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Revised classification of the Calocoris complex and related genera (Heteroptera: Miridae)

V.Ye. Rozenzweig

Abstract. A revision of Calocoris Fieb. on the basis of genital and external characters showed the genus to be heterogeneous and falling into 5 unrelated complexes of genera: 1. Closterotomus Fieb., stat. rest. (= Poecilonotus Reut., syn. n.; including norwegicus Gmel.) – Reuterista Kirk., stat. rest. (including instabilis Fieb.) – Brachycoleus Fieb. (= Trichocalocoris Wgn., syn. n.); 2. Polemerias Yas. with the singl species C. opacipennis Lindb. (= lonicerae Yas., syn. n.); 3. Thiomiris gen. n. erected for C. sulphureus Reut.; 4. Calocoris Fieb. (= Charitides Kerzh., Macrocalocoris Wgn., synn. n.) – Grypocoris Dgl. & Sc. (with Lophyromiris Wgn. as a subgenus) – Rauniella gen. n. erected for C. ishtar Lnv.; 5. Rhabdomiris Wgn., stat. n. Two new species and one new subspecies (Closterotomus scorzonerae sp. n., Reuterista unicolor sp. n., Brachycoleus pilicornis orientalis ssp. n.) are described. Calocoris angularis Fieb. is a subspecies of C. roseomaculatus De G. C. schmidtii Fieb. belongs to Mermitelocerus Reut., and C. lineolatus Costa to Horwathia Reut., both related to Calocoris. Groups of species are separated within the genera, their interrelatons analysed.

Zoosystematica Rossica, 1997, 6(1/2): 139–169  ▪  Опубликовано в печати 25 декабря 1997 г.

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