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Ëèòåðàòóðà ê àííîòèðîâàííîìó ñïèñêó óñà÷åé (CERAMBYCOIDEA) Åâðîïû

Èìåéòå â âèäó, ÷òî ýòà âåðñèÿ ñïèñêà óæå óñòàðåëà è íîâûé íåèíòåðàêòèâíûé âàðèàíò ñïèñêà ãîðàçäî àêòóàëüíåå è ïîëíåå.

Mikhail L. Danilevsky

Return to Check-List of CERAMBYCOIDEA of Europe
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 AARTSEN B.V., KERVINK F. 1980. Interessante en nieuwe Boktorren voor de
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 BAHILO de la PUEBLA P., ITURRONDOBEITIA BILBAO J. C., 1990. Contribucion al
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 BAIDAK S.I., 1997. New and little-known longicorn beetle species (Coleoptera,
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 Cerambycidae).- Nachrichtenbl. Bayer. Ent., 27 (4): 69-71.
 BERNHAUER D., 1985. Purpuricenus creticus nov. spec. eine neue Purpuricenus-Art
 von Kreta (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Nachrichtenbl. Bayer. Ent., 34 (4): 101-
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 BREUNING S., 1982. Un nouveau Dorcadion de Grece.- Entomologiste, 38 (3): 146.
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 BRINGMANN H. D., 1995. Die Agapanthia-Arten Bulgariens (Col., Cerambycidae).-
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 CANTOT P., 1990. Un longicorne nouveau pour la France: Neoclytus acuminatus
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Last updated: January, 2002