Панбиогеография по существу представляет собой один из вариантов викариантной биогеографии Вилли Хеннига (Willi Hennig, 1913-1976), который предложил метод кладистики территорий в полной аналогии с филогенетической кладистикой биологических таксонов (Hennig, 1950, 1965, 1966a).
Формирование панбиогеографии неразрывно связано с именем итало-венесуэльского ботаника и биогеографа Леона Круаза (Leon Croizat, 1894-1982). Базируясь на метафоре, что "жизнь и Земля развиваются вместе", Л.Круаза обосновал новую концепцию исторической биогеографии, которую назвал "панбиогеографией".
Отличительной особенностью панбиогеографии является картографическое представление кладограмм изолированных (палеотектоническими или палеоклиматическими причинами) территорий, связь между которыми отражает обобщенные траектории, позволяющие судить об истории биот и биогеографических регионов. Основой при этом является предположение об исходно космополитном распространении видов (Croizat, 1964) и категорическое отрицание концепции "центров происхождения" (Croizat et al., 1974).
Панбиогеография ныне оценивается крайне неоднозначно - от восторженного безоговорочного принятия до обвинений в ненаучности. Но знакомство со многими приводимыми ниже работами безусловно полезно для специалиста, занимающегося вопросами биогеографии.
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Master list of publications utilizing or discussing panbiogeography Initiated by Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti Departamento de Zoologia Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Rua Sao Francisco Xavier, 524, CEP 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BRASIL E-mail: maurobio@gmail.com Web: http://maurobio.infobio.net
Abrahamovich, A., N.B. Diaz & J.J. Morrone. 2004. Distributional patterns of the Neotropical and Andean species of the genus Bombus (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Acta Zoologica Mexicana (n. s). 20: 99-117. Aguilar-Aguilar, R. & R. Contreras-Medina. 2001. La distribucion de los mamiferos marinos de Mexico: un enfoque panbiogeografico. pp. 213-219. In: J. Llorente Bousquets & J.J. Morrone (ed.) Introduccion a la Biogeografia en Latinoamerica: Teorias, Conceptos, Metodos y Aplicaciones, Las Prensas de Ciencias, Universidade Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Aguilar-Aguilar, R., R. Contreras-Medina & G. Salgado-Maldonado. 2003. Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE) of Mexican hydrological basins based on helminth parasites of freshwater fishes. Journal of Biogeography 30: 1861-1872. Alvarez-Mondragon, E. & J.J. Morrone. 2004. Propuesta de areas para la conservacion de aves de Mexico, empleando herramientas panbiogeograficas e indices de complementariedad. Interciencia 29: 112-120. Anstey, R.L., J.F. Pachut & M.E. Tuckey. 2003. Patterns of bryozoan endemism through the Ordovician-Silurian transition. Paleobiology 29: 305-328. Bates, J.M., S.J. Hackett & J. Cracraft. 1998. Area-relationships in the Neotropical lowlands: an hypothesis based on raw distributions of Passerine birds. Journal of Biogeography 25: 783-793. Beauchamp, A.J. 1989. Panbiogeography and rails of the genus Gallirallus. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 763-772. Biondi, M. & P. D'Alessandro. 2006. Biogeographical analysis of the flea beetle genus Chaetocnema in the Afrotropical Region: distribution patterns and areas of endemism. Journal of Biogeography 33: 720-730. Bisconti, M., W. Landini, G. Bianucci, G. Cantalamessa, G. Carnevale, L. Ragaini & G. Valleri. 2001. Biogeographic relationships of the Galapagos terrestrial biota: parsimony analyses of endemicity based on reptiles, land birds and Scalesia land plants. Journal of Biogeography 28: 495-510. Bojorquez-Tapia, L.A., I. Azuara, E. Ezcurra & O. Flores-Villela. 1995. Identifying conservation priorities in Mexico through geographic information systems and modeling. Ecological Applications 5: 215-231. Bramwell, D. 1990. Panbiogeography of the Canary Islands flora. Atti dei Convegni Lincei 85: 157-166. Brooks, D.R. 1988. Scaling effects in historical biogeography: a new view of space, time, and form. Systematic Zoology 37: 237-244. Brooks, D.R. & M.G.P. van Veller. 2003. Critique of parsimony analysis of endemicity as a method of historical biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 30: 819-825. Brundin, L.Z. 1981. Croizat's panbiogeography versus phylogenetic biogeography. pp. 94- 138. In: G. Nelson & D.E. Rosen (ed.) Vicariance Biogeography: A Critique, Columbia University Press, New York. Candela, A. & J.J. Morrone. 2003. Biogeografia de puercoespines neotropicales (Rodentia, Hystricognathi): integrando datos fosiles y actuales a traves de un enfoque panbiogeografico. Ameghiniana 40: 361-378. Carvalho, C.J.B. 2004. Ferramentas atuais da biogeografia historica para utilizacao em conservacao. pp. 92-103. In: M.S. Milano, L.Y. Takahashi & M.L. Nunes (ed.) Unidades de Conservacao: Atualidades e Tendencias 2004, Fundacao O Boticario de Protecao da Natureza, Curitiba. Carvalho, C.J.B., M. Bortolanza, M.C.C. Silva & E.D.G. Soares. 2005. Distributional patterns of the Neotropical Muscidae. pp. 263-274. In: J.J. Morrone & J.L. Bousquets (ed.) Una Perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Biogeografia, Las Prensas de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Castillo, M.D. 1988. Another approach to the world biota of the families of inland fishes. Systematic Zoology 37: 34-46. Cavieres, L.A., M.T.K. Arroyo, P. Posadas, C. Marticorena, O. Matthei, R. Rodriguez, F.A. Squeo & G. Arancio. 2002. Identification of priority areas for conservation in an arid zone: application of parsimony analysis of endemicity in the vascular flora of the Antofagasta region, northern Chile. Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 1301-1311. Chiba, H. 1987. Systematics and panbiogeography. Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum 80: 230-234. Chiba, H. 1988. A lepidopterist's view of panbiogeography. Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum 81: 553-568. Chiba, H. 1989. Systematics and Panbiogeography. pp. 211-218. In: B. Goodwin, A. Sibitani & G. Webster (ed.) Dynamic Structures in Biology, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. Chin, H., M. Brown & M. Heads. 1991. The biogeography of Lessoniaceae, with special reference to Macrocystis C. Agardh (Phaeophyta: Laminariales). Hydrobiologia 215: 1-11. Christiansen, K. A. & D. C. Culver. 1987. Biogeography and the distribution of cave Collembola. Journal of Biogeography, 14: 459-477. Clark, N. 2001. De/feral: introduced species and the metaphysics of conservation. pp. 86- 106. In: L. Simmons & H. Worth (ed.) Derrida Downunder, Dunmore Press, Palmerston North. Climo, F. 1988. Punctid snails: a path to panbiogeography. Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum 81: 533-543. Climo, F. 1989. The panbiogeography of New Zealand as illuminated by the genus Fectola Iredale, 1915 and subfamily Rotadicinae Pilsbury, 1927 (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Punctoidea: Chiropidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 587-649. Colacino, C. 1997. Leon Croizat's biogeography and macroevolution, or..."out of nothing, nothing comes". Philippine Scientist 34: 73-88. Colacino, C. & J.R. Grehan. 2003. Ostracismo alle frontiera della biologia evoluzionistica: il caso Leon Croizat. pp. 195-220. In: M.M. Capria (ed.) Scienza e Democrazia, Liguori, Naples. Contreras-Medina, R. & H. Eliosa-Leon. 2001. Una vision panbiogeografico preliminar de Mexico. pp. 197-211. In: J. Llorente Bousquets & J.J. Morrone (ed.) Introduccion a la Biogeografia en Latinoamerica: Teorias, Conceptos, Metodos y Aplicaciones, Las Prensas de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Contreras-Medina, R., I. Luna-Vega & J.J. Morrone. 1999. Biogeographic analysis of the genera of Cycadales and Coniferales (Gymnospermae): a panbiogeographic approach. Biogeographica 75: 163-176. Contreras-Medina, R., I. Luna-Vega & J.J. Morrone. 2001. Conceptos biogeograficos. Elementos 41: 33-37. Contreras-Medina, R., J.J. Morrone & I. Luna-Vega. 2001. Biogeographic methods identify gymnosperm biodiversity hotspots. Naturwissenschaften 88: 427-430. Cooper, R.A. 1989. New Zealand tectonostratigraphic terranes and panbiogeography. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 699-712. Corner, E.J.H. 1959. Panbiogeography. New Phytologist 58: 237-238. Corona, A.M. & J.J. Morrone. 2005. Track analysis of the species of Lampetis (Spinthoptera) Casey, 1909 (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in North America, Central America, and the West Indies. Caribbean Journal of Science 41: 37-41. Cortes, R. & P. Franco. 1997. Analisis panbiogeografico de la flora de Chiribiquete, Colombia. Caldasia 19: 465-478. Coscaron, M.C. 1997. Revision of the genus Peirates Serville, with a cladistic and biogeographic analysis (Heteroptera: Reduviidae, Peiratinae). Ent. Scand. 28: 39- 73. Coscaron, M.C. & J.J. Morrone. 1995. Systematics, cladistics, and biogeography of the Peirates collarti and P. lepturoides species groups (Heteroptera: Reduviidae, Peiratinae). Ent. Scand. 26: 191-228. Costa, L.P., Y.L.R. Leite, G.A.B. Fonseca & M.T. Fonseca. 2000. Biogeography of South American forest mammals: endemism and diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Biotropica 32: 872-881. Cowie, R.H. 1999. Panbiogeography - Tracking the History of Life. Heredity 83: 765-767. Cox, C.B. 1998. From generalized tracks to ocean basins - how useful is panbiogeography? Journal of Biogeography 25: 813-828. Cracraft, J. 1991. Patterns of diversification within continental biotas: hierarchical congruence among the areas of endemism of Australian vertebrates. Australian Systematic Botany 4: 211-227. Cracraft, J. 2000. Tracking biogeographic history. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 126- 127. Cranston, P.S. 2005. Biogeographic patterns in the evolution of Diptera, pp. 274-311. in: Yeates, D.K. & Wiegmann, B.M. (eds.), The evolutionary biology of flies. Columbia University Press, NY. Cranwell, L. 1962. Endemism and isolation in the Three Kings Islands, New Zealand: with notes on pollen and spore types of the endemics. Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 5: 215-232. Craw, R. 1983. Biogeography of New Zealand: a methodological and conceptual approach. Ph.D., Victoria University of Victoria, Wellington. Craw, R. 1984. Biogeography and biogeographical principles. New Zealand Entomologist 8: 49-52. Craw, R.C. 1978. Two biogeographical frameworks: implications for the biogeography of New Zealand. A review. Tuatara 23: 81-114. Craw, R.C. 1978. Revision of Argyrophenga (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5: 751-768. Craw, R.C. 1979. Generalized tracks and dispersal in biogeography: a response to R.M. McDowall. Systematic Zoology 28: 99-107. Craw, R.C. 1980. How to be a good biogeographer in 1979. Tuatara 24: 81-87. Craw, R.C. 1982. Phylogenetics, areas, geology and the biogeography of Croizat: a radical view. Systematic Zoology 31: 304-316. Craw, R.C. 1982. Plate tectonics and biogeography in the southwest Pacific: the last 100 million years. Systematic Zoology 31: 106-108. Craw, R.C. 1983. Panbiogeography and vicariance biogeography: are they truly different? Systematic Zoology 32: 431-438. Craw, R.C. 1984. Charles Darwin on "laws of growth". Tuatara 27: 19-20. Craw, R.C. 1984. Never a serious scientist: the life of Leon Croizat. Tuatara 27: 5-7. Craw, R.C. 1984. Leon Croizat's biogeographic work: a personal appreciation. Tuatara 27: 8-13. Craw, R.C. 1984. 'Conservative prejudice' in the debate over disjunctively distributed life forms. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 15: 131-140. Craw, R.C. 1985. Classic problems of southern hemisphere biogeography re-examined: panbiogeographic analysis of the New Zealand frog Leiopelma, the ratite birds and Nothofagus. Zeitschrift fur Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 23: 1- 10. Craw, R.C. 1988. Panbiogeography: method and synthesis in biogeography. pp. 437-481. In: A.A. Myers & P.S. Giller (ed.) Analytical Biogeography, Chapman and Hall, London. Craw, R.C. 1988. Continuing the synthesis between panbiogeography, phylogenetic systematics and geology as illustrated by empirical studies on the biogeography of New Zealand and the Chatham Islands. Systematic Zoology 37: 291-310. Craw, R.C. 1989. New Zealand biogeography: a panbiogeographic approach. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 527-547. Craw, R.C. 1989. Quantitative panbiogeography: introduction to methods. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 485-494. Craw, R.C. 1990. Visible difference: nationalist repertoires and the semiotics of place in New Zealand science. Antic 8: 5-8. Craw, R.C. 1993. Anthropophagy of the other. Art and Asia Pacific 1: 10-15. Craw, R.C., J.R. Grehan & M.J. Heads. 1999. Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life. Oxford University Press, New York. 229-229 pp. Craw, R.C. & M.J. Heads. 1988. Reading Croizat: on the edge of biology. Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum 81: 499-515. Craw, R.C. & G. Hubbard. 1993. Cross pollination: hyphenated identities and hybrid realities (or ALTER/NATIVE to what?). Midwest 3: 32-33. Craw, R.C. & R.D.M. Page. 1988. Panbiogeography: method and metaphor in the new biogeography. pp. 163-189. In: M.W. Ho & S. Fox (ed.) Evolutionary Processes and Metaphors, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Craw, R.C. & P. Weston. 1984. Panbiogeography: a progressive research program? Systematic Zoology 33: 1-13. Crisci, J.V. 2001. The voice of historical biogeography. Journal of Biogeography 28: 157- 168. Crisci, J.V. & J.J. Morrone. 1992. Panbiogeografia y biogeografia cladistica: paradigmas actuales de la biogeografia historica. Ciencias 6: 87-97. Crisci, J.V. & J.J. Morrone. 1992. A comparison of biogeographic models: a response to Bastow Wilson. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 2: 174-176. Croizat L. 1952. Manual of phytogeography; or, An account of plant-dispersal throughout the world. - The Hague : W. Junk. - viii, 587 p. Croizat L. 1958. Panbiogeography; or an introductory synthesis of zoogeography, phytogeography and geology; with notes on evolution, systematics, ecology, anthropology, etc. - Caracas, Venezuella: Publ. by the author. Croizat, L. 1958. Orquideas, aves y comentarions sobre su biogeografia. Mem. Soc. Cienc. Nat. La Salle 18: 136-146. Croizat, L. 1958. La Panbiogeographie. Rev. Gen. Sci. 65: 367-376. Croizat, L. 1961. Principia Botanica. Published by the author, Caracas. Croizat, L. 1962. De la methode en Panbiogeographie. Arch. Bot. Biogeogr. Ital. 38: 82-104. Croizat, L. 1964. Space, Time, Form: The Biological Synthesis. Published by the author, Caracas. Croizat L. 1964. Ologenismo, darwinismo e panbiogeografia // Atti Acad. Naz. Lincei Rendiconti. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. e Natur. 1964. Vol. 36, N 5. P. 723-728. Croizat, L. 1968. The biogeography of the tropical lands and islands of Suez-Madagascar: with particular reference to the dispersal and form-making of Ficus L., and different other vegetal and animal groups. Atti Instituto Botanico Universita Laboratorio Crittogamico. Pavia, Serie 6 4: 1-400. Croizat, L. 1968. Introduction raisonee a la biogeographie de l'Afrique. Memorias da Sociedade Broteriana 20: 1-451. Croizat, L. 1970. A selection of notes on the broad trends of dispersal mostly of Old World avifauna. Natural History Bulletin Siam Society 23: 255-324. Croizat, L. 1971. De la "pseudovicariance" et de la "disjonction illusoire". Anuario da Sociedade Broteriana 37: 113-140. Croizat, L. 1971. The piculets: Picumnus and Sasia a notable case of avian dispersal in Thailand. Natural History Bulletin Siam Society 24: 137-144. Croizat, L. 1973. La "Panbiogeografia" in breve. Webbia 28: 189-226. Croizat, L. 1976. Biogeografia analitica y sintetica ("Panbiogeografia") de las Americas. Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales 35: 1-890. Croizat, L. 1977. Carlos Darwin y sus teorias. Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales 37: 15-90. Croizat, L. 1977. Areografia: estrategia geografica de las especies. Systematic Zoology 26: 230-233. Croizat, L. 1978. Deduction, induction and biogeography. Systematic Zoology 27: 209-213. Croizat, L. 1978. Hennig (1966) entre Rosa (1891) y Lovtrup (1977): medio siglo de "Sistematica Filogenetica". Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias Fisicas Matematicas y Naturales 38: 59-147. Croizat, L. 1981. Biogeography: past , present and future. pp. 510-523. In: G. Nelson & D.E. Rosen (ed.) 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Escalante, E., D. Espinosa & J.J. Morrone. 2002. Patrones de distribucion geografica de los mamiferos terrestres de Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 87: 47-65. Escalante, E., D. Espinosa Organista, J.J. Morrone & J. Llorente. 2003. De las bases de dados a los atlas biogeograficos. Ciencia 54: 71-76. Escalante, E., J. Llorente, D.N. Espinosa & J. Soberon. 2000. Bases de datos y sistemas de informacion: aplicaciones en biogeografia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales 24: 325-341. Escalante, E., R. Rodriguez & J.J. Morrone. 2004. The diversification of the Nearctic mammals in the Mexican transition zone. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 83: 327-339. Escalante, T., D. Espinosa & J.J. Morrone. 2003. Using parsimony analysis of endemicity to analyze the distribution of Mexican land mammals. Southwestern Naturalist 48: 563-578. Escalante, T. & J.J. Morrone. 2003. ?Para que sirve el analisis de parsimonia de endemismos? pp. 167-172. In: J.J. Morrone & J. Llorente Bousquets (ed.) Una Perspectiva Latinoamericana de la Biogeografia, Las Prensas de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Espinosa, D. & J.J. Morrone. 2000. On the integration of track and cladistic methods for selecting and ranking priority areas for biodiversity conservation. Journal of Comparative Biology 3: 171-175. Flowers, R.W. & S. Avilla. 2006. Biogeographical and ecological notes on the genus Tikuna Savage, Flowers, and Porras (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from Central and South America. Entomological News 117. Fortino, A.D. & J.J. Morrone. 1997. Signos graficos para la representacion de analisis panbiogeograficos. Biogeographica 73: 49-56. Franco-Rosselli, P. 2001. Estudios panbiogeograficos em Colombia. pp. 221-224. In: J. Llorente Bousquets & J.J. Morrone (ed.) Introduccion a la Biogeografia en Latinoamerica: Teorias, Conceptos, Metodos y Aplicaciones, Las Prensas de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. Franco-Rosselli, P. & C.C. Berg. 1997. Distributional patterns of Cecropia (Cecropiaceae): a panbiogeographic analysis. Caldasia 19: 285-296. Garcia-Barros, E., P. Gurrea, M.J. Lucianez, J.M. Cano, M.L. Munguira, J.C. Moreno, H. Sainz, M.J. Sanz & J.C. Simon. 2002. Parsimony analysis of endemicity and its application to animal and plant geographical distributions in the Ibero-Balearic region (western Mediterranean). Journal of Biogeography 29: 109-124. Garcia-Trejo, E.A. & A.G. Navarro. 2004. Patrones biogeograficos de la riqueza de especies y el endemismo de la avifauna en el oeste de Mexico. Acta Zoologica Mexicana 20: 167-185. Geraads, D. 1998. Biogeography of circum-Mediterranean Miocene-Pliocene rodents: a revision using factor analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 137: 273-288. Gibbs, G.W. 1989. Local or global? Biogeography of some primitive Lepidoptera in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 689-698. 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