Supplementary description of Pontharpinia robusta Gurjanova, 1938 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae)

V.L. Dzhurinskiy

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2010, 314(2): 219–228   ·

Full text  


The original description of Pontharpinia robusta Gurjanova, 1938 is supplemented for the first time by descriptions and illustrations of the main diagnostic characters: the shape of rostrum and lower antennal angle, and the morphology of mandible, uropod 3 and telson. Major diagnostic characters were compared to those of the type specimen. A long, downward-tapering process on the lower antennal angle, reported in the original description, was shown to be absent both in male and female specimens of this species.

Key words

Amphipoda, Phoxocephalidae, Pontharpinia, Sea of Okhotsk, Sakhalin Coast

Submitted June 23, 2009  ·  Accepted May 10, 2010  ·  Published June 25, 2010


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