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А.Г. Кирейчук

The participants in the 6th International Congress on Fossil Insects, Arthropods and Amber with His Excellency the President of the Republic of Lebanon, General Michel Sleiman

  10. Prof. Piotr Węgierek (Poland) 20. Dr Enrique Peñalver (Spain) 30. His Excellency the President of the Republic of Lebanon General Michel Sleiman (Lebanon) 40. Prof. Evgeny Perkovsky (Ukraine) 50. Mrs. Alba Sánchez García (Spain)
1. Mr. Paul Nascimbene (USA) 11. Prof. Aleksander Herczek (Poland) 21. Dr Alexander Khramov (Russia) 31. Dr Georges Rahbani (Lebanon) 41. Dr Vladimir Blagoderov (UK) 51. Prof. Dong Ren (China)
2. Mrs. Denise Laneve (USA) 12. Dr Yan Fang (China) 22. Mrs. Joanna Choufani (Lebanon) 32. Dr Daran Zheng (China) 42. Dr Ricardo Pérez De La Fuente (Spain) 52. Prof. Michael Engel (USA)
3. Dr Isabelle Veltz (France) 13. Dr Iwona Kania (Poland) 23. Prof. Alexander Kirejtshuk (Russia) 33. Prof. Dany Azar (Lebanon) 43. Dr Evgeny Yan (China) 53. Mrs. Martina Pecharová (Czech Republic)
4. Dr Jean-Claude Paicheler (France) 14. Prof. Wiesław Krzemiński (Poland) 24. Prof. Alexey Solodovnikov (Denmark) 34. Mr. Chenyang Cai (China) 44. Mrs. Biddy Jarzembowski (UK) 54. Prof. Alexander Schmidt (Germany)
5. Dr Julian Petrolevicius (Argentina) 15. Prof. Alexandr Rasnitsyn (Russia) 25. Mr. Georges Kachacha (Lebanon) 35. Mr. Youssef Nohra (Lebanon) 45. Dr Christel Hoffeins (Germany) 55. Prof. Jakub Prokop (Czech Republic)
6. Mrs. Pierrette Gex (France) 16. Prof. Ewa Krzemińska (Poland) 26. Dr Olivier Béthoux (France) 36. Prof. Diying Huang (China) 46. Mr. Heins Hoffeins (Germany)  
7. Dr Bo Wang (China) 17. Dr Ekaterina Sidorchuk (Russia) 27. Dr Andrew Ross (UK) 37. Mr. Kamil Ziadé (Lebanon) 47. Mrs. Kornelia Skibinska (Poland)  
8. Dr Jacek Szwedo (Poland) 18. Mr. Dimitry Vorontsov (Russia) 28. Prof. Daniel Bickel (Australia) 38. Prof. Antoine El-Samrani (Lebanon) 48. Prof. Yuri Popov (Russia)  
9. Dr Sarah Martin (Australia) 19. Dr Youmna Salamé (Lebanon) 29. Prof. Ali Mneymneh (Lebanon) 39. Prof. Ed Jarzembowski (UK) 49. Dr Mónica Morayma Solórzano Kraemer (Mexico)