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Andrzej O. Bieńkowski & Marina Ja. Orlova-Bienkowskaja. 2018.
The First Record in Europe of an Invasive Alien Pest of Soybeans: Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae).
ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA, 2018, 70 (1): 117-120.
Medythia nigrobilineata Motschulsky (= Paraluperodes suturalis nigrobilineatus) is a dangerous pest of
soybeans in Asia. It is native to China, the Russian Far East, Japan, Nepal, Pakistan and South Korea. It
has not been recorded in Europe until now. In 2016, a single female of M. nigrobilineata was collected
at the Black Sea coast in the city of Sochi, in the south of European Russia. Though we have found only
one specimen, it is extremely likely that it represents at least a temporarily successful colonisation. The
likelihood of catching an individual from a current introduction, rather than from a breeding population, is
negligibly small. Medythia nigrobilineata is the first species of the genus Medythia to be found in Europe.
This pest poses potential threats to soybean production in Europe.