Nikolai Yunakov, Ph.D.
University of Oslo
Natural History Museum
Department of Zoology
P.O. Box 1172 Blindern
NO-0318 Oslo
Education and degrees
ˇ Postdoctoral fellow: 2007-2010, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (Scientific advisors: Prof. G.S. Medvedev, Prof. A.G.Kirejtchuk).
ˇ PhD. Entomology: 2006, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. Dissertation title: "Weevils of the subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Ukraine" (Scientific advisors: Prof. G.S. Medvedev, Dr B.A. Korotyaev).
ˇ M.Sc. Biology: 1999, Biological Faculty, Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine (Scientific advisors: Prof. A.F. Bartenev, Prof. A.V. Zakharenko).
Work experience
Editorial work
Technical editor of "Comparative Cytogenetics" - International Journal of Plant & Animal Cytogenetics, Karyosystematics, and Molecular Systematics: 2006-2010.
Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae,
Zootaxa, Journal of Insect Biodiversity
Membership in Professional Societies
ˇ Curculio institute, Germany; 2010
ˇ Norwegian Entomological Society; 2010
ˇ The Coleopterists Society of Vienna; 2005
ˇ Russian Entomological Society; 1999
ˇ Ukrainian Entomological Society; 1995
Scientific field and expertise
Systematics, morphology, ecology, evolution, biogeography, and paleontology of Curculionidae, with strong focus on Entiminae.
General skills: in al aspects of modern standard insect collection management, collecting and identification, work with fossils, Experience in biodiversity informatics: development of taxonomic and geographic databases, mapping in GIS applications, barcode management. Molecular methods: I am extensively experienced in molecular methods at all steps: field (sampling) and labor work (extracting, PCR and sequencing) to analytic work with sequences. SEM methods: I am able to operate the modern Environmental SEM systems (example: Carl Zeiss SMT EVO 50). Abilities to operate a SEM and vacuum coater. Experience in faunistics, taxonomy, systematics, phylogenetics, biogeography, ecology, morphology of insects, particularly Curculionidae (Coleoptera). revisionary and comparative morphological study using SEM and microtomographic methods, constructing of taxonomic keys, phylogenetic and statistic analyses.
Field work
20 years field work experience in six ecozones of five continents of the Earth.
ˇ Indonesia: Sulawesi (Apr. 2014)
ˇ Nigeria (2013)
ˇ Ethiopia (2013)
ˇ Tanzania: Pugu Forest Reserve, Pare Mts., Mkomazi N.P., West & East Usambara Mts. (May 2011)
ˇ Tanzania: Dar es Salaam, Pare Mts., Usambara Mts. (Oct.-Nov. 2010;
ˇ Kenya: Mt. Elgon N.P., Cherangani Hills, Aberdare N.P. (Jan.-Feb. 2009, 2013)
ˇ Tanzania: Kilimanjaro N.P., Arusha N.P. (Oct.-Dec. 2008)
ˇ USA: Georgia (since Apr. 2015)
Neotropical region
ˇ Peru: Andes, Selva Central, Amazon (Sep.-Nov. 2014)
ˇ Indonesia: Java (Mar.-Apr. 2014)
ˇ Austria: Tirol (Oct. 2013)
ˇ Georgia: Abkhazia (2007-2009, 2011)
ˇ Germany: Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft N.P. (2011)
ˇ Germany: Harz (2011-2015)
ˇ Germany: Rügen: Jasmund National Park (August 2013)
ˇ Germany: Dresden, Sächsische Schweitz N.P. (April-June 2009)
ˇ Greece: Attica (May 2014)
ˇ Hungary: Gödöllö Forest Reserve, Bakony Hills (May-June 2008; Sept. 2009)
ˇ Italy: Sicily: Syracuse, Mt. Etna (Jan. 2014);
ˇ Italy: Südtirol, Dolomites, Cima Dodici, Monte Pasubio, Monte Grigna, Monte Baldo, Lido Island (June-July 2014)
ˇ Norway: Oslo, Akershus (2008, 2010)
ˇ Romania: Rodna Mts. (2000)
ˇ Russia: Mari El Rep. (2005-2009); Karelia (2005, 2006, 2010); Saratov Prov. (2007)
ˇ Spain: Catalonia: Parc Natural de la Muntanya de Montserrat (May 2013)
ˇ Spain: Valencia: Parque Natural Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja (July 2013)
ˇ Spain: Canary Islands: Fuerteventura, Tenerife, La Gomera (Dec. 2014-Jan. 2015)
ˇ Slovakia: E. Carpathians (2000)
ˇ Ukraine: E. Carpathians (1995-2001); Crimea (1995-2005, 2010, 2012, 2013); steppes (1993-2005, 2010, 2013)
Professional Activities
ˇ Zoologisches Museum Universität Hamburg November 2012 Study of type material from Eduard Voss collection.
ˇ Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Paris. Study of type material from Alphonse Hustache collection, Study of tertiary Entiminae.
ˇ Zoological Institute Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw. July 2011. Revisionary work on the Palaearctic weevil genus Brachysomus.
ˇ Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, April 2011. Revisionary work on the East African weevils.
ˇ Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen. April 2010. Revisionary work on the East African weevils and Baltic amber fossil weevils.
ˇ Museum für Tierkunde, Dresden, April-June 2009, April 2011; November 2012. Coleoptera collection. Collection management, sorting and identification of unsorted material. Morphological study on the weevil genus Polydrusus and related taxa using the modern methods of comparative morphology (SEM etc.).
ˇ Zoological Museum University of Oslo. 2008-present. Curatorial work in Coleoptera collection. Collection management, preparation, identification of unsorted material.
ˇ Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999-present Comparative morphological study and phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Entiminae based on adult morphology. Preparing the chapter in the Volume VIII of "Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera" (Eds. I. Löbl & A. Smetana). Development of the web site "Beetles (Coleoptera) and Coleopterists" - English Edition ( Development of faunistic and collection database of Curculionidae deposited in the Zoological Institute. Curatorial works in the insect collection. Faunistic studies on the Curculionidae of the Eastern Carpathians, Crimea and Caucasus. Research on biodiversity, systematics, ecology, zoogeography, phylogeny of broad-nosed weevils (Curculionidae: Entiminae). Collecting trips to Crimea, Eastern Carpathians, Caucasus, Central Europe and Equatorial Africa. Monographic study of the genus Brachysomus (about 50 species). Comparative morphology phylogeny and classification of the generic complex Polydrusus Germ. Revision of the genus Urometopus Form. Phylogeny and systematics of the Middle Asian Otiorhynchus species. Preparing of the international collaborative project: "Evolution of the biodiversity of the leaf litter invertebrates of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Together with experts from the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kyiv-Ukraine.
ˇ Lectured General Biology and Chemistry, 1999.
ˇ State Botanical Garden, (Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine). Work in greenhouse (developing of the cultivation technologies of Araceae), 1992.
1. Yunakov N.N. 2012. Afrotropical weevils of the Cadoderus Marshall generic complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Embrithini). Part 1. Genera: Cadoderus Marshall, 1926; Sphrigodellus Marshall, 1942 and Oncophyes Marshall, 1942. Auckland: Magnolia Press (Zootaxa 3535). 104 pp.
2. Yunakov N.N. 2013. Taxonomic acts (Curculionidae: Entiminae). In: Löbl I., Smentana A. (Eds.). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 8. Curculionoidea. Stansrup: Apollo Books, 700pp.
3. Han K., Hong K.-J., Park S., Yunakov N. 2014. Arthropoda: Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae Weevils III // Insect Fauna of Korea. Vol. 12(20). Incheon: National Institute of Biological Resources (Republic of Korea). 105 pp.[December 10, 2014]
4. Nikulina T., Mandelshtam M., Petrov A., Nazarenko V., Yunakov N. 2015. A survey of the weevils of Ukraine. Bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae and Scolytinae) Auckland: Magnolia Press (Zootaxa 3912): 61 pp.
Journal publications and chapters in books
On-line publications
Yunakov N. N. 2012-2015.
Classification and distribution of Curculionoidea.
Available from
Yunakov N. N. 2009.
Checklist of weevil subfamily Entiminae of Russia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)
Available from
3. Yunakov N. N. 2005. Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Polydrusini.
Fauna Europaea. Coleoptera. Fauna Europaea version 1.2.
Available from
Presentations at conferences
1. Yunakov, N. N. 2005. Chorological analysis of broad-nosed weevil fauna (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) and problem of zoogeographical attribution of the Crimean Mountains. General and applied entomology in Ukraine: 251-253. August 15-19, Lviv.
2. Yunakov, N. N. 2005. Chorological analysis of broad-nosed weevil fauna (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) and zoogeographical attribution of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Tezisy dokladov otchetnoi nauchnoi sessii Zoologicheskogo instituta RAN po itogam rabot 2004 g., 5-7 apr. 2005 g. [Zoological sessions (Abstr. ann. rep. 2004, Apr. 5-7, 2005)] St. Petersburg. P. 40-41. [In Russian]
3. Korotyaev, B. A., Davidian, G. E., Yunakov, N. N., Gültekin, L. 2004. On the weevil (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) faunistic links between the Crimea, Caucasus, and Northeastern Anatolia. Proceedings of the conference on invertebrates zoology dedicatet to the 100th anniversary of S. M. Iablokoff-Khnzorian. September 6-8, 2004, Yerevan, Armenia: 81-82.
4. Yunakov, N. N. 2002. Distributional patterns of some groups in the weevil genus Otiorhynchus Germ. in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Tezisy dokladov otchetnoi nauchnoi sessii Zoologicheskogo instituta RAN po itogam rabot 2001 g., 9-11 apr. 2002 g. [Zoological sessions (Abstr. ann. rep. 2001, Apr. 9-11, 2002)] St. Petersburg. P. 39-40. [In Russian]
5. Yunakov, N. N. 1999. Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) of Grand Canyon of the Crimea. Biological researches in National Parks and biological stations. Jubilee conference 85 year of Biological Station of Kharkiv State University. Kharkiv, September, 16-19, 1999: 136-137. [In Russian]
6. Yunakov, N. N. 1998. On the weevil genus Otiorhynchus Germ. of the Ukrainian Fauna. Proceedings of V Congress of Ukrainian entomological society. Kharkiv, September, 7-11, 1998: 187. [in Ukrainian]
Presentations at seminars
ˇ Natural History Museum University of Oslo. Research Meeting, 17-18 April 2012. Vladimir Gusarov, Nikolai Yunakov, Obasanjo Nniwako, Bruno Nyundo. Beetle endemism in the Eastern Arc Mountains and its implications for conservation.
ˇ Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, May 2010: "Adaptive radiation in the weevil subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of the World"
ˇ Natural History Museum, Kharkiv State University. December 2009: "Biodiversity of East African beetles"
ˇ Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. September 2009: "On the expedition to the East African Highlands. Biodiversity of Afroalpine Coleoptera"
ˇ Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, February 2009: "Morphological adaptation and evolution of the weevil subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of the World".
ˇ Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, October 2003: "Weevils of the subfamily Entiminae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Ukraine". PhD thesis.
Curriculum Vitae in MS Word file: Yunakov_CV_2015_for_ZIN.doc