Research Collections of the Zoological Institute RAS — Fleas (Siphonaptera)   •   Specimen

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Ctenophthalmus (Palaeoctenophthalmus) fissurus Wagner, 1928

Collection number:


Original label left:

4504 Ctenophthalmus fissura Wagn. ♀ Typus det: J. Wagner

Original label right:

Tiflis V.1909 253-910 K. Satunin

Collection place:




Zoogeographical region:



Satunin K., 05.1909

GenBank catalogue number:


Number of specimens in collection unit:




Ontogenetic stage:


Host organism:


Host sex:


Host age:



Canada balsam

Specimen presence:

in collection

Related publications, remarks:

Wagner J. Uber neue palaearktische Floh-Arten (Aphaniptera). I. Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de l'Acad. des Sciences de l'URSS. 1929 (1928). Т. 30, N 1. S. 21-33. (S. 29, Fig. 8).
S. 29: "2 ♂ und 1 ♀ wurden einem unbekannten Wirte in der Umgegend von Tifiis entnommen (K. Satunin, V.1909)".

Specimen images

General view

Specimen preparation

Taxonomical identifications of specimen

Ctenophthalmus (Palaeoctenophthalmus) fissurus Wagner, 1928 — Wagner J.N., 1928 (Accepted)

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