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Из библиотеки Андрея Украинского

Лобанов Андрей Львович & Дианов Михаил Борисович, 1994

Диалоговая компьютерная диагностическая система BIKEY и возможности ее использования в энтомологии //
Энтомологическое обозрение, Т. 73, No. 2, С. 465-478.

SUMMARY:   The last versions of a dialogue computer system BIKEY, which was constantly being improved for 20 years are discribed in detail. The system permits to make quickly multientry polychotomous keys to any groups of animals and plants, to use them as information systems on characters of the taxa, to build on their basis numerous variants of traditional optimized monoentry keys, to make formalized descriptions of taxa. Specific attention spared to the program PICKEY - dialogue computer identification key based on illustrations. The system BIKEY can be useful both for entomologists-systematics and applied experts, working in networks of stations of plant protection, in services of plant quarantine, forest protection and protection of a environment.

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