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В Британском музее естественной истории состоялся симпозиум, материалы которого чрезвычайно интересны всем, кто занимается вопросами информатики и компьютеризации биологических исследований. Замечательный пример оформления материалов симпозиума - каждый из 25 докладов представлен полной видеозаписью и файлом компьютерной презентации. Многому можно поучиться...

Андрей Лобанов

Informatics Horizons for the Natural History Museum

Wednesday 24 July | 09.30 (GMT +1) | Flett theatre

25 speakers showcase, demonstrate and describe NHM Informatics tools and digital projects

Download the Poster

Session 1 - Introduction and Digital Developments in ICT, Public Engagement and Science
Video | Presentation Vince Smith Introduction
Video | Presentation Dave Thomas Digital NHM - WhatТs new?
Video | Presentation Ailsa Barry Digital Interactivity in Public Galleries and Cyberspace
Video | Presentation Vince Smith Building data infrastructures for science
Session 2 - The informatics Landscape (First Keynote)
Video | Presentation Donald Hobern (GBIF) Keynote: GBIF and the Biodiversity Informatics Landscape
Session 3 - NHM Digital Projects and СOpen DataТ (Lightning Talks, Demonstrations and Second Keynote)
Vince Smith Introduction and explanation of lightning talks
Video | Presentation Simon Rycroft Scratchpads Showcase
Video | Presentation Sandy Knapp Solanaceae Source Scratchpad
Video | Presentation Ed Baker Scratchpads and Citizen Science
Video | Presentation Chris Lyal GIASIPartnership Gateway: Invasive Alien Species Information Services
Video | Presentation Steve Bachman Sampled Red List Index for Plants
Video | Presentation Ed Baker Getting data to the eMonocot Portal and Encyclopedia of Life
Video | Presentation Dimitris Koureas Scratchpads and the new Biodiversity Data Journal
Video | Presentation George Beccaloni Wallace Letters Online
Video | Presentation Tom Simpson Inside Explorer Table
Video | ALL Joint Q&A Session
Video | Presentation Nigel Shadbolt (Open Data Institute) Keynote: The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open
Session 4 - Digital Infrastructure and Collections Digitisation
Video | Presentation Ivan Teage/Lucy Brooks Creating content on the Museum Website
Video | Presentation Richard Hinton Public WiFi Project
Video | Presentation Alan Hart Collections Digital Strategy
Video | Presentation Gordon Paterson iCollections Digitisation: Progress and Next Steps
Video | Presentation Vladimir Blagoderov The Digital Facility - Supporting Digitisation
Video | Presentation Darrell Siebert Collections Database Enhancements and Developments
Video | Presentation Ben Scott NHM Data Portal
Video | Presentation Jane Smith & co. NHM Virtual Library
Session 5 - Digital Components of the NHM and RBG Kew Initiatives
Video | Presentation Sandy Knapp Natural resources: Informatics activities & needs
Video | Presentation Norm MacLeod Training Initiative: Informatics activities & needs
Video | Presentation Steve Brooks Origins & Evolution: Informatics activities & needs
Video | Presentation Benjamin Linard Biodiversity: Informatics activities & needs
Video | Presentation Nicky Nicolson (Kew) A names backbone: a graph of taxonomy
Video | Presentation John Cummings Wikimedian in Residence - Getting sustainable and wider engagement in NHM science
Video | Presentation Vince Smith & Ed Baker Wrap up: What a digital NHM will look like in 10 yearsТ time