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M.A. Monné. 2020. Catalogue of the Cerambycidae of the Neotropical Region. Part 3. Lepturinae...

Марк Волкович    и    Андрей Лобанов

Miguel A. Monné. 2020.
Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region.
Part III. Subfamilies Lepturinae, Necydalinae, Parandrinae, Prioninae, Spondylidinae and Families Oxypeltidae, Vesperidae and Disteniidae.
March 2020. 307 pp.
Available from

Файл PDF: monne_2020_catalogue_cerambycidae_of_neotropical_region_part_iii_lepturinae_prioninae_etc.pdf