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Ground beetles of the tribe Cyclosomini (Carabidae): atlas of beetles of Russia

Oleg Berlov

Tribe Cyclosomini, by the modern classification (Bousquet, Larochelle, 1993), includes ground beetles considered to 7 independed tribes (Corsyrini, Masoreini, Aephnidiini, Anaulacini, Discopterini, Sarothrocrepidini и Tetragonoderini) before. 2 genera and 2 species in Russia.

Ground beetles of the tribe Cyclosomini of Russia:

Illustrated index of ground beetles of the tribe Cyclosomini of Russia




КРЫЖАНОВСКИЙ О.Л. 1965: Сем. Carabidae - жужелицы // Определитель насекомых Европейской части СССР, т. II.- Москва-Ленинград, "Наука", с. 72.

КРЫЖАНОВСКИЙ О.Л. 1983: Триба Masoreini // Фауна СССР, Жесткокрылые (Том I, вып. 2).- Ленинград, "Наука", 277-278.

ЯКОБСОН Г.Г. 1905-1916: Триба Aephnidiina (Masoreina) и триба Corsyrina // Жуки России и Западной Европы.- СПб., изд. Девриена, 390-392, Табл. 7, Рис. 31 и Табл. 8, Рис. 5.

BOUSQUET Y. and LAROCHELLE A. 1993: Catalogue of the Geadephaga (Coleoptera: Trachypachidae, Rhysodidae, Carabidae including Cicindelini) of America North of Mexico // Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, No. 167, 1-397.

KRYZHANOVSKIJ O.L. et al. 1995: A Checklist of the ground-beetles of Russia and Adjacent Lands (Coleoptera, Carabidae). - Sofia: Pensoft Series Faunist. 3, 271 pp.