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10-ый Европейский энтомологический конгресс - Йорк (Великобритания), август 2014 года

Очередной Европейский энтомологический конгресс пройдет в Великобритании, в Йорке и Лондоне, 3-8 августа 2014 г.
Мы публикуем письмо нашего британского коллеги Максвелла Баркли с первой информацией о Конгрессе.
Время для подготовки еще есть и мы надеемся, что российская колеоптерология будет достойно представлена на конгрессе (не хуже, чем на Конгрессе по вымершим насекомым в Ливане, где делегация России уступила по численности только Польше).

The European Congress of Entomology, 
Organized by the Royal Entomological Society, 
is taking place in York 3-8 August 2014.


The first day of the Congress is Sunday, 3 August. 
We anticipate that many entomologists will want to fly in from abroad 
to attend the congress, and that in many cases they will fly through 
London or fly to London and then get a train to York. 

The entomological Collections of the Natural History Museum in London 
will be available for visitors at this time, and we expect larger than 
normal visitor numbers before and after the Congress.


We shall conduct small, informal symposia on Thursday, 31 July and Friday, 
1 August at the Natural History Museum in London. This will allow people to 
conduct research at the Museum and then travel to York in time for the 
Congress registration on Sunday evening. A schedule and list of subjects to be 
covered will follow this email, and we are looking for expressions of interest 
from people who want to talk or organize a symposium on any group of insects. 
I will pass your details on to the relevant member of our staff.

We have already confirmed a symposium on Scarabaeoidea. 
The aim would be to have talks/ presentations for part of each day, tours of 
the highlights of the Collections, and access to collections and libraries 
for the other part. There will also be a mixer on the evening of Thursday, 
31 July after the first round of talks.  There may be a small registration fee.
I can also help to provide economical accommodation suggestions near to the 
Museum.  For those working on the taxonomy and ecology of Scarabaeoidea, 
this informal symposium will offer an opportunity to showcase your research to 
an international, but probably primarily European, audience in the form of 
short talks, presentations, or posters and to meet colleagues from other 
continents working in the same area. We will have speakers from the UK, many 
European countries, and the USA. Please email me with proposed talks that can 
be on any aspect of the taxonomy, ecology, or collections management of any 
group of Scarabaeoidea.  
I hope that this series of symposia will be of interest to people attending 
the Congress as well as a second reason to travel to the UK in the summer 
of 2014. Please email me with any queries, expressions of interest, or 
suggestions. I will send a First Circular in due course with details of 
the Scarabaeoidea Symposium and any other Symposia that will also be organized.

Best wishes,

Maxwell V. L. Barclay
Curator and Collection Manager
Entomology: Coleoptera & Hemiptera
Department of Life Sciences
Natural History Museum
London SW7 5BD
T: 0207 942 5911
M: 07766331806

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