, and evolutionary trends are considered in various taxonomic groups, which were already investigated (Dictyopharidae, Delphacidae). A hypothetical groundplan of sensory pits arrangement is proposed and its deviation in various tagma and segments is presented. Hypotheses of the arrangement of placs and the sequence of their age tu age multiplication are discussed. Characteristics of the arrangement and development of spines on tibiae and tarsi are given. A hypothesis of reversible fusion of thick seta with its high socle is proposed. Macroevolutionary system of transformations of spine groups on tibiae and tarsi, which is open to diverse reorganization, including reversions (morpholocycle), is reviewed and demonstrated. Some characteristics of the arrangement of abdominal wax-pore plates and trends in their evolution are discovered. The importance of investigation of larval development in Fulgoroidea for taxonomic and phylogenetic purposes is stated.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2000, 9(1): 101–121  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 16 апреля 2001 г.

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