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Kateretes pusillus (Thunberg, 1794) - photo by Udo Schmidt

Udo Schmidt

       Атлас жуков России и близлежащих стран
    Семейство Kateretidae

Kateretes pusillus (Thunberg, 1794) - det. U.Schmidt, 1978
[= Kateretes bipustulatus (Paykull, 1798)]
Germany, Bavaria, Niederbayern, Deggendorf, Donau valley, 7.V.1978, leg. U.Schmidt
Size: 2.6 mm (1.6 to 3.0 mm)
Ecology: lives in moist habitats, on sedges but also on flowers

Photo by U.Schmidt (2017)
from web-site "Kaefer der Welt / Beetles of the World"