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A.F. Emeljanov: list of scientific publications

1. Emeljanov A.F. 1959. New genera and species of leafhoppers 
(Auchenorrhyncha, Jassidae) from Kazakhstan // Entomologicheskoe 
Obozrenie, 38(4): 833-839. [In Russian]. 
2. Emeljanov A.F. 1960. Order Homoptera // Nasekomye 
vrediashthshie kukuruze v SSSR [Insects injurious of corn in 
USSR]. @@ P. 172-177. [In Russian] 
3. Emeljanov A.F. 1961. New genera and species of leafhoppers 
(Auchenorrhyncha, Jassidae)  from  the USSR // Entomologicheskoe 
Obozrenie, 40(1): 120-130. [In Russian]. 
YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1961. New genera and species of 
leaf-hoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Jassidae) from the USSR // 
Entomological Review, 40(1): 57-62. [in English]. 
4. Emeljanov A.F. 1961. About food specialization of Cicadina // 
Materialy Kazakhstanskoy konferencii po probleme biokompleksov 
[Materials of Kazakhstan Conf. to problem of biocomplexes, 
theses of reports]. P. 90-91. [In Russian]. 
5. Emeljanov A.F., Loginova M.M. 1961. Preliminary information 
on entomofauna of Chenopodiaceae in Central Kazakhstan // 
Materialy Kasakhstanskoy konferencii po probleme 
biokompleksov, [Materials of Kazakhstan Conf. to problem of 
biocomplexes, theses of reports]. P. 151-155. [In Russian]. 
6. Emeljanov A.F. 1962. A new leafhopper genus - Selachina gen. 
n. (Cicadellidae,  Auchenorrhyncha) //  Zoologicheskiy  Zhurnal, 
41(5): 769-770. [In Russian]. 
7. Emeljanov A.F. 1962. New tribes of leaf-hoppers of the 
subfamily Euscelinae (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae) // 
Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 41(2): 388-397. [In Russian]. 
YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1962. New tribes of leafhoppers 
of the subfamily Euscelinae (Auchenorrhyncah, Cicadellidae) // 
Entomological Review, 41(2): 236-240. [in English]. 
8. Emeljanov A.F. 1962. Materials on taxonomy of Palaearctic 
leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Euscelinae) // Trudy 
Zoologicheskogo Instituta AN SSSR [Proc. Zool. Inst. Ac. Sci. 
USSR], 30: 156-184. [In Russian] 
9. Emeljanov A.F., Kerzhner I.M., Loginova M.M. 1962. Methods 
and principal preliminary results of biocomplex investigation 
of Rhynchota in steppe and semidesert biocoenoses of 
Kazakhstan // Tezisy doklada na 3 dushanbinskoy konferentsii po 
problemam biokomplexov [Materials of 3 Dushanb. Conf. to problem 
of biocomplex, theses of reports], 2: 72-75. [In Russian] 
10.Emeljanov A.F. 1963. A new leafhopper genus from the 
subfamily Ulopinae (Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae) // 
Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 1963, 42, 10: 1581-1582. [In Russian] 
11. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. A new species of the genus Macropsis 
Lewis (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) found on eleaster (Eleagnus) 
// Doklady AN Tadzhikskoi SSR [Rep. Tadzhik. Ac. Sci.], 1964, 
7, 1: 47-48. [In Russian] 
12. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. New genera and species of Cicadellidae 
from Middle Asia (Homoptera) // Dokl. AN Tadj. SSR [Rep. 
Tadzhik. Ac. Sci.], 1964, 7, 2: 52-56. [In Russian] 
13. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. Food specialization of Cicadina based 
on material about the fauna of Central Kazakhstan // Zool. 
Zhurn., [Zool. Journ.], 1964, 43, 7: 1000-1010.[In Russian] 
14. Danzig E.M., Emeljanov A.F., Loginova M.M., Shaposhnikov 
G.Ch. 1964. Order Homoptera // Keys to the Insects of the 
European USSR. 1964, 1: 335-336. [In Russian] 
15. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) // 
Keys to the Insects of the European USSR. 1964, 1: 337-437. 
[in Russian] 
16. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. New species of steppe leafhoppers 
(Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from Transbaikalia and other eastern 
regions of the USSR // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1964, 
43, 3: 626-632. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1964. New steppe species of 
leafhoppers (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from the Transbaykal 
Area and other eastern regions of the USSR. Entomological 
Review, 43(3): 321-324. 
17. Emeljanov A.F. 1964. New Cicadina from Kazakhstan 
(Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) // [New species of insects of the 
fauna of Kazakhstan.] Trudy Zool. Inst. AS USSR [Proc. Zool. 
Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR], 1964, 34: 3-51.[In Russian] 
18. Emeljanov A.F. 1965. About essential difference of dominant 
and assectator consortions, to be displayed on assignment 
cicadina oligophages into plants // Bot. Zhurn. [Botanical 
Journal], 1965, 50, 2: 221-223. [In Russian] 
19. A.F.Emeljanov, 1965. Phytocoenotic trophic and 
zoogeographical relations of Cicadina of Central Kazakhstan // 
Avtoreferat diss. ... kand. biol. nauk. [Theses of diss.]. 
Leningrad, 1965: 11 pp.[In Russian] 
20. Emeljanov A.F. 1966. The genus Coulinus Beir. in Palaearctic 
(Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.], 
1966, 45, 2: 299-300. [In Russian] 
21. Emeljanov A.F. 1966. New palaearctic and certain nearctic 
cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) // Entomol. Obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.], 1966, 45, 1: 95-133. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. (A.F. Emeljanov). 1966. New 
Palearctic and certain Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha). Entomological Review, 45(1): 53-72. 
22. Emeljanov A.F. 1966. On the tribe Stirellini trib. n. and 
its taxonomic position (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // Zool. 
Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.], 1966, 45, 4: 609-610.[In Russian] 
23. Emeljanov A.F. 1967. Some features of the distribution of 
oligophagous insects on food plants // Chteniya pamyati N.A. 
Cholodkovskovo [Lectures in memory of N.A.Cholodkovskiy], 
1967. 19: 28-65. [In Russian] 
24. Emeljanov A.F. 1967. Suborder Cicadinea (Auchenorrhyncha) 
// Keys to the Insects of the European USSR, 1. 1967: 425-551. 
Translated from Russian, Israel. 
25. Emeljanov A.F. 1968. Notes on the tribe Stirellini 
(Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.] 1968, 
47, 2: 249-253. [In Russian] 
26. Emeljanov A.F. 1968. Two new genera of leafhoppers 
(Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from Mongolia // Entomol. Obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.], 1968, 47, 1: 147-150. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'ANOV (Emeljanov), A. F. 1968. Two new genera of 
leafhoppers (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) from Mongolia // 
Entomological Review, 47(1): 83-84. 
27. Anufriev G.A. and Emeljanov A.F. 1968. New synonymy of 
Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha from the Soviet Far East // Zool. 
Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.], 1968, 47, 9: 1328-1332. [In Russian] 
28. Emeljanov A.F., Zaitzev V.F., Kerzhner I.M. 1968. 
Entomological expedition of the Zoological Institute, Academy 
of Sciences of the USSR to the Mongolian People's Republic in 
1967 // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1968, 47: 4: 942-946. 
[In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV, A. F., ZAYTSEV, V. F. and KERZHNER, I. 
M. 1968. Entomological expedition of the Zoological Institute, 
USSR Academy of Sciences, to the Mongolian People's Republic 
in 1967 // Entomological Review, 47(4): 575-579. 
29. Emeljanov A.F. 1969. Systematica and phylogeny of 
planthoppers of the subfamily Orgeriinae (Homoptera, 
Dictyopharidae) // Otchetn. nauchn. sessia Zool. Inst. Acad. 
nauk SSSR, 24-26.03.1968 [Annual Sci. Rep. Zool. Inst. Ac. 
Sci. USSR, theses of reports]. 1969, s. 21-22. [In Russian] 
30. Emeljanov A.F. 1969. Reclassification of planthoppers the 
subfamily Orgeriinae (Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) of the 
palaearctic fauna // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1969, 
v. 48, 2: 324-339. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1969. 
Reclassification of Palearctic planthoppers of the subfamily 
Orgeriinae (Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) // Entomological 
Review, 48(2): 189-198. 
31. Emeljanov A.F. 1969. New palearctic leafhoppers of the tribe 
Opsiini (Homoptera, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) // Zool. 
Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.], 1969, 48, 7: 1100-1104. [In Russian] 
32. Emeljanov A.F. 1969. Cicadina (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) 
of Central Kazachstan // Biokompleksnye issledovaniya v 
Kazachstane. [Biocomplex investigations in Kazakhstan]. 1969, 
1: 358-381. [In Russian] 
33. Emeljanov A.F. 1970. Palaearctic representatives of 
leafhoppers of the genus Athysanella Baker (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae) // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1970, 49, 
1: 161-164. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1970. Palearctic 
leafhoppers of the genus Athysanella Baker (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae) // Entomological Review, 49(1): 92-93. 
34. Emeljanov A.F., Falkovitsh M.I. 1970. Review: 
Yu.N.Nekrutenko "Phylogeny and geographical distribution of the genus Gonopteryx (Lepidoptera, Pieridae)" // Entomol. 
obozr.[Entomol. Rev.], 1970, 69, 3: 709-712. [In Russian] 
35. Emeljanov A.F. 1971. New genera of planhoppers of the fauna 
of the USSR from families Cixiidae and Issidae (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha) // Entomol. obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1971. 50, 
3: 619-627. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1971. New genera of 
leafhoppers of the families Cixiidae and Issidae (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha) in the USSR // Entomological Review, 50(3): 
36. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. New palaearctic leafhoppers of the 
subfamily Deltocephalinae (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // 
Entomol. Obozr., [Entomol. Rev.], 1972, 51, 1: 102-111. [In 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1972. New palearctic 
leafhoppers of the subfamily Deltocephalinae (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae) // Entomological Review, 51(1): 64-68. [in 
37. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. Review of viewpoints on origin of 
desert biota of Central Asia // Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of 
Mongolia], 1972, 1: 11-49. [In Russian] 
38. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. New leafhoppers (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha) from the Mongolian People's Republic // 
Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia], 1972, 1: 199-260. 
[In Russian] 
39. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. New genera of Cicadina of Delphacidae 
family (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from Kazakhstan // Vestn. 
zool., 1972, 2: 79-81.[In Russian] 
40. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. New species of the subfamily Orgeriinae 
of palaearctic fauna (Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) // Trudy VEO 
[Proc. Allunion Ent. Soc.], 1972, 55: 14-38.[In Russian] 
41. Emeljanov A.F. 1972. Suborder Auchenorrhyncha // Nasekomye i 
kleshtshi: vrediteli selskokhozyaistvennykh kultur. [Insects 
and mites injurious on agricultural plants]. Leningrad, 1972. 
1: 117-138, 283. [In Russian] 
42. Emeljanov A.F., Kerzhner I.M., Kozlov M.A. 1973. Joint 
Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the 
Mongolian People's Republic during 1968 and 1971 // Entomol. 
Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1973, 52, 2: 466-482. [In Russian] 
43. Emeljanov A.F. 1974. Proposal on the classification and 
nomenclature of areals // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 
1974, 53, 3: 497-522. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1974. Proposals on the 
classification and nomenclature of ranges // Entomological 
Review, 53(3): 11-26. [in English] 
44. Emeljanov A.F. 1975. Homology of wing structures in Blattida 
and Cicadina // Otchetn. nauchn. sessia Zool. Inst. Acad. nauk 
SSSR, 10-12.03.1975. Tez. dokl. [Annual Sci. Rep. of Zool. 
Inst. Ac. Sci. of USSR, theses of reports], s. 11-12. [In 
45. Emeljanov A.F. 1975. Materials for the revision of the tribe 
Adelungiini (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // Entomol. Obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.] , 1975, 54, 2: 383-390. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV, A. F. (A. F. EMELJANOV). 1975. Revision of 
the tribe Adelungiini (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) // Entomological 
Review, 54(2): 104-109. [in English] 
46. Emeljanov A.F. 1976. New genera and species of leafhoppers 
(Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from north-east of the USSR // 
Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1976, 55, 2: 357-363. [In 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1976. New genera and 
species of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the 
Northeast of the USSR // Entomological Review, 55(2): 64-69. 
[in English] 
47. Emeljanov A.F. 1977. Homology of wing structures in Cicadina 
and primitive Polyneoptera. Terminology and homology of 
venation in insects // Trudy VEO [Proc. Allunion Ent. Soc.], 
1977, 58: 3-48. [In Russian] 
48. Emeljanov A.F. 1977. Leaf-hoppers (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha) from the Mongolian People's Republic based 
mainly on materials of the Soviet-Mongolian zoological 
expeditions (1967-1969) // Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of 
Mongolia], 1977, 5: 96-195. [In Russian] 
49. Emeljanov A.F., Kerzhner I.M., Kozlov M.A. 1977. Joint 
Soviet-Mongolian investigations of the insect fauna of the 
Mongolian People's Republic during 1975 and 1976 // Nasekomye 
Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia], 1977, 5: 7-16. [In Russian] 
50. Emeljanov A.F. 1978. New genera and species of Cicadina from 
the USSR and Mongolia // Entomol. obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 
1978. 57, 2: 316-332. [In Russian] 
translation: EMELJANOV (YEMEL'ANOV), A. F. 1978. New genera and 
species of leafhoppers (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the 
USSR and Mongolia // Entomological Review, 57(2): 220-233. 
51. Emeljanov A.F. 1979. To the problem of division of the 
families Fulgoridae ų Dictyopharidae (Homoptera, 
Auchenorrhyncha) // Trudy ZIN AN SSSR [Proc. Zool. Inst. Ac. 
Sci. USSR], 1979. 82: 3-22.[In Russian] 
52. Emeljanov A.F. 1979. A new species of the genus Sphenocratus 
(Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) from Tadjikistan // Trudy VEO 
[Proc. Allunion Ent. Soc.], 1979. 61: 21-24.[In Russian] 
53. Emeljanov A.F. 1979. New species of the leafhoppers 
(Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Asiatic part of the USSR 
// Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1979, 58, 2: 322-332. [In 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1978. New leafhopper 
species (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from the Asian regions of 
the USSR // Entomological Review, 58(2): 66-77. 
54. Emeljanov A.F. 1980. Dictyopharidae (Homoptera, 
Dictyopharidae) of USSR fauna and its evolution // Avtoreferat 
diss. ... doctor biol. nauk. [Theses of diss.].Leningrad, 
1980: 41 pp. [In Russian] 
55. Emeljanov A.F. 1980. An attempt of subgeneric division of 
the genus Tettigometra Latr. // Vestn. zool. (Kiev), 1980. 2: 
51-55. [In Russian] 
56. Emeljanov A.F., Kozlov M.A. 1980. Joint Soviet-Mongolian 
investigations of the insect fauna of the Mongolian People's 
Republic during 1978 // Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of 
Mongolia], 1980, 7: 7-13. [In Russian] 
57. Anufriev G.A., Emeljanov A.F. 1980. On the fauna and 
taxonomy of the genus Achorotile Fieb. (Homoptera, 
Delphacidae) in Palaearctic // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] 
, 1980, 59, 1: 118-127. [In Russian] 
58. Emeljanov A.F. 1980. Phylogeny and evolution of subfamily 
Orgeriinae (Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) // Tshtenija pamjati 
Cholodkovskovo [Lectures in memory of Cholodkovsky], 1980. 32: 
3-96. [In Russian] 
59. Emeljanov A.F. 1980. Suborder Auchenorrhyncha // 
Opredelitel vrednykh i poleznykh nasekomykh i kleshtshey 
zernovykh kultur v SSSR. [Keys for identification of injurious 
and useful insects and mites on corn in USSR]. Leningrad, 
"Kolos", 1980: 70-73. [In Russian] 
60. Emeljanov A.F. 1980. Review: F.Ossiannilsson. The 
Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 
Introduction, infraorder Fulgoromorpha. Fauna Entomologica 
Scandinavica. 1978. Vol. 7, part 1, pp. 1-222. // Entomol. 
obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1980. 59, 3: 703-704. [In Russian] 
61. Emeljanov A.F., Kerzhner I.M. 1981. In memory of 
M.M.Loginova (1926-1979) // Entomol. obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 
1981, 60, 1: 219-223. [In Russian] 
62. Emeljanov A.F. 1981. Morphology and origin endopleural 
structures of metathorax of the Auchenorrhyncha) // Entomol. 
obozr., [Entomol. Rev.], 1981, 60, 4: 732-744. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1981. Structure and 
origin of the endopleural formations in the metathorax of the 
Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) // Entomological Review, 60(4): 
63. Emeljanov A.F. 1982. Two new species of the genus 
Nymphorgerius (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Dictyopharidae) 
from a south part of the Middle Asia // Trudy ZIN AN SSSR 
[Proc. Zool. Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR], 105: 3-6.[In Russian] 
64. Emeljanov A.F. 1982. Suborder Cicadinea - Auchenorrhyncha // 
Opredelitel vredn. i polezn. nasek. i kleshchey ovoshchnykh 
kultur i kartofelja v SSSR. [Keys for identification of 
injurious and useful insects and mites on vegetable culturs 
and potato in USSR]. L. "Kolos", 1982: 48-49. [In Russian] 
65. Emeljanov A.F. 1982. Structure and evolution of the tarsi in 
Dictyopharidae (Homoptera) // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 
1982, 61, 3: 501-516. [In Russian] 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1982. Structure and 
evolution of the tarsus in the Dictyopharidae (Homoptera) // 
Entomological Review, 61(3): 44-59. 
66. Emeljanov A.F. 1982. Fulgoroidea (Homoptera) collected in 
the Mongolian People's Republic by the entomofaunistical group 
of the Soviet-Mongolian complex biological expedition in 
1970-1975 // Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of Mongolia], 1982, 
8: 69-122. [In Russian] 
67. Emeljanov A.F. 1983. Cretaceous planthopper from Taimyr 
(Homoptera, Dictyopharidae) // Paleont. Zhurn. [Paleont. 
Journ.], 1983, 3: 79-85. [In Russian] 
68. Emeljanov A.F., Kuznetsova V.G. 1983. The numer of seminal 
follicles as a phylogenetic and taxonomic feature in the 
Dictyopharidae (Homoptera) and other planthoppers // Zool. 
zhurn., [Zool. Journ.], 1983, 62, 10: 1583-1586. [In Russian] 
69. Emeljanov A.F. 1983. Suborder Cicadinea - Auchenorrhyncha // 
Opredelitel vredn. i polezn. nasek. i kleshchey odnoletnykh i 
mnogoletnikh trav i zernobobovykh kultur v SSSR. [Keys for 
identification of injurious and useful insects and mites of 
perennial herbs and leguminous plants in USSR]. L. "Kolos", 
1983: 62-63. [In Russian] 
70. Emeljanov A.F., Falkovitsh M.I. 1983. On the book "The historical development of the class Insecta" // Entomol. 
obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1983, 62, 1: 205-222. [In Russian] 
71. Emeljanov A.F., I.M.Kerhzner. 1983. Important features of 
mongolian entomofauna // MVR-Symposium 1983. Erforscher 
Ressourcen der MVR. Thesen. Zool. Beitrage. Halle. 1983: [In 
72. Emeljanov A.F. 1984. To the knowledge of the families 
Kinnaridae and Meenoplidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) // 
Entomol. obozr., [Entomol. Rev.], 1984, 63, 3: 468-483. [In 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1985. A contribution 
to knowledge of the families Kinnaridae and Meenoplidae 
(Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) // Entomological Review, 64(1): 
73. Emeljanov A.F., Kerzhner I.M., Kozlov M.A. 1986. Structure 
and main featuresrs of the entomofauna of Mongolia // 
Prirodnye uslovia i biologicheskie resursy MNR [Environment 
conditions and biological resources of Mongolian People's 
Republic, theses of rep.], 1986: [In Russian] 
74. Emeljanov A.F. 1987. A new species of planthoppers of the 
genus Perkinsiella Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Delphacidae) from 
Vietnam // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1987, 66, 2: 
338-341. [In Russian] 
translation: EMEL'YANOV, A. P. 1988. A new planthopper species 
of the genus Perkinsiella Kirkaldy (Homoptera, Delphacidae) 
from Vietnam // Entomological Review, 67(1): 108-111. 
75. Emeljanov A.F. 1987. Phylogeny of Cicadina (Homoptera) on 
comparatively morphological data // Trudy VEO [Proc. Allunion 
Ent. Sci], 1987, 69: 19-109. [In Russian] 
76. Emeljanov A.F. 1987. Suborder Cicadinea - Auchenorrhyncha // 
Opredelitel vredn. i polezn. nasek. i kleshtshey khlopchatnika 
v SSSR. [Keys for identification of injurious and useful 
insects and mites of cotton in USSR]. L. "Kolos", 1987: 34-35. 
[In Russian] 
77. Emeljanov A.F. 1988. Order Homoptera // Keys to the Insects 
of the Far East of the USSR, 1988, 2: 9-11. [In Russian] 
78. Anufriev G.A., Emeljanov A.F. 1988. Suborder Cicadinea - 
(Auchenorrhyncha) - Keys to the Insects of the Far East of the 
USSR, 1988, 2: 12-495. [In Russian] 
79. Emeljanov A.F. 1988. New species of Cicadina (Homoptera) 
from the Far East and Eastern Siberia // Taxonom. nasek. Sib. 
i DV [Taxonomy of insects of eastern Siberia and Far East], 
Vladivostok, Biol.-pochv. inst. DV NC, 1987 (1988): 22-30. [In 
80. Emeljanov A.F. 1989. To the problem of division of the 
family Cixiidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) // Entomol. Obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.], 1989, 68, 1: 93-106. [In Russian] 
translation: EMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1989. On the problem of division 
of the family Cixiidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) // Entomological 
Review, 68(4): 54-67. 
81. Emeljanov A.F. 1989. New species of leafhoppers (Homoptera, 
Cicadellidae) from the Mongolian Peopl's Republic and adjacent 
regions of the USSR // Nasekomye Mongolii [Insects of 
Mongolia], 1989. 10: 118-125. [In Russian] 
82. Emeljanov A.F., V.I.Kirillova. 1989. Trends and modes of the 
karyotype evolution in the Cicadina. I. Peculiarities and 
evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the superfamily 
Cicadelloidea (Homptera) // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 
1989, 68, 3: 587-603. [In Russian] 
translation: EMEL'YANOV, A. F. and V. I. Kirillova. 1990. Trends 
and types of karyotype evolution in Cicadina (Homoptera). I. 
Karyotypic peculiarities and evolutionary changes in the 
karyotypes of cicadas of superfamily Cicadelloidea // 
Entomological Review, 69(3): 62-80. 
83. Emeljanov A.F., Falkovitsh M.I. 1989. Review: A.K.Brodsky. 
Flight mechanics of Insects and Evolution of their Wing 
Apparatus // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 1989, 68, 3: 
680-682. [In Russian] 
84. Emeljanov A.F. 1990. A new genus and a new tribe of the 
family Achilidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) from the Baltic amber 
// Vestn. zool., (Kiev), 1990, 1: 6-10. [In Russian] 
85. +meljanov A.F., Lobanov A.L. 1990. Construction of 
phylogenetical tree with use of computer. I. Method of 
complete sorting out of possible cladograms // Trudy ZIN AN 
SSSR [Proc. Zool. Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR], 1990. 202: 20-43. [In 
86. Emeljanov A.F. 1990. New species of the genus Bashgultala 
(Homoptera, Kinnaridae) from Tajikistan // Zool. zhurn. [Zool. 
Journ.], 1990. 69, 4: 137-139. [In Russian] 
87. Emeljanov A.F. 1990. An attempt of construction of 
phylogenetic tree of the planthoppers (Homoptera, Cicadina) // 
Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1990, v. 69, N 2: 353-356. 
[In Russian] 
EMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1991. An attempt to construct a phylogenetic 
tree for planthoppers (Homoptera, Cicadina) // Entomological 
Review, 70(1): 24-28. 
88. Emeljanov A.F. 1990. Phylogeny, classification and system // 
Trudy ZIN AN SSSR [Proc. Zool. Inst. Ac. Sci. USSR], 1990. 
206: 152-170. [In Russian] 
89. Emeljanov A.F., A.P.Rasnitsyn. 1991. Systematics, phylogeny, 
and cladistic // Priroda [Nature, Moscow], 1991. 7: 26-37. [In 
90. Emeljanov A.F. 1991. To the problem of the limits and 
subdivisions of the family Achilidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) // 
Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1991, 70, 2: 373-393. [In 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1992. Toward the 
problem of the limits and subdivisions of Achilidae 
(Homoptera, Cicadina) // Entomological Review, 71(1): 53-73. 
91. Emeljanov A.F., V.I.Kirillova. 1991. Trends and modes of the 
karyotype evolution in the Cicadina. II. Peculiarities and 
evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the superfamilies 
Cercopoidea, Cicadoidea, Fulgoroidea and in the Cicadina as a 
whole (Homptera) // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1991, 
70, 4: 796-817. [In Russian] In English - Entomol. Rev., 1994, 
v. 73, N 5: 59-78. 
92. Emeljanov A.F. 1992. A new species of the genus Ulopa 
(Homoptera, Ulopidae) from Altai // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. 
Journ.], 1992, N 2: 140-142. [In Russian] translation: 
translation: YEMEL'YANOV (EMELJANOV), A. F. 1992. A new species 
of the genus Ulopa (Homoptera, Ulopidae) from Altai // 
Entomological Review, 71(7): 95-97. 
93. Emeljanov A.F. 1992. Two new tribes, a new genus and a new 
species of the family Derbidae (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) // 
Vestn. zool. (Kiev), 1992, 4: 19-23. [In Russian] 
94. Emeljanov A.F. 1992. Description of tribes of the subfamily 
Achilinae (Homoptera, Achilidae) and reconsideration of their 
volume // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1992, 71, 3: 
574-594. [in Russian] 
translation: EMEL'YANOV, A. F. 1993. Description of tribes of 
the subfamily Achilinae (Homoptera, Achilidae) and revision of 
their composition // Entomological Review, 72(6): 7-27. 
95. Emeljanov A.F., Kirillova V.I. 1993. General characteristic 
and main modes of the karyotype evolution in the Cicadina 
(Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) // Uspekhi entomologii v SSSR: 
s'ezda VEO (11-15.IX.1989) [Mat. X Congress of Allunion Ent. 
Soc. Theses of rep.]. 1993: 120-121. [In Russian] 
96. Emeljanov A.F., Kirillova V.I. 1993. Karyotypes and 
evolutionary changes of the karyotypes in the suborder 
Cicadina (Homoptera) // Kariosistematica besposvonochnykh 
zhivotnych [Karyosystematic of invertebrate animals], S.Pb., 
1993, 2: [In Russian] 
97. Emeljanov A.F. 1993. Planthoppers of family Cixiidae from 
vicinity of Ambo, Ethiopia (Homoptera, Cicadina) // Zoosyst. 
Ross., 1993. 1, 1: 20-36. 
98. Emeljanov A.F. 1993. A new genus of planthoppers of the 
family Delphacidae from Ethiopia (Homoptera, Cicadina) // 
Zoosyst. Ross., 1993. 2: 93-96. 
99. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. Morphological peculiarities of the 
larvae of the family Dictyopharidae (Homoptera). I. General 
characteristic and a key to genera of the palaearctic fauna // 
Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 1994, 72, 4: 794-811. [In 
100. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. New records of buffalo treehopper, 
Stictocephala bisonia Kopp & Yonke, from temperate Asia 
(Homoptera: Membracidae) // Zoosyst. Rossica, 1993, 2(2): 246. 
101. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. The first fossil find of the subfamily 
Derbidae and redescription of the paleogenžus genus Hooleya 
Cockerell (Achilidae) (Insecta: Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) // 
Paleont. Zhurn. [Paleont. Journ.], 1994. 3: 76-82 + 1 Tabl. (N 
VII). [In Russian] 
102. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. Gular sclerotization of some Cicadina 
(Insecta, Homoptera,) // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. Journ.], 1994. 
73, 10: 130-134. [In Russian] 
103. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. The species of Perkinsiella 
introduced into Florida is the genuine P. saccharicida // 
Zoosyst. Ross., 1994. 3: 
104. Emeljanov A.F. 1994. Morphological peculiarities of the 
larvae of the family Dictyopharidae (Homoptera). II. 
Developmental changes // Entomol. Obozr. [Entomol. Rev.] , 
1994, 73, 3: 645-665. [In Russian] 
105. Emeljanov A.F. 1995. On the problem of a system and a 
phylogeny of the family Derbidae // Entomol. obozr. [Entomol. 
Rev.], 1995, 73, 4: 783-811. [In Russian] 
106. A.F.Emeljanov. 1995. On the problem of classification and 
phylogeny of the family Delphacidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) 
taking into consideration larval characters // Entomol. obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.] , 1995, 74, 4: 780-794. [In Russian] 
107. Emeljanov A.F. 1995. New taxa of tribe Pentastirini 
(Homoptera, Cixiidae) from Palaearctic // Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. 
Journ.], 1995, 74, 9: 73-89. [In Russian]. 
108. Emeljanov A.F. 1996. To the knowledge of leafhoppers of the 
family Ulopidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) // Entomol. obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.], 1996, 75, 2: 278-293. 
109. Emeljanov A.F. 1996 (1995). A new genus of the family 
Delphacidae (Homoptera, Cicadina) from the steppe region of 
the Palaearctics // Vestn. zool., 1995, 2-3: 86-88. [In 
110. Krivokhatsky V.A., A.F.Emeljanov, A.L. Lobanov. 1996. The 
distribution of antlions in Mongolia (Insecta: Neuroptera: 
Myrmeleontidae) // Pure and Applied Research in 
Neuropterology. Proc.5th Int. Symposium on Neuropterology. 
Cairo, Egypt, 1994. M. Canar et a. (Eds). Toulouse, France, 
1996: 147-159. 
111. Emeljanov A.F. 1996. A new genus, Chirodisca gen. n., and 
new subgenera of the genus Aphelonema Uhl. (Homoptera, 
Fulgoroidea, Issidae) // Entomol. obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 
1996, 75, 4: 834-835. [In Russian] 
112. Emeljanov A.F. 1996. Two new Cicadidae species similar to 
Cicadetta tibialis (Homoptera, Cicadidae). Zool. Zhurn. [Zool. 
Journ.], 1996, 75, 12: 1897-1900. [In Russian] 
113. Emeljanov A.F. 1996. First record of Hyalesthes 
mlokosiewiczi Signoret from Middle Asia and some other new 
data on its distribution (Homoptera: Cixiidae) // Zoosyst. 
Ross., 5(1): 28. 
114. Emeljanov A.F. 1997. The ways of developing classification 
and reconstructing phylogeny in the family Cixiidae // Program 
& Abstract Book 9th Intern. Auchenorrhyncha Congr.: 38-39. 
115. Emeljanov A.F. 1997. A new subgenus of the genus Paramesus 
Fieb. (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) // Zoosyst. Ross., 6(1/2): 76. 
116. Emeljanov A.F. 1997. A new genus and species of the 
Dictyopharidae from Australia belonging to a new tribe 
(Homoptera 1, 0 Cicadina) // Zoosyst. Ross., 6(1/2): 77-82. 
117. Emeljanov A.F. 1997. New species and new data on the 
distribution of the subfamily Orgeriinae in the Palaearctic 
Region (Homoptera: Dictyopharidae) // Zoosyst. Ross., 6(1/2): 
118. Emeljanov A.F. 1998. New species of the genus Ranissus 
Fieb. (Homoptera: Dictyopharidae) from Greece. //Entomol. 
obozr. [Entomol. Rev.], 77, 2: 327-330. [in Russian]. 
119. Emeljanov A.F. 1998. A new genus of the family Issidae 
(Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) from Vietnam // Entomol. obozr. 
[Entomol. Rev.], 77, 3: 534-536. [in Russian]. 
120. Emeljanov A.F. 1998. Contribution to the knowledge of the 
genus Kuvera Distant (Homoptera, Cixiidae) // Zoosyst. Ross., 
7 (1): 133-137. 
121. A.F. Emeljanov & I. M. Kerzhner. 1998. Comment on the 
proposed conservation of the specific name of Cicada 
clavicornis Fabricius, 1794 (currently Asiraca clavicornis; 
Insecta, Homoptera). //Bull. Zool. Nomen., 55(4): 237. 
122. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. A new species of the genus Anoplotettix 
Ribaut (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae: 
Delthoceohalinae) // Reichenbachia, 30, 20: 147-150. 
123. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. Notes on the delimination of families of the 
Issidae group with description of a new species of Caliscellidae 
belonging to a new genus and tribe (Homoptera, Fulgoroidea) // 
Zoosyst. Ross. V. 8(1): 61-72. 
124. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. A new genus for Heronax candidus Anufriev 
and some taxonomic remarks concerning the Far East Derbidae 
(Homoptera, Cicadina) // Zoosyst. Ross. V. 8(1): 120. 
125. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. A key to genera of the subfamily 
Deltocephalinae s. l. (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) of Kazakhstan, 
Middle Asia, and Mongolia, with description of new genera and 
subgenera // Entomol. obozr. T. 78(3): 589-609. 
126. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. On the historical and ecological 
approaches to biogeographic zonation //Methodological issues in 
Zoological Research, Intern. conf. dedicated to the 275th 
anniversary of the Russian Ac. Sci., St. Petersburg, 26-29 
October 1999, Abstract: 27-29. [in Russian with english resume]. 
127. Emeljanov A.F. 1999. A new genus of planthoppers of the subfamily 
Orgeriinae (Homoptera,  Dictyopharidae) from the Mediterrenean  // 
Entomol. obozr. 1999. T. 78(4): 825-827.