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S.-I. Ueno & G.Sh. Lafer. Occurrence of a Trechoblemus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in Sakhalin. (1994)

Shun-Ichi UENO and German Sh. LAFER
Occurrence of a Trechoblemus (Coleoptera, Trechinae) in Sakhalin
Elytra, Tokyo, 22 (2): 215-219, Nov. 15, 1994
A trechine beetle belonging to the genus Trechoblemus is recorded for the first time from southern Sakhalin. It is tentatively identified with T. postilenatus (H. W. BATES), though differing from specimens of Central and West Japan in the completely flat eyes.

PDF Ueno_Laf_94_215-9.pdf