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A taxonomic review of Hemiaulax, Idiomelas and Egaploa with description of two new species of Stenolophus from South East Asia (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

B.M. Kataev

Abstract. Distinguishing features of Hemiaulax Bates (1 species), Idiomelas Tschitsch. (2 species) and Egaploa Alluaud (2 species) are given. Idiomelas is treated as a separate genus different from Hemiaulax, and Egaploa as a subgenus of Idiomelas. Hemiaulax dentipennis Bates and 4 species of the genus Idiomelas are redescibed, I. (Egaploa) fulvipes indus ssp. n. from Nepal and India is described, and a key to species of the genus Idiomelas is provided. Some aspects of phylogeny of Idiomelas are discussed. In additon, Stenolophus (Astenolophus) rufoabdominalis sp. n. from China (Yunnan) and North Vietnam and S. (Egadroma) mjobergi sp. n. from Indonesia (Sumatra) and Thailand are described.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1997, 6(1/2): 237–254  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 25 декабря 1997 г.

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