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8-я Международная выставка фотографий живой природы "Царство грибов" (Сербия, 2012)

Dragiša Savić

Приглашаю всех фотомастеров и фотолюбителей сайта принять участие в 8-ой международной выставке, специально посвященной грибам. Жюри готово принять фотографии, запечатлевшие связи грибов с жуками и другими животными. Последний срок присылки файлов фотографий грибов и связанных с ними животных - 10 мая 2012 г.
Еще есть время! Ждем материалы от всех желающих!
Условия описаны ниже.


VIII International Photography Exhibition

"Fungi Kingdom"


Call for entries:


National Park Fruska Gora, Serbia is proud to announce that we are, as part of celebration of European Day of Parks on May 24. 2012. organising photography exhibition on the subject of Fungi of the World.


This exhibition will tour to all major cities in our country and there will be lectures and seminars, all with an ambition to draw attention to various ecological issues and further popularise protection of these species. We strongly believe that this will have more significance and further reaching effects if we take it to the international level.


This is why we would like to invite you to take part in this exhibition and would greatly appreciate you contribution.


This call for entries is open to all amateur and professional photographers and we are welcoming any photographs that feature Fungi from all four corners of the world.


The deadline for sending your work is May 10. 2012.


Each applicant should send no more than 10 digital files via email on  Only one of the files should be in print size (300 dpi, max size 30cm x 40cm). This chosen photograph will be printed on paper, exhibited and used in the production of the catalog. The rest of the files should be 600 pixels (longer side) and they will be used for the web presentation and to produce a CD.


Please write clearly your personal details, such as name, address and website address if applicable. We would like to know where the photographs were taken (locality and country) and if it`s possible latin names of the species featured. We also welcome your observations, impressions and anecdotes concerning Fungi. This is not obligatory and it will not influence our process of selection.


All selected work will be exhibited and all contributors will be fully credited. Please note that this is not a competition and there will be no winners. The photographs donТt have to be artistic, but try to be creative and send your most attractive works. Each photographer will receive a catalog and CD with all selected work (in non-printing resolution) and there will be a presentation of it on website (


Seven previous exibitions "Wonders of dragonflies world", "Through the spiderТs web", "Butterflies and Moths", "Orchid Obsession", "Amphibians and Reptiles", "Beetles and Weevils" and "Birds of prey"  were very successful. You can view the web presentation of it at


I hope to hear from you soon.

Please feel free to forward this email to all your friends and colleagues that work in this field and would be interested to take part.




Dragisa Savic

Ecological adviser

National Park Fruska Gora

Zmajev trg 1, 21208 Sremska Kamenica


От редактора. Ежегодные международные выставки фотографий живой природы в Сербии - очень интересные события. С небывалым успехом прошла в 2010 году выставка, посвященная жукам. В ней приняли участие более 100 фотографов из десятков разных стран - от Канады до Австралии и от России до Бразилии. На нашем сайте этой выставке посвящен целый раздел. Ниже мы еще раз приводим один из плакатов той выставки и два кадра из посвященной ей компьютерной презентации.


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