Research Collections of the Zoological Institute RAS — Sea Cucumbers (Holothuroidea)   •   Specimen

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Semperiella drozdovi Levin et Stepanov, 1999

Collection number:


Original label:

паратип 1 Semperiella drozdovi Levin et Stepanov, 1999 Опр. Левин, Степанов Сбор 23/12/1987 г, Южно-Китайское море, восточн. Вьетнам, зал. Нячанг, о-ва Там, валунно-галечная литораль поступило от В.Г.Степанова 14/03/2001 21/23445

Collection place:

Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, Tam Islands, East Vietnam, western Njachang

Country organizer of expedition:






Depth, m:



pebbles, sand


Stepanov, 14.03.2001

GenBank calatogue number:


Number of specimens in collection unit:


Number of specimens in collection unit:




Specimen presence:

in collection

Related publications, remarks:

Specimen images

General view

General view

Original label

Catalogue card

Catalogue card

Taxonomical identifications of specimen

Semperiella drozdovi Levin et Stepanov, 1999 — 1999 (Accepted)