The largest and most visited site on the portal of the Zoological Institute of RAS (ZIN) during this year is the site "the Beetles (Coleoptera) and coleopterists". Now it occupies 384 Mb from 563 Mb of the total portal volume, which includes also other 37 sites. The site started developing in the end of 1999 as a site of the Coleoptera Department of the Laboratory of Insect Systematics of ZIN. Due to enthusiasm of the founders and makers, appropriate successful design, dynamic renewal of all pages and especially the block of News, beneficial object (beetles!), virtual team of coleopterists and amateurs appeared and now it takes an active part in creation and maintenance of supersite pages. In November, 2003 the site has achieved volume over 2 800 web-pages with more than 9 000 illustrations. In the English version there are more than 80 % of pages corresponding to the Russian version pages. The site is used to solve a wide range of scientific objectives: broad generalizations of knowledge, easy and obviuos presentation of the scientific information dispersed in thousands of publications and manuscripts; creation of new original data bases about beetles; study of a biodiversity of the Russian and world faunas; buildings of new effective methods of identification of insects with use of the Internet technologies; and also to provide with necessary information numerous applied scientific investigations (in ecology, environmental control, protection of agricultural plants and forestry, problem of invasive species etc.). The site also involves in various sketches about works of art and literature, of applied art and bionics. Support: the grant RFBR (№ 02-07-90105).
Supported: grant of RFBR (N 02-07-90105).
Zoological Institute of RAS; 199034
St.-Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 1