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2-ой Симпозиум по биоразнообразию Гималаев - опыт интерактивного отчета

M. Hartmann & H. Weipert & А. Кирейчук & А. Лобанов

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Симпозиум был организован Музеем естественной истории в Эрфурте. Вы можете посетить веб-сайт музея: Naturkundemuseum Erfurt.

Prof. Dr. Jens Goebel

Grusswort des Thueringer Kulturministers

Opening words of the Thuringian Minister of education and cultural affairs

Prof. Dr. Lothar Ratschbacher

The evolution of the Tibetan Plateau

Prof. Dr. Gerd Mueller-Motzfeld

Faunenbeziehungen zwischen dem himalayischen und dem pamirischen Primaerzentrum am Beispiel der Laufkaefergattung Bembidion (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

Dr. Ulrich Boessneck

Ecology and Distribution of slugs (Gastropopoda: Stylommatophora) in the Nepalese Himalaya

Prof. Dr. Georg Miehe & Dr. Frank Schluetz

Biogeographic and palynologic investigations of areal disjunctions in the Himalaya

Sibani Chakrabarti

Diversity In Microbial Aeroflora of Eastern Himalaya

Dr. W. Bernhard Dickore et al.

Evolution and radiation of the Edelweiss (Leontopodium, Compositae)

Dr. Dirk Ahrens

Endemism, dispersal and altitudinal occurrence of the arboreal fauna in the Himalaya

Prof. Dr. Alexander G. Kirejtshuk

On the similarities between the Nitidulid faunas from Baltic amber and the Himalayas and mountains of South China (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae)

Tej B. Thapa

Species Richness, Endemism and Conservation of Biodiversity in Nepal Himalaya

Dr. Martin Kaiser & Joergen Fiebig

Biology and Systematics of Snow Sparrows (Montifringilla s. str.) and Mountain Steppe Sparrows (Pyrgilauda, Onychostruthus) of the Qinghai-Tibet-Plateau

Dr. Eberhard Mey

Mysterious occurrence of two ischnoceran chewing lice species (Insecta, Phthiraptera, Goniodidae & Philopteridae) on the Snow Partridge Lerwa lerwa?

Prof. Dr. Samiran Chakrabarti

Diversity of Aphid (Insecta: Homoptera) fauna and their host plants diversity in western and northwestern Himalaya, India

Prof. Dr. Bidhan Chandra Das

Aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of the Western Himalayas

Dr. Eva Sprecher-Uebersax

Some new results about the leaf beetle fauna in Nepal (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

Ulf Buchsbaum

The Owlet moths of the subfamily Agaristinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of the Himalaya

Dipl.-Biol. J. Schmidt

Arealanalyse hochmontaner und alpiner Laufkaefer zur Feststellung maximaler eiszeitlicher Vergletscherungen im Himalaya

Prof. Dr. Jochen Martens

Diversity of song bird faunas in the sino-himalayan region - correctly identified ?

Dr. Sigfried Ingrisch

Orthoptera fauna of the Himalayas: knowledge and prospects

Prof. Dr. Prem Bahadur Budha

Dragonfly biodiversity: Important management tool for providing safe drinking water to Kathmanduties, Nepal

Dipl.-Biol. Joerg Weipert

The fauna of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Nepal - state of the research and future goals

Krishna Bhatta

Natural Conservation of Royal Chitwan National Park - problems and perpectives

Prof. Dr. Georg Miehe

A new view on the horizontal and altitudinal distribution of the vegetation in the Himalaya (evening lecture)

Традиционный фоторепортаж о симпозиуме - на отдельной странице.