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Comments to annotated list of longhorn beetles (Cerambycoidea) of Europe

Updated 05.09.2004

Main list: eucertax.htm

#1  Some  authors  regarded  Vesperus serranoi  as  a  synonym  of  V. 
conicicollis;  according  to  Vives  (2000)  V.  conicicollis   =   V. 
#2 Prinobius was often regarded as a subgenus of Macrotoma. 
#3  The  tribe  system  of  Lepturinae (with  Rhamnusiini,  Oxymirini, 
Enoploderini and so on) is more or less agree with P.Svacha  (1989  in 
Svacha, Danilevsky, 1989) divisions, though P.Svacha joined Rhamnusium 
and  Enoploderes in one tribe. Rhamnusiini, Oxymirini and Enoploderini 
were   named   by  Danilevsky  in  "A  Check-list  :"   (Althoff   and 
#4  Rhamnusium  gracilicorne and Rh. bicolor are often  considered  as 
#5  Vadonia hirsuta was often considered as an individual variation of 
V.  unipunctata.  It  was regarded as a species  by  Panin,  Savulescu 
(1961), Althoff, Danilevsky (1997), Miroshnikov (1998: 407). 
#6  We used (after C.Pesarini and A.Sabbadini, 1994) Leptura annularis 
F.,  1801  as  a  replacement name for L. arcuata  Panzer,  1793  (not 
Linnaeus, 1758). 
The  species  was  recorded  for Andorra  (Vives,  1984)  and  as 
probable for other Pyrenees localities (Vives, 2000). 
#7  G. Sama (1991) proposed to change the name Tetropium in the oldest 
name Isarthron, ignoring Opinion No 1473 (1988) on the conservation of 
#8   The replacement names are used according to proposals by G.  Sama 
According  to  A.Miroshnikov  (personal  communication  of  2003), 
Brull  (1832: 258) introduced: "Lamia (Morinus Serv. ined.)  lugubris Fabr."  and "Lamia (Morinus Serv. ined.) funesta Fabr.", but  in  same 
publication in "Errata": "Morinus, lisez Morimus". So the name Morimus 
Brull, 1832 must be used and proposal of G.Sama (1991: 126): "Morinus Brull, 1832 = Morimus Serville, 1835" can not be accepted. 
E.Vives  (2000)  insists  on  Niphona Mulsant,  1839,  instead  of 
Nyphona  Dejean,  1835;  according to G. Sama (1991)  Nyphona  Dejean, 
Phymatoderus  Dejean,  1937  is  nomen  nudum,  so  Phymatoderus 
Reitter, 1912 = Reitteroderus Sama, 1991 (see Sama, 1999b). 
#9  In  North Europe Gracilia minuta and Nathrius brevipennis are  not 
native, but often imported with wickerwood articles. 
Both were recorded for Ireland with question mark by M.Rejzek (2004). 
#10  Taxonomy and distribution of Glaphyra are given according  to  G. 
Sama (1995). 
#11   The  treating  of  western  Xylosteus  spinolae  as  a  separate 
subspecies  was proposed by G. Sama (1993). The possible name  of  the 
taxon  could  be X. s. rufiventris. Afterwards G.Sama (2002)  regarded 
the  difference between eastern and western populations as covered  by 
individual variability. More over X. spinolae = X. rufiventris because 
of same type locality. 
#12 Specimens of Vadonia livida with vertical and radial directions of 
pronotal  pubescence are often mixed in one population, so we  do  not 
regard  P.  livida  m.  pecta  (J.Daniel  et  K.Daniel,  1891)  as   a 
subspecies, as well as m. desbrochersi (Pic, 1891) which is also often 
mixed with less tomented specimens. 
#13  West  European population of Cerambyx cerdo do not show  distinct 
differentiation on subspecies level, still many authors joint Pirenean 
populations  together with ssp. mirbecki described from  North  Africa 
(see  Vives, 1984), as well as French populations together  with  ssp. 
pfisteri described from Sicily (see Villiers, 1978). 
#14  Purpuricenus  caucasicus was separated from  P.  budensis  by  A. 
Miroshnikov (Danilevsky, Miroshnikov, 1985). 
#15  Dubious records of Phymatodes lividus for several countries could 
based on imported specimens. 
#16 Records of Chlorophorus herbsti for NW Kazachstan (Plavilstshikov, 
1940: 467) were connected with Ch. elaeagni (Kostin, 1973: 184). 
#17  Old  records of Dorcadion elegans for Hungary as well as possible 
occurrence in Poland are not reliable. 
#18 All specimens from the territory of the former USSR, identified as 
Pogonocherus   ovatus,  in  Plavilstshikov's  collection   in   Moscow 
Zoological Museum, were in fact P. decoratus. No P. ovatus  from  this 
area  are known to the authors, so all records we consider as doubtful 
(we have not checked the collections of Litva, Latvia and Estonia). 
#19  Many authors regard Pogonocherus taygetanus as a synonym or South 
Greece subspecies of P. eugeniae. 
#20  G.  Sama (1994b) joined European representatives of Acanthoderini 
in Nearctic genus Aegomorphus. 
According  to  Monne  (1994) the type species of  Acanthoderes  is 
Lamia varia F.,1787 = A. clavipe (Schrank 1781) - designation of Bates 
(1861),  but not South American Lamia daviesi, designated by  Thomson, 
In  fact the text by Bates (1861: 19): "In A. varius, the European species  which may be considered typical of the genus,:"  can  not  be 
regarded as the type designation of the genus. 
G.Sama  (1994)  established species independence  of  Plagionotus 
siculus and used Prinobius myardi Muls. as a replacement name  for  P. 
scutellaris Germ., described as Prionus scutellaris Germ.(not Olivier, 
#21 Stenostola alboscutellata was recently regarded (Bense, 1995) as a 
synonym of S. dubia. 
#22 Ropalopus fischeri was described from near Kharkov (East Ukraine), 
and  mentioned  as  a  separate species from  near  Voronezh  (Central 
Russia) by G.V. Lindeman (1963). 
#23  Xylotrechus  asellus  (= grumi) together  with  X.  namanganensis 
(Heyden, 1885) were separated in a new genus Turanoclytus Sama, 1994. 
#24  The synonymisations: Agapanthia lederi = A. helianthi and  Clytus 
asellus  = Xylotrechus grumi were introduced by M.Danilevsky  (1992b). 
Xylotrechus  grumi  was  mentioned by I. S.  Zakharchenko  (1957)  for 
Transvolga region. 
#25 Oberea taygetana was treated as a synonym of O. erythrocephala  by 
C. Demelt (1967). 
#26  We  are  not sure if the forms of Chlorophorus sartor with  twice 
interrupted  anterior  elytral stripe from  France  and  Italy  really 
represent  a good subspecies, but the name "infensus" (Plavilstshikov, 
1940)  is  not  suitable for it (used by C.Pesarini and A.  Sabbadini, 
1994),  because  this  name was proposed for a  very  rare  individual 
aberration from Caucasus. 
#27  The  common  treatment of Spondylidinae as a  separate  subfamily 
close to Aseminae is a taxomic error (see Svacha, Danilevsky, 1987). 
#28  Phytoecia manicata, described from Syria, absent in  Europe.  All 
records  of this species from Europe due to Ph. pubescence,  which  is 
not  close  to Ph. manicata and can be easily distinguished  from  the 
later by the absence of spines on the male coxae (Danilevsky, 1993). 
#29 Records of A. violacea were often connected with A. intermedia, so 
the  distributional data are provisional. A. intermedia  was  recorded 
for France and Italy by G.Sama (2002). 
#30  Lucasianus levaillanti was recorded for Spain and Portugal by  J. 
Plaza Lama (1990) and G. Sama (1992a). 
#31 Agapanthia reyi was considered by some authors as a synonym of  A. 
annularis, or by others as a synonym of A. asphodeli (Sama,  1992).  I 
have accepted the last position after E.Vives (2000). 
#32  According to G.Sama (1988a) Phytoecia rufipes must be  absent  in 
Siberia and Central Asia, because of its monophagy on Foeniculum.  Ph. 
rufipes  has continuous area from South Russia to Siberia and  Central 
Asia,  were it was often collected by M. Danilevsky on Prangos. Before 
(Althoff,  Danilevsky,  1997) I regarded  easten  polulations  of  Ph. 
rufipes as Ph. sibirica on the base of different food plant. I do  not 
see considerable morphological differences between specimens from West 
Europe  and  Russia. According G.Sama (2002: 116) Ph.  sibirica  is  a 
#33 G.Sama (1987) regarded Purpuricenus desfontainii inhumeralis as  a 
separate subspecies and mentioned the occurrence of P. d. desfontainii 
on Crete. 
#34  Shurmania  was  recently considered  as  a  synonym  of  Alocerus 
(Holzschuh, 1995). 
#35  Purpuricenus caucasicus was treated as a separate species  by  A. 
Miroshnikov (1984), but recently it was regarded as a subspecies of P. 
budensis  from  Armenien Republic and Turkey (Sabbadini and  Pesarini, 
#36  Morimus  ganglbaueri  and M. funereus  are  often  considered  as 
synonyms  of Morimus asper. According to J.Simonetta (1989),  all  are 
species.  According to G.Sama (1988) all are subspecies. According  to 
G.Sama (2002), M. verecundus is also a subspecies of M. asper; Morimus 
from European Turkey was accepted as M.orientalis. 
#37  Phytoecia  hispanica  Br. was considered  as  a  synonym  of  Ph. 
coerulea  by  Gonzalez (1995b), as a synonym of  Ph.  erythrocnema  by 
Vives  (2000) and as a synonym of Ph. malachitica by J. Sudre  (2000), 
that seems to be correct. 
#38  Echinocerus  scalaris (as well as Phoracantha  semipunctata)  was 
mentioned for Spain by J. Plaza Lama et J. de Ferrer (1988). 
#39  We  include West Europe in the area of Tetrops gilvipes following 
P.  Berger  (1985), though the distribution of this species in  Europe 
rests unclear. 
C.  Pesarini and A. Sabbadini (1994) regard that Tetrops gilvipes 
(described  from  Transcaucasie) absent  in  West  Europe,  and  black 
Tetrops  with pale legs from West Europe can be a separate species  T. 
nigra or a dark form of T. praeusta. 
A  series of T. gilvipes was collected in Rostov Region of  South 
Russia   (Egorlykskaia,  13-14  05  2003)  by   D.Kasatkin   (personal 
communication, 2003). 
#40 The subspecies rank of Agapanthia cardui pannonica was established 
by J.M. Gutowski (1992) and accepted by Georgiev, Stojanova (2003). 
#41  Siberian Anoplodera rufiventris (Gebler, 1830) absent in  Europe. 
The  records  of  this species for Roumania (Kaszab,  1971;  Pesarini, 
Sabbadini,  1994) was based on wrong synonymisation: A. rufiventris  = 
Leptura  nigroflava  Fuss, 1852. Different authors proposed  different 
synonyms for L. nigroflava: Evodinellus borealis, Brachyta variabilis, 
B.  borni and so on, but in fact it is a very distinct species, as  it 
was accepted by Panin and Savulescu (1961: 143). 
A.Miroshnikov  (1998)  accepted  the  supposition  by   P.Svacha 
(1989)to  regard two Palaearctic species of the group inside  American 
genus  Xestoleptura:  X.  rufiventris and X. baeckmanni.  Xestoleptura 
nigroflava is the third Palaearctic species of the genus. 
#42  The  African  species Chlorophorus pelletieri was  mentioned  for 
France and Spain by Villiers (1946) after wrong determination Villiers 
(1974a,  1978),  as well as for Italy by G. Sama (1988)  after  S.  de 
Bertolini (1875, 1899), see G. Sama (1988). But recently (Pesarini and 
Sabbadini, 1995) it was once more regarded as questionable  member  of 
European fauna. 
#43  G.  Sama (1987) proposed to regard Grammoptera bipustulata  as  a 
subspecies  of  G.  auricollis and then (Sama,  1996)  considered  its 
population from Creta as a separate subspecies G. a. basicornis. 
#44 Phytoecia (Helladia) millefolii alziari Sama, 1992, described from 
Cyprus  and  Turkey,  was mentioned for Crete by C.  Pesarini  and  A. 
Sabbadini (1994). 
#45  The  original  locality of Vesperus creticus is  not  clear  (see 
Bense, 1995: 470). 
#46  G.  Sama  (1982) recorded Purpuricenus nanus  Semenov,  1907  for 
Greece due to the wrong label (Sama, 1996). 
#47  The  distribution  of  Stenopterus  rufus  geniculatus  is  shown 
according to G. Sama (1995b). 
#48  G.  Sama (1996) regarded the name Clytus robertae as nomen nudum, 
but  we are not sure if it is really fitting to the conditions of  the 
Art.   15   of  the  International  Code  of  Zoological  Nomenclature 
(conditional proposition). 
According to G. Sama (1992b), Pedostrangalia consists of 3 subgenera 
(Pedostrangalia, Sphenalia, Etorufus) 
According to P.Svacha (Svacha, Danilevsky, 1989: 18, 131), Nakanea is a 
subgenus of Pedostrangalia. In fact it can be included in Etorufus (according 
to personal communication by Svacha, 2004). 
Following  G.Sama  (2002)  I  accept Etorufus  as  a  genus,  that 
totally  agree  with  larval  characters  (personal  communication  by 
Svacha,  2004). In fact the attribution to one taxon P.  circaocularis 
(Pic, 1934) [= P. variicornis (Matsushita, 1933, nec Dalman, 1817 )  - 
type  species  of Etorufus] and P. pubescens seems to be doudtful,  as 
imagoes  are rather different (structure of apical abdominal segments, 
tarsi and so on). 
The date of Pedostrangalia Sokolov (Horae Soc. Ent. Ross., v. 30, p. 461) 
is different in different publications: it is 1896, according to 
Plavilstshikov, 1936; Villiers, 1978; Sama, 2002 - or 1897, according to 
Vives, 2000. According to I.M. Kerzhner (1984), only two first numbers of 30th 
volum were published in 1836, but numbers 3-4 with pages 193-480 were 
published in 1897. 
#50  Evodinus  clathratus  and E. borealis were  placed  in  different 
subgenera by C. Pesarini and A. Sabbadini (1994). 
According to P.Svacha (Svacha, Danlevsky, 1989), on the larval characters 
Evodinus LeConte, 1850 = Evodinellus (used by G.Sama 2002, together with 
Evodinellus = Brachytodes). 
"I would prefer classifying borealis and clathratus in Evodinus (together with the American species) and to keep Evodinellus and Brachytodes as 
subgenera of Evodinus at most." - personal communication by P.Svacha, 2004.  
#51  We  tried  to  composed all species of D. (Pedestredorcadion)  in 
natural groups, but proposed order of species can't completely reflect 
our point of view as several species rest unknown to us. 
#52  Macroleptura thoracica was often regarded as a representative  of 
american  genus  Stenelytrana Gistl, 1848 (= Stenura Dejean,  1835;  = 
Megaleptura Chemsak, 1964,). 
#53 The records of Mesoprionus besicanus for Crete seem to be based on 
wrong determinations of M. batelkai (Slama, 1996). 
#54  Purpuricenus caucasicus was recorded for Macedonia by M.Slama and 
J.  Slamova  (1996)  with  question mark; later  this  population  was 
described as P. renyvonae. 
#55  Stenopterus  atricornis was recorded  as  a  species  for  Greece 
(Slama, Slamova, 1996). 
#56 The synonymy Vadonia parnassensis (Pic) = V. aspoeckorum Holz. was 
published by M.Slama and J.Slamova (1996). 
V. aspoeckorum Holz. was restored by Pesarini and Sabbadini (2004) 
#57   Anastrangalia  dubia  moreana  was  regarded  as  a  Peloponnese 
subspecies (Slama, Slamova, 1996). 
#58 Several authers (for example M. Slama and J. Slamova, 1996) regard 
Phymatodes pusillus barbipes as a good subspecies, but such separation 
can not be considered as generally accepted. 
#59 All records of Cortodera discolor Fairm. for Greece were connected 
with  wrong  identification of recently described  C.  steineri  Sama, 
Cortodera discolor from SE Bulgaria [1 female: Karapelit w., 
Dobritsch, 11.5.2001, Bringmann; 1 female: 30km SE Burgas, Veselie, 
16.5.2002, L.Schmidt; 2 males, 2 females: Vesseli bei Sozop, 
16.5.2002, Bringmann; 9 males, 2 females: Slanchev Brjag, Emineberge, 
auf Centaurea-blte, 28.4.2001, G.Siering (including 4 black males); 1 
male, Slanchev Brjag, auf Centaurea, 8.5.2000, G.Sierung] looks really 
conspecific with C. discolor from its type locality (Turkey, Bosz- 
Dagh). I've studied one female in good condition with the label 
"Bosdagh" (Hungarian Museum of Ntural History, Budapest). The species 
is undoubtedly represented in European Turkey. 
Cortodera  discolor could be conspecific with Cortodera  colchica 
(on the level of subspecies). At least Bulgarien Cortodera discolor is 
also connected with Centaurea. 
#60  Echinocerus andreui (Fuente, 1910) is revalidated by J.I.  Lopez- 
Colon  (1997)  as  a  species,  but  E.Vives  (2000)  regarded  it  as 
subspecies of Echinocerus bobelayei (though in Plagionotus). 
#61  According to S. V. Saluk (personal communication),  Deilus  fugax 
(Oliv.)  was  found  in  Pripiat National  Reserve.  The  species  was 
recorded for NW Kazakhstan (Embulatovka River) by Tsherepanov (1981). 
#62  Pogonocherus decoratus was originally recorded  for  Bulgaria  by 
P.Angelov   (1989),  as  well  as  Icosium  tomentosum  and  Phytoecia 
millefolii. According to S. V. Saluk (personal communication), several 
specimens  of  Pogonocherus decoratus were reared by  him  from  Pinus 
pallasiana branches collected in Crimea near Gurzuf. 
#63  In spite of G. Sama's opinion (1987), M. Slama (1997) insists  on 
the  original treatment of Grammoptera bipustulata Steiner as separate 
#64   The  records  of  Lepturalia  nigripes  rufipennis  for   Europe 
(Adlbauer, 1990; Adlbauer, Egger, 1997) were based on single specimens 
with  reddish  elytrae,  which  occasionally  occur  in  all  area  of 
nominative subspecies as well as specimens with yellowish elytrae  are 
spread over the area of L. n. rufipennis. 
#65  Usually the name "Rhesus" attributed to Motschulsky was used  for 
the   genus.  But  originally  "Rhesus"  was  introduced  for  Prionus 
serricollis Motsch. by J.Thomson (1860), non Lesson (1840). 
#66  The  subspecies structure of D. minutum Kraatz, 1873 is  prepared 
according  to  the  opinion  of Herr S.  Steiner  (private  letter  of 
According  to S.Steiner (2003), D. pararenarium, D. nemeense,  D. 
mimarenarium, D. aeginasum. D. lamiae, D. amphissae are species. 
Dorcadion peloponnesicum Breuning, 1982, described from 
Megaspileon, (Peloponnese) was not mentioned in Steiner's article 
(neither by Althoff, Danilevsky, 1997). 
#67 A.I. Miroshnikov (1998) proposed a new classification of the species of 
"Anoplodera complex", which being limited within the area (and after exclusion 
of Corymbia as junior homonym)looks: 
Genus: Lepturobosca Reitter, 1913 
Subgenus: Lepturobosca Reitter, 1913 
virens (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Genus: Xestoleptura Casey, 1913 
nigroflava (Fuss, 1852) 
Genus: Anoplodera Mulsant, 1839 
Subgenus: Anoplodera Mulsant, 1839 
rufipes (Schaller, 1783) 
sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) 
Subgenus: Anoploderomorpha Pic 1901 
cyanea (Gebler, 1832) 
ssp. cyanea (Gebler, 1832) 
Genus: Pseudovadonia Lobanov, Murzin et Danilevsky, 1981 
livida (Fabricius, 1776) 
Genus: Vadonia Mulsant, 1863 
unipunctata (Fabricius, 1787) 
hisuta (K.Daniel et J.Daniel, 1891) 
insidiosa Holzschuh, 1984 
aspoeckorum Holzschuh, 1975 
bipunctata (Fabricius, 1781) 
steveni (Sperk, 1835) 
imitatrix (K.Daniel et J.Daniel, 1891) 
bisignata (Brulle, 1832) 
dojranensis Holzschuh, 1984 
monostigma (Ganglbauer, 1881) 
moesiaca (K.Daniel et J.Daniel, 1891) 
bicolor (Redtenbacher, 1850) 
Genus: Paracorymbia (Miroshnikov, 1998) 
Subgenus: Paracorymbia (Miroshnikov, 1998) 
fulva (Degeer, 1775) 
tonsa (K.Daniel et J.Daniel, 1891) 
hybrida (Rey, 1885) 
picticornis (Reitter, 1885) 
pallens (Brull, 1832) 
maculicornis (Degeer, 1775) 
Subgenus: Batesiata Miroshnikov, 1998 
tesserula (Charpentier, 1825) 
Genus: Melanoleptura Miroshnikov, 1998 
scutellata (Fabricius, 1781) 
Genus: Stictoleptura Casey, 1924 (Corymbia, sensu Miroshnikov) 
rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) 
variicornis (Dalman, 1817) 
fontenayi (Mulsant, 1839) 
oblongomaculata (Buquet, 1840) 
trisignata (Fairmaire, 1852) 
erythroptera (Hagenbach, 1822) 
rufa (Brulle, 1832) 
heydeni (Ganglbauer, 1889) 
martini (Slama, 1985) 
cordigera (Fuesslins, 1775) 
stragulata (Germar, 1824) 
otini (Peyerimhoff, 1945) 
Genus: Anastrangalia Casey 1924 ECKWSUI 
sanguinolenta (Linnaeus, 1761) 
dubia (Scopoli, 1763) 
reyi (Heyden, 1889) 
montana (Mulsant et Rey, 1863) 
In general the whole system does not look to be argued good enough: 
neither differential diagnosis, nor distinguishing key were proposed. Recently 
two species of that system were moved to Stictoleptura (S. scutellata and S. 
tesserula) by G. Sama (2002), and Melanoleptura and Batesiata were regarded as 
synonyms of Stictoleptura. Now, until new arguments are published, I prefer to 
accept both Sama's synonyms and regard Stictoleptura = Paracorymbia, as well 
as Stictoleptura = Cribroleptura. 
The current provisional position with big genus Stictoleptura was 
supported by P.Svacha on the base of larval characters (personal 
communication, 2004): "So possibly a broad undivided Stictoleptura is the best solution for the moment, even if provisional." and "However, I would suggest 
to keep only rubra and dichroa = succedanea in Aredolpona". He also supposed that such a wide conception of Stictoleptura could be the reason to join it 
with Brachyleptura. 
The  transform  of  Palaearctic  Anoplodera  rufiventris  and  A. 
baeckmanni  to  Nearctic genus Xestoleptura by  A.Miroshnikov  (1998), 
which was supposed before by Svacha (1989: 19), must be accepted. 
According  to  E.Vives (2000) Corymbia Gozis, 1886  is  a  junior 
homonym  of  Corymbia  Walker, 1865 (described in  Noctuidae,  now  in 
Notodontidae). The necessaty of the name change is evident as Corymbia 
Walker is not "nomen oblitum" according to the Article 23.9.1. of ICZN 
(1999)  and  was mentioned among valid names in "The Genera  Names  of Moths of the World." Vol.2. London. 1980: 44 (by Watson, A., Fletcher, 
D.C. and Nye, I.W.B. in Nye I.W.B.). 
#68  According  to G.Sama (1995) Oplosia fennica (Paykull,  1800)  was 
described  as  Lamia fennica (nec L., 1758), and must be  replaced  by 
Oplosia cinerea (Mulsant, 1839). 
#69 I. lusitanicum mimomucidum (see Vives, 2000, 2001) was regarded as 
a separate species (Serrano et al., 1997; Romero Samper, 2002). 
#70  Molorchus  umbellatarum was recorded for Norway by  J.  Skartveit 
#71 Dorcadion (I.) vanhoegaerdeni Breun. was regarded as a synonym  of 
I.(H.) heydeni (Vives, 1983, 2000) or as a species (Tome, 1997). 
#72 Glaphyra marmottani was recorded for Spain by E. Vives (1997). 
Glaphyra   marmottani,  Semanotus  russicus   and   Acanthocinus 
reticulates  were  recorded as new for Bulgaria by  D.Doychev  and  G. 
Georgiev (2004). 
#73   According  to  P.  Berger  (1997),  Iberodorcadion   fuliginator 
navarricum = I. fuliginator urgulli. 
#74  Aegomorphus (as Acanthoderes) krueperi was recorded for  Bulgaria 
by  Bringmann  (1997).  A.  francottei  was  recorded  for  France  by 
Allemand, Brustel and Clary (2002). 
#75  Strangalia attenuata was recorded for Spain by Perez M.I. et  al. 
#76  Saperda similis was recorded for Estonia (Martin, 1991)  and  for 
Bulgaria (Georgiev and Samuelian, 2000). 
#77   Mesocerambyx  Zahaikevitch,  1991  (nec  Mesocerambyx 
Hitzinger,   1943)  must  be  replaced.  Mesocermabyx  together   with 
Microcerambyx were regarded as synonyms of Cerambyx by E.Vives  (2000) 
and G.Sama (2002). 
#78 Oberea linearis was recorded for Sardinia by C. Meloni (1987) 
#79  Stictoleptura  cordigera  was recorded  for  Czechia  by  J.Vavra 
#80 Phytoecia algerica was recorded for Spain (Vives, 1996). 
#81 Callidiellum rufipenne was recorded for Spain (Bahilo de la PUEBLA 
#82  H.D.  Bringmann (1995) recorded for Bulgaria Agapanthia lais,  A. 
osmanlis,  A.  frivaldskyi. A. osmalis was  recorded  for  Hungary  by 
Kovacs (1997). 
#83 Agapanthia leucaspis was recorded for Austria (Bohme, 1994). 
#84 Glaphyra umbellatarum was recorded for Estonia (Milander, 1994). 
#85  Chlorophorus varius was introduced to Sweden (Warmling,  Ahnlund, 
#86  Leioderes kollari was recorded for Switzerland (Scherler,  1993); 
for Spain (Lenchina et al., 2004). 
#87 Stenopterus mauritanicus was regarded (Bahillo de la Puebla, 1992) 
as a subspecies of S. rufus. 
#88 Tetrops starki was recorded for Great Britain (Harrison, 1992). 
#89 Cortodera flavimana was recorded for Slovakia ("Hohe Tatra") by G. 
Kremer (1992). 
#90 Chlorophorus figuratus was recorded for Sardinia (Meloni, 1992). 
#91  Asias halodendri was recorded for Albania (Muraj, 1960), Bulgaria 
(Angelov,  1995)and  Uktraine (Zahaikevitch,  1991:  79,  146)  as  A. 
Now  I  preliminary divided A. halodendri (described from  Irtysh 
River in NE Kazakhstan and distributed from West Europe to Korea) into 
several subspecies. A. h. ephippium (described from Terek River in  NE 
Caucasus) is distributed from W Europe to NW Kazakhstan. 
#92  According to Suda, Milander (1998): Pidonia lurida, Anastrangalia 
dubia,  Monochamus  sartor  and  Pogonocherus  ovatus  are  absent  in 
Estonia.    The    presence   of   Anoplodera   rufipes,    Pachytodes 
cerambyciformis,   Cerambyx   scopolii,   Plagionotus   arcuatus   and 
Stenostola dubia is rather doubtful. 
According  to E.Vives (2000) Anoplodera rufipes (Schaller,  1783) 
was  described  as  Leptura  rufipes (not Goeze,  1777)  and  must  be 
replaced  to  A. krueperi (Ganglbauer, 1882). The change  can  not  be 
accepted according to the Article 23.9. of ICZN (1999). 
N.N. Plavilstshikov (1936) could not distinguish Anastrangalia 
dubia and A. reyi (=inexpectata), so his area of A. dubia (nearly 
whole territory of European Russia) is wrong. A. dubia is definitely 
distributed in West Ukraine and in Latvia (its presence in Lithuania 
or in European part of Russia is not proved yet), as well as in 
Caucasus with Ciscaucasia. It is absent in St.-Petersburg region 
(Filimonov, Udalov, 2002) and most probably absent in Belorussiya (it 
was recorded only for Polish part of Belovezha forest by O. 
Aleksandrovitch et al., 1996). 
In Caucasus and Turkey the species is represented by local 
subspecies A. dubia distincta (accepted by G.Sama, 2002) 
A. reyi is definitely known for the whole north half of the 
European part of the former USSR, including whole Belorussiya and 
Moscow Region. I've got some specimens from Miass (in south Urals) and 
collected it personally near Juriuzan (in Cheliabinsk Region). 
#93  Xylosteus  caucasicola  was  recorded  for  European  Turkey  and 
Cortodera umbripennis for Bulgaria (Sama, Rapuzzi, 1999). 
I  prefer  now  to  regard C. umbripennis as a  subspecies  of  C. 
alpina  (described  from  Daghestan). It is very  probable,  that  the 
record  of  C. umbripennis for Bulgaria was connected with very  close 
Cortodera khatchikovi Danilevsky, 2001. 
All  known Xylosteus taxa are definitely vicariant, and all could 
be  regarded as subspecies. According to G.Sama and P.Rapuzzi  (1999), 
the position of A.Miroshnikov (1998) to regard X.caucasicola as a very 
distinct  species was connected with the fact, that true  X.  spinolae 
(from  Roumania) was unknown to A.Miroshnikov, who compared  Caucasian 
X.    caucasicola   with   western   populations   of   X.   spinoplae 
(X.s.rufiventris?),  while  X.  s.  spinolae  is  much  closer  to  X. 
In  order to maintain these relations G.Sama and P.Rapuzzi (1999) 
identified  Xylosteus from European Turkey (as well as Xylosteus  from 
Bolu) as X. spinolae caucasicola. 
After  a description of Bolu Xylosteus as X. kadleci Miroshnikov, 
2000  (the  author also supposed the subspecies rank of his taxon)  it 
became  impossible to leave the name "caucasicola" for the  population 
from  European  Turkey.  Untill a new  name  for  that  population  is 
established I regard it as X. spinolae. 
#94 According to G.Sama (1999b, 2002): Chlorophorus glabromaculatus is 
a distinct species (absent in Austria). 
Trichoferus holosericeus (Rossi, 1790) = T. cinereus (Villers,  1789), 
described  as Cerambyx, not Cerambyx cinereus De Geer, 1775. Ropalopus 
varini  Bedel, 1870 = Ropalopus spinicornis (Abeille, 1869), described 
as  Callidium,  not  Callidium spinicorne Olivier, 1795.  Chlorophorus 
pilosus and Morimus asper ganglbaueri are firstly recorded for  Italy. 
Saperda perforata is confirmed for Italy. 
#95  According to personal comunication by D. Telnov (November  2000), 
Cyrtoclytus capra was found in Latvia. 
#96  It is necessary to accept the old point of view (Karpinsky, 1948) 
- Alosterna ingrica is a separate species. 
#97  Psilotarsus  brachypterus hemipterus was  recorded  for  Orenburg 
(Russia) by Danilevsky (2000). 
#98   Pseudosphegestes  cinerea,  Isotomus  speciosus  and   Phytoecia 
scutellata  were listed for Germany by Khler and Klauznitzer  (1998). 
Isotomus speciosus was recorded for Switzerland and France (as well as 
for Germany) by Allenspach (1973), but according to Sama (2002), it is 
absent in all three countries. 
I. speciosus was recorded for Slovenia (Vrezec, 2004). 
#99  According to Vives (2000), Macrotoma Serv.,1832-June is a junitor 
homonym  of  Macrotoma Laporte,1832-April (Diptera). The necessaty  of 
the  name change must be checked in agree with Article 23.9.1. of ICZN 
(1999).  But even if it must be changed, the necessity of  new  tribal 
name  (Prinobiini Vives, 2000) is doubtful. Severa other names can  be 
used: Mallodonitae Thomson, 1860; Stenodontines Lameere, 1902. 
#100  According to Vives (2000), Macrotoma germari Dejean, 1835  is  a 
valid name. 
#101 Meroscelisitae J.Thomson, 1860 (after Monne et Giesbert, 1993) 
#102 According to Vives (2000) the correct names of the subfamily  and 
tribe  are  respectively Spondylidinae and Spondylidini. According  to 
P.Svacha (personal communication of 2002): "the first to realize  that Spondylidinae is the correct spelling (and, moreover, Spondylinae is a 
homonym)  was  probably Silfverberg in the 1992 edition of  Enumeratio 
Coleopterorum  Fennoscandiae and Daniae, and that info was  introduced 
to broad coleopterist attention by Lawrence and Newton in the overview 
of  beetle  families and subfamilies published 1995  in  the  memorial 
volume to Crowson's 80th birthday."  
#103 The presence of Phoracantha recurva in Spain was recorded by Luiz 
et Barranco (1998). 
#104  According  to  E.Vives (2000) Penichroa  fasciata  (desribed  as 
Callidium  fasciatum Stephens, 1931, not Herbst, 1784,  not  Billberg, 
1817) must be replaced with P. timida (Menetries, 1831). The necessaty 
of  the name change must be checked in agree with Articles 23.9.1. and 
23.9.5 of ICZN (1999). 
#105  Hesperophanes, Deroplia, Anaesthetis, Stenostola and  Exocentrus 
are  attributed  by  E.Vives  (2000)  to  Dejean,  1835,  as  well  as 
Purpuricenus  globulicollis to Dejean, 1839; Stenocorus  to  Geoffroy, 
1762;  Vesperus, Purpuricenus and Parmena to Dejean, 1821; Opsilia  to 
Mulsant, 1862; O. malachitica to Mulsant, 1846; Phytoecia erythrocnema 
to Lucas, 1846; Oberea to Mulsant, 1835. 
According to P. Tocchi (2003), the name Deroplia Dejean, 1835 is 
not  available, because among two names placed by Dejean  in  Deroplia 
both  were  not available: marginicollis Dahl - nomen nudum and  genei 
Chevrolat  (not Aragona, 1830) also could be regarded as nomen  nudum, 
as  Chevrolat  did  not described such name). The attribution  of  his 
genei  to Chevrolat was repeated by Dejean in his next edition (1937), 
so  it  was not lapsus calami. The valid name of the genus is Stenidea 
Mulsant, 1843. 
#106  Tetropium fuscum was recorded for Spain (Sanchez, Tolosa,  1999) 
based on wrong determination of Asemum tenuicorne (Vives, 2000). 
#107   E.Vives  (2000)  paid  attention  to  the  female   gender   of 
#108  E.Vives  (2000) proposed for Ropalopus clavipes (F.,  1775)  the 
oldest  name R. nigroplanus (Degeer, 1775); for Grammoptera ruficornis 
(F.,1781)  -  G.  atra  (F., 1775). The changes can  not  be  accepted 
according to the Article 23.9. of ICZN (1999). 
#109.  I.  (H.)  mosqueruelense var. pseudomolitor is  regarded  as  a 
species (Gonzalez et al., 2000; 2001). 
#110  According to E.Vives (2000) Paraphymatodes fasciatus  (described 
as  Cerambyx  fasciatus Villers, 1789, not Scopoli, 1763, not  Degeer, 
1775,  not  F., 1775, not Geoffroy, 1785, not Villers, 1789)  must  be 
replaced with P. unifasciatus (Rossi, 1790). The necessaty of the name 
change must be checked in agree with Article 23.9.1. of ICZN (1999) 
#111  The  name "Plagionotus marcorum" was used instead of Plagionotus 
marcae  ("An  incorrect original spelling" according to the  Art.  32d 
(ICZN, 1985) by J.I. Lpez-Coln (1998) 
#112  Two  genera  Rhagium and Rhamnusium were  separated  by  E.Vives 
(2000)  in  a  small  tribe  Rhagiini, while other  genera  (including 
Oxymirus) are grouped in tribe "Toxotini", though the name Toxotus  is 
a synonym of Stenocorus. 
#113  According  to  A.Miroshnikov (1998: 596)  the  correct  name  of 
African  subspecies of Stictoleptura scutellata is S. s. melas (Lucas, 
1849),  but not generally accepted (Aurivillius, 1912; Winkler,  1929; 
Villiers, 1946; Sama, 1988; Vives, 1994; Althoff, Danilevsky, 1997)  - 
melaena  (Lucas, 1849). E.Vives (2000) accepted S.s.melas, but another 
dated:  Lucas, 1846 (?), as well as G.Sama (2002), who stated  on  the 
absence of Stictoleptura s. melas in Spain. 
#114 According to A.Villiers (1978) - Leptura otini Peyerimhoff, 1945; 
according to E.Vives (2000) - Leptura otini Peyerimhoff, 1949. 
#115 Judolia sexmaculata was recorded for Andorra (Vives, 1984) and as 
probable for other Pyrenees localities (Vives, 2000). 
#116  Following  E.Vives  (2000)  I  accept  the  spelling  Stenurella 
approximans;  before it was spelled "aproximans" (Vives, 1984;  Bense, 
#117  Vesperus  bolivari Oliveira, 1893 (Vives, 2000)  was  previously 
attributed to Paulino, 1893 (Vives, 1984) - evidently same author. 
#118 According to E.Vives (2000) Carinatodorcadion is a junior synonym 
of Dorcadodium. 
#119   According   to   E.Vives   (2000)  Iberodorcadion   fuliginator 
meridionale  =  I. f. navarricum. A.Villiers (1978) regarded  both  as 
#120   According   to   E.Vives   (2000)  Iberodorcadion   fuliginator 
meridionale = I. loarrense Berger, 1997. According to J. Romero Samper 
(2002),  it  is  a species. Until my own opinion will be  formed  I've 
placed this name among subspecies of I.fuliginator. 
#121 According to E.Vives (2000), Iberodorcadion seoanei kricheldorffi 
=  I. lainzgalloi Rodrigues-Gracia, 1996. Until my own opinion will be 
formed I've placed this name among subspecies of I. seoanei. 
#122  According  to E.Vives (2000), the status of D.  (Iberodorcadion) 
ceballosi Breuning, 1948 is "incertae sedis". Before (Vives, 1984)  it 
was regarded as a synonym of I. iserni. 
#123  According to E. Vives (2000), I. coelloi is a subspecies  of  I. 
mucidum; according to Romero Samper (2002) - species. 
#124  According to E. Vives (2000), I. nigrosparsum Verdugo, 1993 (the 
name  was introduced by M.Pic 1941 as a variation) is a synonym of  I. 
mucidum  annulicorne.  According to Romero  Samper  (2002)and  Verdugo 
(2003) - species. 
#125  A  new  synonym - Iberodorcadion seguntianum  =  Dorcadion  (I.) 
ruspolii  Breuning, 1974 was independently proposed  by  two  authors: 
M.Tom  (1999)  and then E.Vives (2000) and accepted by Romero  Samper 
(2002).  Until  my  own  opinion will be  formed  I  regard  it  as  a 
subspecies of I. seguntianum. 
#126  A  separate  (according to M.Tom, 1999, that  was  accepted  by 
Vives,  2000)  species  Iberodorcadion (H.)  becerrae  was  previously 
(Vives, 1983, 1984) regarded as a subspecies of I. seguntianum. 
#127  According to M.Tome (1999), Dorcadion (Iberodorcadion)  becerrae 
pulvipenne  morph.  parterreductum  Breuning  1976  is  a  synonym  of 
Iberodorcadion (H.) seguntianum. 
Dorcadion  (Iberodorcadion)  turdetanum  morph.  superdenudatum; 
Breuning  1967  is  a  synonym  of  Iberodorcadion  (Hispanodorcadion) 
Both  names (partereductum and superdenudatum) were missed by  E. 
Vives (2000). 
#128 According to E.Vives (2000, 2001), Iberodorcadion (H.) marinae is 
a  subspecies  of  I. albicans, according to Romero  Samper  (2002)  - 
According  to  E.Vives (2000) I. ghiliani includes  three  subspecies: 
nominative, I. gh. ortunoi and I. gh. cercedillanum; I. perezi and  I. 
hispanicum  (with  two subspecies: nominative and  I.h.nudipenne)  are 
species.  According to Vives (2001), I. p. ghilini is a subspecies  of 
I.  perezi,  as well as I.p. hispanicum and I. p. ortunoi;  the  names 
"cercedillanum" and "nudipenne" were omitted. The name "cercedillanum" 
was  not used by J. Romero Samper (2002), but "nudipenne" was regarded 
as a variation (without subspecies attribution?). 
#129  According to E.Vives (2000), Parmena pubescens breuningi  Vives, 
1979 is a subspecies of P. solieri. According to A. Vives (2001) it is 
a species. 
#130   E.Vives  (2000)  accepted  the  original  spelling   Aplocnemia 
Stephens,  1831, which was changed in right form Aphelocnemia  in  the 
erratum  to the original publication (according to Villiers, 1978,  in 
1831: 414; according to Vives, 2000, in 1832: 406 
#131 According to E.Vives (2000), Aegomorphus clavipes (Schrank, 1781) 
was described as Cerambyx (not Forster, 1771) and must be replaced  to 
A.  varius (F., 1787). The change can not be accepted according to the 
Article 23.9. of ICZN (1999). 
#132 According to E.Vives, the date of Pityphilus Mulsant is 1862. 
#133  According  to  E.Vives,  Pogonocherus  ovatus  Goeze,  1777  was 
described  as  Cerambyx (not Sulzer, 1776) and  must  be  replaced  by 
Pogonocherus  ovalis (Gmelin, 1790). The change can  not  be  accepted 
according to the Article 23.9. of ICZN (1999) 
#134 According to E.Vives, the date of Pogonocherus caroli Mulsant  is 
#135  The  tribe  Rhodopinini seems to be composed of only  one  genus 
Rhodopina  close  to Lamiini. According to Linsley et Chemsak  (1985), 
the  tribe  Desmiphorini (the name accepted by Vives, 2000),  is  very 
special and limited by American species. Other genera usually included 
in tribe Apodasyini are also not relatives. 
#136  E.Vives  (2000) regards Cerambyx carcharias  L.,  1758  as  type 
species of Saperda (Westwood designation, 1840), while in fact  it  is 
Cerambyx scalaris L., 1758 (Curtis designation, 1829). So, Anaerea  is 
not  a  synonym  of  Saperda.  I prefer now  to  regard  Saperda  s.l. 
consisting of several subgenera including Lopezcolonia (replacing name 
for  Argalia Mulsant, 1862 not Gray, 1846). Lopezcolonia was  regarded 
as a genus (Vives, 2000), or (Vives, 2001) as a subgenus of Saperda. 
#137 Asemum tenuicorne was recorded for Spain by E.Vives (2000b). 
#138 According to G.Sama (1999c), Dorcadion olympicum=D.obsoletum. 
According to S.Steiner (2003), D. obsoletum is a species. 
#139  Chlorophorus  trifasciatus was recorded for Sardinia  by  Meloni 
(1999); for Austria by Bense (1995); according to G.Sama (2002) absent 
in Austria. 
#140  Arhopalus syriacus, Oxypleurus nodieri and Pyrrhidium sanguineum 
were reported for sardinia by B.Colonna B.(1999). 
#141   Acmaeops   marginatus,   Akimerus   schaefferi,   Stictoleptura 
erythroptera, Obrium brunneum, Tetropium castaneum were  recorded  for 
Greece  by  P.Berger (2000). According to G.Sama (2002), Stictoleptura 
erythroptera absent in Italy, as well as S. trisignata. 
Acmaeops  marginatus  was recorded for South  Russia  (Rostov  region: 
Oblivskaia, Donleskhoz) by D.Kasatkin and Ju.Arzanov (1997). 
#142  Rhagium inquisitor was recorded for Sicily by C. Baviera (1999), 
for Crimea by Bartenev (1989) and for Ireland (with question mark)  by 
M.Rejzek (2004). 
I  regard  three more species (Rh. bifasciatum, mordax and sycophanta) 
as very possible for Crimea. 
Rh.  sycophanta was wrongly recorded for Great Britain and Ireland  by 
Althoff and Danilevsky, 1997. 
Rh. sycophanta was recorded for Sicily (Baviera, Sparacio, 2004). 
#143  Callidium aeneum was recorded for Netherlands by  J.G.M.  Cuppen 
#144  Nathrius berlandi was recorded for Spain by M.Slama et A.  Simon 
Sorli (2001). 
#145 According to Hernandez (2000) and Romero Samper (2002), I. perezi 
includes ssp. ghiliani, ssp. ortunoi and ssp. hispanicum. 
#146  According  to E.Vives (2001), Parmena cruciata Pic,  1912  is  a 
species,  which was wrongly identified in Spain  before (Vives,  2000) 
as  P.  pubescens algirica; the latter taxon absent in Spain.  Earlier 
(Vives,  2000)P.  cruciata was regarded as a synonym of  P.  pubescens 
#147  Saperda perforata was recorded for Spain by Sanchez (2000) as  a 
member of subgenus Lopezcolonia. 
#148  According  to  A.Verdugo  (2001),  I.  mus  (Ros.,  1856)  =  I. 
grisescens (Esc., 1900) = I. andalusiacum (Br., 1962). 
According to A. del Saz Fucho (2004), I. andalusiacum is a species 
(?), I. isernii = I. ceballosi, I. abulense = I. puncticolle, I. 
spinolae = I. basigranosum. 
#149 Xylotrechus antilope var. sekerai Podany, 1970 was described from 
Petrovac   (Sutamore),  Jugoslavie.  The  name   is   infrasubspecific 
according to the Article 45.6.3 of ICZN (1999) as "varietas" described 
after   1960.  Paulian  (1986)  regarded  "sekerai"  as  a  subspecies 
distributed  in Corsica. This case is not connected with  the  Article,  because  that  Article  concerns  only  names,  which   are 
infrasubspecific  by  the  Article  45.6.4.  So  the  author  of   the 
subspecies  X. a. ssp. sekerai is Paulian, 1986, and type locality  of 
it is Corsica. 
X. antilope ab. lentoi Paulian, 1979 (described from Corsica)  is 
also  infrasubspecific  name.  But in  1986  Paulian  established  new 
synonymy: X. antilope sekerai = X. antilope lentoi, that made the name 
"lentoi"  valid.  So now: X. antiliope ssp. sekerai  Paulian,  1986  = 
X.a.lentoi Paulian, 1986. 
A.Paulian  (1986)  recorded for Corsica: A. gibbosus  and  Parmena 
According  to  G.Sama  (personal  communication,  2003),  Parmena 
bulteus is impossible for Corsica. 
#150  According  to Kovacs and Hegyessy (1997): Cortodera  holosericea 
was   collected  on  Centaurea  triumfettii  (imagoes   and   larvae); 
Agapanthya maculicornis was collected on Campanula glomerata; 
Xylotrechus pantherinus was regarded as Rusticoclytus. 
#151  According  to Ziarko (1993), the records of Stictoleptura  fulva 
and  Molorchus kiesenwetteri (and some other species) for Poland  were 
based  on  wrong identifications of other species. S. fulva absent  in 
Poland, the occurrence of M.kiesenwetteri is rather doubtful. 
#152  The  system  of Cortodera species close to C.  reitteri  and  C. 
ruthena was revised by Danilevsky (2001ab). 
#153  The  date  of  Dorcadion  glicyrrhizae  (Pallas),  published  as 
Cerambyx in "Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs, T.2",  is  1773, as it was shown in the references to the  article  by 
Danilevsky (2001a), but not 1771, as it was wrongly mentioned  in  the 
title  of the article and in its text (pp. 1-4). The mistake was  left 
in  the  paper after first version of my text based on Breuning (1961) 
The   original   spelling   "glicyrrhizae"   restored   by   me 
(Danilevsky,1999),  must  be  forgotten  according  to  the   Article   of  the  ICZN  (1999).  The  general  accepted   spelling 
"glycyrrhizae" must be used. 
The  occurrence  of  D. glycyrrhizae glycyrrhizae  in  Russia  is 
rather  doubtful.  From  Volgograd environs to Kazakhstan  border  and 
northwards  to  Saratov  Region  D. g.  striatum  is  distributed  (so 
Plavilstshikov's  data  for  Saratov and Orenburg  Regions  were  sure 
wrong). D. g. glycyrrhizae can occur only in Astrakhan Region in sands 
eastwards Volga. 
The  type  locality of D. g. striatum is "South Urals".  In  fact 
several  rather different populations of D. glycyrrhizae   (includindg 
D.g.dubianskii) are known from South Urals. I accepted as typical  the 
population from the southmost point of Orenburg Region from the valley 
of  Shybyndy River (15 males and 4 females: Sol-Iletsk District,  25km 
southwards  Pokrovka, 24-27.5.2002, L.Korzhikov leg.). It consists  of 
rather big specimens with totally red tibiae, femora and several basal 
antennal joints; frons is also usually red; female androchromal.  Such 
specimens  are very close to D.g. striatum from Saratov and  Volgograd 
Regions (with neihbour localities in Kazakhstan: Dzhanybek env.). 
I  preliminary attribute to D. g. striatum several populations of 
small  beetles  from middle part of Ural River Valley (right  European 
bank)  in Kazakhstan (eastwards Ural-city in Bykovka River Valley  and 
Ianvartzevo   env.)   and  near  Kalinovka  (about   120km   westwards 
#154  The  iterpretation  of  two species of  European  Stenostola  is 
different  in  different  publications. According  to  Bily  and  Mehl 
(1989),  the  species with more developed metallic  lustre  and  rough 
elytral  punctationis is S. ferrea ("Body black with  slight  metallic lustre. Elytra with coarse punctuation." Villiers (1978)accepted  same 
position: "Corp d'un noir ardois, a net reflet mtallique."  But  for 
Bense  (1995)  S.  ferrea:  "Elytra  macroscopically  without  a  blue metallic  shine;  :",  and S. dubia: "Elytra  macroscopically  with  a 
distinct  blue  shine;  :". This position was  accepted  by  Heyrovsky (1955),   Plavistshikov  (1965)  and  many  other   authors   incuding 
Danilevsky  and  Miroshnikov (1985 - so S. ferrea  maculipennis  Holz. 
belongs   to  European  species  with  less  metallic  lustre,   finer 
punctuation  and  denser  pubescence). That  is  why  all  faunistical 
records of two species are doubtful. 
According  to  Plavilstshikov (1965) Stenostola in  the  European 
part  of the USSR was distributed southwards from the south of  forest 
areas. According to Bense (1995), Stenostola ferrea is distributed  in 
Bultic Republics; according to Alexandrovitch et al. (1996) Stenostola 
presents in Belarus. I've got two males of S. dubia (sensu Bense) from 
Vladimir  Region (Kol'tchugino Distr., Zhuravlikha, on  Salix  caprea, 
9.5.2001, Svetlov leg.). 
According   to  U.Bense  (1995),  only  Stenostola   ferrea   is 
distributed  in  Great Britain; according to M.Rejzek  (2004)  -  only 
Stenostla dubia. 
According to T. Clayhills (2002), all specimens of Stenostola 
from Finland have been considered to belong to S. ferrea. However, it 
seems obvious that this is due to former misidentifications and the 
species occurring in Finland is S. dubia. The differences between the 
two taxa are discussed, though their status as separate species seems 
somewhat dubious. 
#155 According to Kusama and Takakuwa (1984), Xylotrechus = Xyloclytus 
= Rusticoclytus. 
#156  Brachypteroma  ottomanun was recorded  for  Switzerland  by  Ch. 
Germann (2000). 
#157  According  to  J.Sudre  (2000):  Phytoecia  (Pilemia)  hirsutula 
(Froelich  1793)  =  Oxylia  androsensis Breuning,  1963  =  Phytoecia 
(Blepisanis)  ciliciae  Breuning, 1951  =  Phytoecia  (Rubrophytoecia) 
moreana Breuning, 1943; Phytoecia malachitica (Lucas 1849) = Phytoecia 
hispanica Breuning 1951 
#158 According to D.Kasatkin (personal communications, 2000-2002),  in 
Rostov  Region  (South  Russia)Cortodera  pumila  was  collected  near 
Krasnyi  Sulin  and  Phytoecia  (H.) millefollii  was  collected  near 
Persianovka (1.05.2001  D.Gapon leg.). 
#159  The description of D. litigiosum otshakovi Suv., 1913 from  near 
Kherson, was connected with local D. pusillum. Possibly all records of 
D.  litigiosum  for  Moldavia and Ukraine  were  connected  with  very 
numerous in the region D. pusillum. 
#160  Cornumutilla  quadrivittata was recorded for  Moravia  (Czechia) 
both by Heyrovsky (1955) and Slama (1998). 
#161  Leiopus  femoratus  was recorded for  Rostov  Region  of  Russia 
(Kasatkin,  Arzanov,  1997),  for Italy (Rapuzzi,  2002),  for  France 
(Berger, 1999). 
#162  The  spelling  "sieversi" was used in the original  description. 
Breuning(1975) used wrong spelling: "siewersi". 
The species was recorded for Crimea by Zahaikevitch (1991: 153). 
#163   The  traditional  (Aurivillius,  1912;  Plavilstshikov,   1940; 
Heyrovsky,  1967;  Althoff, Danilevsky, 1997)  combination  Paraclytus 
luteofasciatus (because of small elytral tubercles) seems  to  be  not 
good  enough. The species looks to be more close to Anaglyptus (Bense, 
#164 The generic differences between Megopis and Aegosoma is generally 
accepted (Villiers, 1978; Sama, 1988). 
#165  Enoploderes sanguineum was recorded for Rostov Region of  Russia 
by  A.Miroshnikov (2000). Pyrenoploderes Hayashi, 1960 was regarded as 
a subgenus of Enoploderes. 
#166 The published type locality of Certallum ebulinum is France.  But 
the  species  description was based on black-pronotum  specimen.  Such 
specimens are known from Spain as very rare and seem to be possible in 
France   (Villiers,  1978:  "Seule  la  morpha  ruficolle  SEMBLE   se rencontrer  en  France, :"). Such situation caused the supposition  of 
wrong  definition of type locality by Linnaeus (Villier,  1978;  Sama, 
1988).  G.Sama (1988: 83) supposed the real locality of type  specimen 
in  North  Africa  and  accepted  Certallum  ebulinum  ssp.  ruficolle 
(described from Italy) distributed from Iberian Peninsula to  Caucasus 
and  Iran.  But I do not see the base for such supposition.  The  type 
specimen could really be collected in Europe and then C. ebulinum = C. 
#167  Kasatkin  (1999)  recorded for Crimea: Dorcadion  pedestre  (Mt. 
Chatyr-Dag)  and  Semanotus russicus (Ialta). Semanotus  russicus  was 
also mentioned by Zahaikevitch (1991: 70). 
#168   Cerambyx   hieroglyphicus  Pallas,  1773  was  described   from 
"Siberia".  The  taxon was accepted as easten subspecies  by  Breuning 
(1952:  177)  and  Gressitt  (1951:  554).  It  is  characterized   by 
constantly  blue  colour  of pale pubescence.  It  is  agree  with  my 
specimens from Tuva and Russian Primorie Region. 
The subspecies was recorded for "Lappland" by Breuning (1952), so 
can be distributed in North of the European part of Russia, as well as 
in  Norway,  Sweden  and  Finland; and for "Nordeuropa"  by  Heyrovsky 
#169  Ph.  pustulata from Kazakhstan and from SE Russia  is  sometimes 
without  red pronotal spot, and body is covered with very  long  dense 
white  pubescence.  Such  specimens (m. pulla)  from  Kazakhstnan  and 
Uzbekistan (Karatau Ridge, Chatkal Ridge, Chu-Ili Mts and eastwards to 
Semipalatinsk)  were  described  as  Ph.  kryzhanovskii  and  must  be 
regarded  as  Ph.  p.  ssp.  pulla. The  subspecies  was  accepted  by 
Heyrovsky  (1958)  for Astrakhan env. In my collection  Ph.p.pulla  is 
represented  by  a syntype (male) from Karatau, male from  Dzhungarsky 
Alatau,  male  from  Sary-Chelek (Kirgizia) and a male  from  Chechnia 
(Caucasus).  Some  Kazakhstan and Kirgizian  populations  can  not  be 
attributed to Ph.p.pulla, being rather typical Ph.p.pustulata (Bishkek 
env., Kalbinsky Ridge). 
#170  According  to  A.Miroshnikov (personal communication  of  2003), 
Brull  (1832: 258) introduced: "Lamia (Morinus Serv. ined.)  lugubris Fabr."  and "Lamia (Morinus Serv. ined.) funesta Fabr.", but  in  same 
publication in "Errata": "Morinus, lisez Morimus". So the name Morimus 
Brull, 1832 must be used and proposal of G.Sama (1991: 126): "Morinus Brull, 1832 = Morimus Serville, 1835" can not be accepterd. 
#171  A.Miroshnikov  (1998: 392), affirmed, that E.  Reitter's  "Fauna Germanica. Die Kfer des Deutschen Reiches. 64. Familie: Cerambycidae" 
was  published in 1913 (and not in 1912 as it is generally  accepted). 
So, according to his personal communication (2003), several names must 
be dated 1913: 
Xylosteina [Xylosteini] Reitter, 1913: 5. 
Megarhagium Reitter, 1913: 6 [Rhagium subgen.]. 
Lepturobosca Reitter, 1913: 17. 
Lepturalia Reitter, 1913: 20. 
Callidostola Reitter, 1913: 37 [Callidium subgen.]. 
Phymatoderus Reitter, 1913: 39 [Phymatodes subgen. 
Phymatodes (Poecilium) alnoides Reitter, 1913: 40 [Ph.(P.) alni ssp.]. 
Phymatodellus Reitter, 1913: 40 [Phymatodes subgen.]. 
Hesperandrius Reitter, 1913: 44-45 (syn. pro Trichoferus Wollaston, 1854). 
Xyloclytus Reitter, 1913: 46 [Xylotrechus subgen.]. 
Pseudosphegesthes Reitter, 1913: 50. 
#172   According  to  A.Miroshnikov  (personal  communication,  2003), 
Ganglbauer's "Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europischen Coleopteren.  VII. Cerambycidae" and "Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europischen  Coleopteren. 
VIII.  Cerambycidae" were first published in "Verhandlungen der k.  k. 
zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien", 1881 (Bd. XXXI, S.  681- 757, Taf. XXII) and 1883 (Bd. XXXIII, S. 437-586). 
Then  same  works were published as separata in 1882  [S.  3(681)- 
79(757),  Taf. XXII] and 1884 [S. 3(437)-152(586)] that caused  a  big 
confusion in subsequent citations. 
Here  are several important names from original publications by Ganglbauer 
(1881, 1883): 
Ganglbauer, 1881: 
Cyrtoclytus: 688, 736. 
Cortodera pumila: 710. 
Icosium tomentosum atticum: 743. 
Ropalopus lederi: 747. 
Ganglbauer, 1883: 
Neodorcadion: 437, 508. 
Dorcadion hybridum: 441. D. corcyricum: 453. D. krueperi: 453. D. 
oertzeni (syn. pro D. parnassi Kraatz): 454. D. litigiosum: 454. D. 
granigerum: 458. D. transsilvanicum: 462. D. korbi: 469. D. funestum: 
Pogonocherus plasoni: 526. 
Exocentrus stierlini: 530. 
Leiopus pachymerus (syn pro L. femoratus Fairmaire): 532. 
Agapanthia lateralis: 541. A. dahli sicula: 541. A. lederi: 542. A. 
intermedia: 543. A. daurica: 544. A. frivaldszkyi: 546. 
Phytoecia bithynensis: 573. Ph. affinis tuerki: 575. 
#173  According  to  Miroshnikov (personal  communication,  2003)  the 
original  description of Exocentrus stierlini was published two  times 
in  1883: "Verhandlungen der k. k. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in  Wien",Bd. XXXIII: 530 and in "Wiener Entomologische Zeitung",  II. 
Helf. 12. S. 298-299. Taf. IV, Fig. 3. 
According  to "Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien" the type locality  is 
"Deutschland, Oesterreich", according to "Wien. Entom. Ztg." -the type 
locality is "Europa media". 
#174 According to A.Miroshnikov (personal communication of 2003),  the 
original spelling is Phytoecia bithynensis. It can not be accepted, as 
"bithyniensis"  is  "in  prevailing usage" according  to  the  Article 
33.33.1 of ICZN. 
#175 According to A.Miroshnikov (personal communication of 2003),  the 
separata  of Jakowleff's article "Nouvelles espces du genre Dorcadion Dalm."  from  "Horae  Soc.  Ent.  Ross."(t.  XXXIV,  p.  59-70)   were 
distributed in May 1899. So, Jakowleff (1899) is the author of: 
Dorcadion ciscaucasicum: 1(59). 
#176   The   record   of   Ph.  (Cardoria)  scutellata   for   Ukraine 
(Zahaikevitch,1991: 151) was missed in our list (Althoff,  Danilevsky, 
1997), as well as the record of Oxylia argentata for Crimea (Bartenev, 
#177 The introduction (followed with morphological description) of the 
name  "Phytoecia subannulipes" by Pic, 1910 ("Cette espce dcrite  de Syrie:")  was  undoubtedly a wrong spelling of Ph.  subannularis  Pic, 
1901,  which  was really "dcrite de Syrie". It was repeated  in  form 
"Phytoecia  subannulipes" once more (Pic, 1911: 9).  But  later  M.Pic 
(1915) declared that Ph. subannulipes is a Roumanien variation of  Ph. 
Then  Breuning (1951: 375) accepted the name Ph. subannularis  m. 
subannulipes  as  "Varit insignifiante", without special  area,  but 
with  a  differencial  diagnosis. The  species  was  not  included  in 
Roumanien fauna by Panin and Savulescu (1961). 
Then  Breuning (1966: 753) recorded Ph. annularis for Turkey  and 
mentioned "m. subannulipes" for Roumania. 
Recently  Althoff  and Danilevsky (1997) accepted  Ph.  annularis 
ssp. annulipes for Roumania. 
According  to G.Sama (personal communication, 2003), the  records 
of the taxon for Roumania had to be connected with Ph. icterica. 
#178 According to G. Sama (personal communication, 2003): "All species of Lucas 1849 (Expl. scient. Algerie) must be dated 1846. The book was 
really  dated  1849, but all the part dealing with Coleoptera  was  in 
fact  printed  and  distributed  in 1846  (Horn  &  Schenkling,  index 
Literaturae Entomologicae)".  
#179.  According to G.Sama (personal communication, 2003), the records 
of  Parmena  balteus and Axinopalpis gracilis (that one was  connected 
with  wrong data by Demelt, 1969, who made for Corsica one more  wrong 
record  -  Lampropterus femoratus) for Corsica by  Bense  (1995)  were 
wrong, as well as the data of Cerambyx nodulosus for Spain. The doubts 
with  Demelt's data were published by G.Sama (1988: 74). Demelt's data 
on L. femoratus for Corsica were accepted by Villiers (1978: 292), but 
not  accepted by Bense (1995). According to G.Sama (2002), the  author 
of  Axinopalpis  is Dejean (1835); before (Sama, 1988)  -  Axinopalpis 
Duponchel et Chevrolat, 1842. 
#180.  As  it  was  written  to me by G.Sama (personal  communication, 
2003):   "Semenov  (1914)  introduced  Asias  a  new  name   replacing Anoplistes Serville, 1833 not Westwood, 1831 (Diptera). I was able  to 
consult Neave (Nomenclator Zoologicus, 1939, 1: 216); according to it, 
Anoplistes   was  described  by  Westwood  only  in  1835  (Anoplistes 
Westwood, 1835, London & Edinb., Phil. Mag., 3(6) (34): 280). This  is 
confirmed   by   Horn   &   Schenkling,   1929   (Index   Litteraturae 
Entomologicae,  series  1, band 4: 1312) where  any  Westwood's  paper 
dealing  with Diptera is listed in 1831, while is confirmed  for  1835 
the description of "Insectorum novorum exoticorum". Phillos. Mag. (3), 
6: 280-281" So, the name Anoplistes Serville, 1833 is valid. 
#181.  The  occurrence  of Dorcadion politum in  European  Russia  was 
supposed  by  me (Althoff, Danilevsky, 1997) on the base of  a  single 
male  with  a label: "Orenburg, 30.4.1963". Now the occurrence  of  D. 
politum  in Orenburg Region is proven by a series from the Asian  part 
of  Orenburg  Region  (5 males: Sol-Iletsk District,  25km  southwards 
Pokrovka,  24-27.5.2002,  L.Korzhikov leg.).  My  supposition  of  the 
species for European part of Kazakhstan was evidently wrong. 
#182. Callimus angulatus was recorded for Ukraine by Zahaikevitch (1991: 85). 
#183.  Ropalopus femoratus was recorded for Central Russia by  Althoff 
and  Danilevsky (1997) without any comments. The species was  recorded 
for  SW  of  USSR  by  Plavilstshikov  (1965)  and  was  mentioned  by 
Zahaikevitch (1991). 
#184.  I've  got  two specimens of Phytoecia uncinata  from  Moldavia. 
According to G.Sama (2002), absent in Italy. 
#185.  Dorcadion pusillum tanaiticum was described from  South  Russia 
(Rostov-on-Don environs)by D.Kasatkin (2002). The author also proposed 
to regard D. p. var. berladense Pic, 1903 described from Romania as  a 
local subspecies. 
#186.   Xylotrechus   stebbingi  was  recorded  for   Greek   mainland 
(Teunissen, 2002). 
#187.   Monochamus  g.  galloprovincillis  was  recorded  for   Sicily 
(Bellavista, 2001). 
#188.  I do not know the description of D. meteorum Breun. May  be  it 
was  never  published?  If  so we have to accept  the  description  of 
"allotype"   and   D.   meteorum   m.   leucosuturale   Breun.,   1969 
(Boll.Ent.Ass.Rom., 24,1969: 42, from Kalabaka, reg. Meteores), as the 
original description of the species. 
#189.  Neoclytus  acuminatus  was recorded  for  Hungary  (Szeoke  and 
#190. Stromatium unicolor was introduced in Germany (Weigel, 1999). 
#191.  Xylotrechus  pantherinus  was recorded  for  France  (Peru  and 
Leblanccal, 2000) 
#192. Calamobius filum was recorded for Belgium (Rouard, 2001). Now  I 
do not remember my reasons to mention the species for Poland (Althoff, 
Danilevsky,  1997).  I've excluded Poland from the  area  of  C.filum, 
until I find the corresponding note. 
#193.  D. (Maculatodorcadion) "jansensi Heyr." was recorded for Greece 
by  C.Pesarini  and Sabbadini (1994: 119). If it is D. (M.)  janssensi 
Breuning,  1966,  which was described after one male  from  "Anatolie, Nord-East,Tatos Daghlari, 2000 m, 20-V-1965, leg E. Janssens" then  it 
looks  impossible  for Greece. I do not know any reliable  record  for 
#194.   According   to   Vives  (2000,   2001),   I.   ferdinandi   is 
I.(Baeticodorcadion), but according to Romero  Samper  (2002),  it  is 
#195.  A.Villiers (1978) treated Iberodorcadion (= Baeticodorcadion  = 
Hispanodorcadion)  as  a  subgenus of  Dorcadion.  Such  position  was 
recently supported by M.Tom (2002). 
#196. According to A.Verdugo (2003), I. mucidum = I. annulicorne. 
#197.According to G.Sama (2002): 
Prinobius myardi = P. proksi 
Cortodera  holosericea = Cortodera velutina; the species supposed  for 
North Greece. 
Cortodera villosa = ? Cortodera nigrita 
Stictoleptura Casey, 1924 = Corymbia = Melanoleptura = Batesiata. 
Oxypleurus nodieri = O. pinicola (Canary Islans) 
Callidium = Callidostola = Palaeocallidium 
Poecilium = Phymatoderus = Phymatodellus = Paraphymatodes 
Plagionotus = Echinocerus 
Dorcadion pedestre = Dorcadion kaszabi 
Mesosa = Aphelocnemia 
Pogonocherus = Eupogonocherus = Pityphilus 
Saperda = Anaerea = Compsidia = Argalia = Lopezcolonia 
Ph. (O.) molybdaena = Ph. (O.) longitarsis 
#198.  G.Sama  (2002) supposed Leptura saucia, described from  Crimea, 
(he  evidently  did  not  see the type) to be  a  synonym  of  Vadonia 
bipunctata  mulsantiana. In the case of the  real  synonymy  the  name 
"saucia" is not valid because the name "mulsantiana" is in "prevailing usage" according to the Art. 23.9.1 (ICZN, 1999). 
#199.  According to G. Sama (2002): Agapanthia cardui = A.  pannonica, 
but  he  accepts  two geographical morphology types  of  the  species: 
"southern fenotype" and "northern fenotype". So, according to his  own 
position, A. pannonica is a northern subspecies. All old names,  which 
G.Sama mentioned for "northern fenotype" were described from the  area 
of  southern  subspecies (which is very natural), so A. pannonica  (or 
A.cardui pannonica) is a valid name. 
#200. According to private communication by M.Rejzek (15.10.2004): 
"Ergates faber was really described in 1761 and published in Fauna Svecia (not in Systema Naturae, ed. 12, as written by many authors such as 
Aurivillius in Catalogus coleopterorum, Plavilstshikov (1936) or Villiers 
(1978). If you have a look at Systema Naturae ed. 12: 622, you will see that 
Linnaeus himself refers to "Fn. Svec.". Bily & Mehl (Fauna Scandinavica) 
already wrote 1761." G.Sama  (2002) accepted Ergates faber ssp. opifex (described  from 
Africa) for Sicily and Calabria. 
#201.  Carilia virginea (as Gaurotes), Cortodera aspromontana, Pidonia 
lurida,  Parmena  unifasciata, Pogonocherus  hispidulus,  Acanthocinus 
henschii,  Saperda octopunctata were recorded for Greece; all  records 
of  C. humeralis for Greece were connected with C. aspromontana (Sama, 
#202.  Grammoptera ruficornis ssp. flavipes seems to be  accepted  for 
Sicily by G.Sama (2002). 
#203. Paracorymbia oblongomaculata (as Stictoleptura) was regarded  as 
possible for Corsica (Sama, 2002). 
#204. G.Sama (2002) supposed Stictoleptura simplonica to be a species, 
and another supposition: "Paracorymbia maculicornis ondreji : could be identical to P. simplonica or belong to it as a subspecies." 
A  new combination: Pararacorymbia simplonica ondreji was published by 
Pesarini and Sabbadini (2004). 
#205  Clytus  tropicus  was recorded for Italy  (Althoff,  Danilevsky, 
1997)  on  the  base  of general considerations. According  to  G.Sama 
(2002), Clytus tropicus absent in Italy. 
#206.  According to S.Sama (2002), Carinatodorcadion must be  regarded 
as  a genus on the base of endophallus structure; Pedestredorcadion is 
also  treated  as a genus because it is "sufficiently different"  from 
Dorcadion  s.str.  From the other hand, Neodorcadion,  Iberodorcadion, 
Hispanodorcadion  and  Baeticodorcadion  are  declared  so  close   to 
Pedestredorcadion  (because of the structure  of  a  membrane  between 
labrum and clypeus), that do not merit even subgeneric level. The  new 
synonymy was not proposed until "a complete revision". 
According  to G.Sama (2002), Dorcadion fulvum absent in  Germany. 
The species was recorded for Easten Germany by Plavilstshikov (1958). 
Dorcadion  aethiops  absent in Italy,  Germany,  Switzerland  and 
Poland.  Still,  it  was  recorded for Switzerland  by  Plavilstshikov 
(1958)  and Allenspach (1973), for Poland by Burakowski et al. (1990), 
for  Germany  by Plavilstshikov (1958), for Italy by Bertolini  (1899, 
after  Sama, 1988). The the specis was recorded as possible for Greece 
by S.Steiner (2003). 
#208.  According to G.Sama (2002): Agapanthiola is a genus; Agapanthia 
sicula is a species; A. sicula malmerendii was supposed for Spain. 
Agapanthiola  was  accepted  as  genus  once  more  (as  stat.n.)   by 
C.Pesarini and A. Sabbadini (2004). 
#209.  According  to  Sama  (1988.  2002),  Morimus  funereus  and  M. 
verecundus are subspecies of M. asper. 
#210. On the base of indirect arguments (Svacha's opinion, that it can not be 
M. sartor, as it was proposed by Breuning, 1961, because M.sartor absent in 
the region) without type study G.Sama (2002) proposed to regard Monochamus 
rosenmuelleri = M. usussovi. According to Plavilstshikov (1958), M. sutor = M. 
rosenmuelleri, and M. sutor is very common in the region. Such name change of 
one of the most important forest and wood pest can not be regarded as 
necessary and may cose a greate harm to the international forest protection 
system and wood industry. 
#211.  G.Sama (2002) supposed Caucasian Phytoecia icterica is not  Ph. 
icterica, but "different closely related species". 
#212.  Oberea pedemontana koniensis Breuning, 1960 was described  from 
#213. Oberea maculicollis was "apparently collected in France (Berger, pers. comm.)" (Sama, 2002). 
#214.  The attribution of Tetrops to Kirby (1826) by many authors  was 
wrong  (see Vives, 2000). Tetrops Kirby, 1826 was described for  Lamia 
tornator F., 1775 (= Cerambyx tetrophthalmus Forster, 1771) -  now  in 
#215. Paraclytus sexguttatus was recorded for Bulgaria by Georgiev and 
Stojanova  (2003), as well as Agapanthia cardui cardui (together  with 
#216. Cortodera kiesenwetteri subtruncata was originally described  by 
M.Pic  (1934:  19)  as  variation and so valuable,  but  not  by  N.N. 
Plavilstshikov  (1936) as aberration, as it was  wrongly  declared  by 
M.Danilevsky (2001b). So the author of the subspecies is M.Pic. 
#217. Alosterna bicoloripes Pic, 1914 was described from Rhodos on the 
base of a male with black femora ("les cuisses plus or moins noires"). 
The  taxon  was  recorded  for Turkey (Lodos,  1998),  for  "stanbul" 
(Demelt, 1962) as a species, then for "zmir/Efes" (Demelt, 1963),  as 
A.  tabacicolor ssp. bicoloripes. If the corresponding populations are 
really  characterized by dark femora, then they must  be  regarded  at 
least  as  a  subspecies. So, until new data  I  can  not  accept  the 
position of G.Sama (2002): A.tabacicolor = A. bicoloripes. 
A. bicoloripes was regarded as a species by C.Pesarini and A.Sabbadini 
#218. According to personal communication of I.K. Zahaikevitch (1982), 
he  identified Vadonia bisignata from near Kishinev. Vadonia bisignata 
was  also  mentioned  by I.K. Zahaikevitch (1991: 148).  According  to 
personal   communication  of  J.Vorisek  (1992),  this  statement   is 
impossible,  because V.bisignata is known only from Peloponnessos  and 
Thessalonike. It could be V.moesiaca, known from Rumania. 
#219. "Clytus arietis gazella F." was recorded for Artvin (Turkey)  by 
G.Sama  (1982). According to personal communication by G.Sama  (2004), 
the  name was introduced by Fabricius for a colour form (black femurs) 
of  Clytus  arietis  from "Kiliae = Kiel" and  does  not  represent  a 
separate taxon. 
#220.  Dorcadion  regulare was recorded for Bulgaria  by  Althoff  and 
Danilevsky  (1997:  32)  most probably  on  on  the  base  of  general 
considerations,  as  it  was  recorded  for  Adrianopol  (=Edirne)  by 
Breuning (1962: 328) - about only 15km from Bulgarien border. 
#221. The area of Vadonia dojranensis was mistakenly mentioned as "BG" 
(Bulgaria)  by Althoff and Danilevsky (1997: 12), as it was  described 
from  Macedonia.  I've got a pair from Bulgaria with label:  "Bulgaria mer., Kresna, VI.1982 Strba leg." 
#222.  Ph. (O.) molybdaena was recorded for Bulgaria by G.Georgiev  et 
al. (2002). 
#223.  The  record  of  Dorcadion  arenarium  for  Bulgaria  (Althoff, 
Danilevsky,  1997) was just a misprint - not a single  subspecies  was 
mentioned  here for Bulgaria. According to Burakowsky et  al.  (1990), 
old  records of the species for Poland (Weigel, 1806; Hildt, 1917) are 
#224.  According  to  my materials both subspecies  of  Ph.  (Musaria) 
affinis  are  represented in Bulgaria: Ph.a.affinis in  west  Bulgaria 
(Lozenska Planina) and Ph.a.tuerki in south-east (Kiten). According to 
the  last locality, Ph.a.tuerki is undoubtedly represented in European 
#225.  The morphology of everted and inflated Dorcadionini endophallus 
is  described and figured by Danilevsky et al. (2004) on the  base  of 
dry  constant  samples of 127 species and subspecies of  four  genera: 
Neodorcadion,  Eodorcadion,  Iberodorcadion  and  Dorcadion   of   all 
subgenera. The homology of different endophallus parts is established. 
The  original  terminology is proposed. All genera  and  subgenera  of 
Dorcadionini  are  clearly  delimited  on  the  base  of   endophallic 
structures.  New compositions of Dorcadion (s. str.) is proposed.  The 
phylogenetic relations inside the tribe are discussed.  A  key  for  4 
genera  and  all  subgenera is proposed on  the  base  of  endophallic 
According to Danilevsky et al. (2004): 
The  unique  taxonomical  position of D.  (Politodorcadion)  is 
demonstrated;  possible generic level (close to  Eodorcadion)  of  the 
taxon is supposed. 
Dorcadion (s. str.) = D. (Compsodorcadion); D. (Cribridorcadion) 
= D. (Pedestredorcadion), syn. n 
D.  sareptanum euxinum Suvorov, stat. n. = D. kubanicum  Plav., 
The relations between Politodorcadion and Eodorcadion was shown 
by Danilevsky et al. (2004). Now I prefer to regard Politotorcadion as 
a genus. 
D. euxinum was described from near Novorossiisk. N.N. Plavilstshikov 
accepted the area of his D. kubanicum eastwards to about Armavir. In my 
collection it is also represented by much more easten localities: Stavropol 
environs, Erken-Shakhar in Karachaevo-Cherkessia, Tyrnyauz in Kabardino- 
Balkaria, Piatigorsk environs. I also attribute to this taxon several 
populations from Rostov Region, which are represented in my collection: 70km S 
Roston-on-Don and Orlovsky environs (about 70km S Volgodonsk - northwards 
Manych Depression, and so in Europe). 
D. sareptanum (described from Volgograd) was known to Plavilstshikov 
eastwards to about Emba river in Kazakhstan. 
In fact the difference between D. sareptanum and D. euxinum is very small 
and sometimes totally absent. In general legs and antennae of D. sareptanum 
must be lighter (reddish), but in fact the colour of Volgograd specimens is 
about same as in Ciscaucasian speciemens. Now I prefer to regard both taxons 
as subspecies. 
G.Sama  (2002) recorded Phytoecia nigricornis for  the  south  of 
European  Russia. It is an evident mistake. The species is distributed 
also  in  central  and  north  part of European  Russia  (Althoff  and 
Danilevsky,  1997).  I've  got  several specimens  from  near  Moscow. 
Filimonov  and  Udalov  (2002) recorded it for St.-Petersburg  Region. 
According  to Cherepanov (1985) the species is distributed in  Siberia 
to  about  Altai  Mts and Ob River, but I've got specimens  from  near 
Krasnoiarsk (!) - Enisei River valley. 
I  preliminary regard the species described as Phytoecia nausicae 
Reizek et Kakiopoulos, 2004 as Conizonia. The authors attribute  their 
species to "a homogenous" group, which also includes Ph. behen Sama et 
Rejzek,  1999  (from NE Turkey) and Ph. nepheloides Sama,  1997  (from 
Syria) similar to Piliemia, Coptosia and Conizonia. 
Anastrangali  reyi  was  recorded for Roumania  (Dascalu,  2003); 
Theophilea  subcylindricollis  was  collected  in  Roumania  (personal 
communication of Maria-Magdalena Dascalu, 2004). 
According to the personal communication (2004) by D.Kasatkin, "European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization" (EPPO) many times recorded 
Anoplophora glabripennis from France and Germany. 
According to S.S. Izhevsky (2004): "In Austria the trees infested by the species are still observed after the first discover of the population in 2001. 
114 specimens were collected from 68 trees. The life cycle requires here 2 
years." The introduction of Anoplophora glabripennis and A. chinensis  in 
Europe was described by Ch. Cocquempot et al. (2003). 
Rutpela was described in 1957. G.Sama (2002: 39) listed it as being in 
the volume of 1957, but published in 1959, but other genera from same article 
(Aredolpona, Macroleptura) he attributed to 1957. 
According to P.Svacha (Svacha, Danlevsky, 1989), on the larval characters 
of Carilia and Paragaurotes, "it has been found intirely possible to treat the latter two , and particularly Paragaurotes, as subgenera of Gaurotes." The 
position was partly used by G. Sama (2002). 
According to G.Sama (2002), the original description of Callidium 
punctatum Fabricius, 1798 refers to Ropalopus femoratus, so Callidium 
muricatum Dalman, 1817 is valid. 
According to G.Sama (2002), Strangalina was established as a replacement 
name for Strangalia Serv., 1835 and so has same type species (Leptura 
luteicornis). But in fact it was istablished as a replacement name for 
Strangalia Lacord., 1869. Its type species is Leptura attenuata Linnaeus, 
G.Sama attributed the type designation of Leptura attenuata for 
Strangalina to Bily and Mehl, 1989. But it was done much before (see 
Plavilstshikov, 1936: 457). I have not seen Lacordaire's publication - 
possibly his Strangalia includes only one species? 
According to P.Svacha (Svacha, Danlevsky, 1989), Gnathacmaeops is 
a  subgenus  of Acmaeops and futher: "it is incorrect to  include  all Palaearctic species under Gnathacmaeops (Cherepanov, 1979)",  as  well 
to include Acmaeops septentrionis under Gnathacmaeops (Hayashi, 1980). 
According to G.Sama, Acmaeops = Gnathacmaeops. 
Phytoecia  geniculata  was  recorded  for  Bulagria  by  Althoff, 
Danilevsky (1997), but no collecting data were published. The  species 
was  recorded as new for Bulgaria by Kantardjhiewa-Minkowa (1932:  81; 
1934:   144)   without  collecting  data  and  then  by  E.Migliaccio, 
G.Georgiev and P. Mirchev (2004) for Vitosha Mountain. 
Four  species  were recorded from Samos Is. (Greece)  as  new  for 
Europe  by  D.Dauber  (2004): Trichoferus  kotschyi  GANGLBAUER  1883, 
Pedostrangalia   verticenigra  PIC  1892,  Chlorophorus   convexifrons 
HOLZSCHUH 1981 and Chlorophorus nivipictus KRAATZ 1779. 
Acanthocinus griseus was recorded for Belgium by N. WARZEE and A. 
DRUMONT (2004). 
Dinoptera  collaris and Clytus arietis were recorded for  Ireland 
by U.Bense (1995) and ignored by M.Rejzek (2004). 
According  to M.Rejzek (2004), Lepturobosca virens is extinct  in 
Great  Britain, as well as Obrium cantharinum, Cerambyx  scopolii  and 
probably Strangalia attenuata. 
Cerambyx cerdo was wrongly recorded for Great Britain by Althoff, 
Danilevsky,  1997,  as  well as Xylotrechus antilope  and  Plagionotus 
detritus for Great Britain and Ireland. 
Hylotrupes  bajulus  and  Tetrops  praeustus  were  recorded  for 
Ireland  by  M.Rejzek (2004), as well as Leiopus nebulosus  for  Great 
Britain and Ireland. 
Plagionotus  arcuatus was recorded with question mark  for  Great 
Britain  by  M.Rejzek  (2004),  as well as  Acanthocinus  aedilis  for 
S.Steiner  (2003)  listed  as possible for  Greece:  Neodorcadion 
laqueatum,  Dorcadion macedonicum, D. glabriscapus, D.  albanicum,  D. 
condensatum, D. ferruginipes, D. valonense, D. minkovae, D. sturmi, D. 
balthasari, D. laevepunctatum, D. maderi, D. sterbai, D. ingeae. 
According to S.Steiner (2003), Dorcadion buresi was not collected 
after original description. I know a series (including 2 females in my 
collection): "GR Macedonia, Lekani/Kavala, 200m, 18.6.1992, N.  Etcnti leg." 
S.Steiner (2003) recorded for Greece: 
Dorcadion purkynei from Greek part of Kaimackalan (Oros Voras), 2100m; 
D. borisi from near Florina; 
D.  heyrovskyi from Aokion Mts near Vlasti, 900-1500m and from  Askion 
D. kaimakcalanum from Greek part of Kaimackalan (Oros Voras), 1900m; 
D. punctipenne from Alexandroupolis and Kavala; 
According to S.Steiner (2003), D. atritarse is a species. 
According to A.Miroshnikov (2004), Cerambyx miles Bonelli was 
described in 1812, but not in 1823, as it is generally accepted [see 
Plavilstshikov, 1940; Sama, 2002]. 
According to C.Pesarini & A.Sabbadini (2004): 
Dorcadion    (Bergerianum),   Subgen.nov.,   type-species    Dorcadion 
Dorcadion  brenskei  Ganglbauer,  1883  =  Dorcadion  aeginasum  =  D. 
Dorcadion eugeniae emgei Ganglbauer, 1885, comb.n.; 
Dorcadion  eugeniae  eugeniae Ganglbauer,1885  =  Dorcadion  arcadicum 
Breuning, 1947; 
Dorcadion  peleponesium Pic,1902 = Dorcadion subjunctum  Pic,  1904  = 
Dorcadion-weiratheri Pic, 1929; 
Dorcadion (Pedestredorcadion) stephaniae, sp.nov. (Greece, Achaia, Mt. 
Dorcadion accola Heyden, 1894 = Dorcadion glabrolineatum Pic, 1927. 
Untill endophallus study, I prefer to regard D. (Cribridorcadion) 
= D. (Bergerianum) 
Phymatodes alni alnoides was described by Reitter (1913: 40). 
G.Sama (2002: 74) wrongly attributed the description of the taxon to 
"Stark, 1889". 
G.Sama (2002) wrongly mentioned Goeze [Johann August Ephraim, 
1731-1793] as an author of Purpuricenus budensis (Gtz) [Georg 
Friedrich, 1750-1813] and Anisorus quercus (Gtz). 
According to A.Miroshnikov (personal message, 2005), Chlorophorus 
sartor was described in Cerambyx [see Villiers,1978; Vives, 2000]  but 
not  in  Leptura,  as it was wrongly mentioned by N.N.  Plavilstshikov 
(1940) or G.Sama (2002). 
The  system of Agapanthia was revised (Pesarini, Sabbadini, 2004) 
as follows (according to Zoological Record): 
Agapanthiola Ganglbauer, 1900, stat. n. 
leucaspis (Steven, 1817) 
Synthapsia, gen. n. (type species Saperda kirbyi Gyllenhal, 1817) 
kirbyi Gyllenhal, 1817 
Chionosticta, gen. n. (type species Agapanthia niveisparsa  Holzschuh, 
niveisparsa Holzschuh, 1981 
Agapanthoplia,   gen.  n.  (type  species  Agapanthia   coeruleipennis 
Frivaldsky, 1878) 
coeruleipennis Frivaldsky, 1878 
Agapanthia (s.str.) 
cardui (Linnaeus, 1767) 
ruficornis Pic, 1918 
A.  (Stichodera, subgen.n.) (type species Saperda irrorata  Fabricius, 
irrorata (Fabricius, 1787) 
A.  (Drosotrichia, subgen.n.) (type species Saperda annularis Olivier, 
annularis (Olivier, 1795) 
A. (Agapanthiella subgen.n.) (type species Cerambyx villosoviridescens 
Degeer, 1775), 
altaica Plaviltshikov, 1933 
alternans Fischer, 1842 
amicula Holzschuh, 1989 
angelicae Reitter, 1898 
asphodeli (Latreille, 1804) 
auliensis Pic, 1907 
cretica Bernhauser, 1978 
cynarae (Gyllenhal, 1817) 
dahli (Richter, 1821) 
daurica Ganglbauer-1884 
detrita Kraatz, 1882 
erzurumensis Onalp, 1974 
kindermanni Pic, 1905 
lateralis Ganglbauer, 1884 
lederi Ganglbauer, 1884 
nicosiensis Pic, 1927 
nigriventris Waterhouse, 1889 
nitidipennis Holzschuh, 1984 
persica Semenov, 1893 
probsti Holzschuh, 1984 
pustulifera Pic, 1905 
salviae Holzschuh, 1975 
schmidti Holzschuh, 1975 
schurmanni Sama, 1979 
sicula Ganglbauer, 1884 
simplicicornis Reitter, 1898 
subchalybaea Reitter, 1898 
subflavida Pic, 1903 
subnigra Pic, 1890 
transcaspica Pic, 1900 
turanica Plavilstshikov, 1929 
verecunda Chevrolat, 1882 
villosoviridescens (Degeer, 1775), 
walteri Reitter, 1898 
zappii Sama, 1987 
A.  (Amurobia,  subgen n.) (type species Agapanthia amurensis  Kraatz, 
amurensis Kraatz, 1879 
japonica Kano, 1933 
pilicornis (Fabricius, 1787) 
yagii Hayashi, 1982 
A.  (Smaragdula, subgen.n.) (type species Saperda violacea  Fabricius, 
amitina Holzschuh, 1989 
chalybaea Faldermann, 1877 
davidi Slama, 1986 
fallax Holzschuh, 1974 
frivaldskyi Ganglbauer, 1884 
gemella Holzschuh, 1989 
incerta Plavilstshikov, 1930 
intermedia Ganglbauer, 1884 
korostelevi Danilevsky, 1987 
lais Reiche, 1858 
osmanlis Reiche, 1858 
persicola Reiche, 1894 
violacea (Fabricius, 1775) 
A.   (Homohlephara,  subgen.n.)  (type  species  Saperda  maculicornis 
Gyllenhal, 1817). 
maculicornis (Gyllenhal, 1817) 
orbachi Sama, 1993 
Agapanthiola was already regarded as genus by G.Sama (2002). 
I preliminary prefer to regard as subgenera all other divisions. 
Several  mistakes of the system are evident from the  first  view: 
A.korostelevi is just a Caucasian vicariant of A.maculicornis, and can 
be  regarded  as  its  subspecies,  so  it  must  be  included  in  A. 
(Homohlephara), as well as A. davidi and most probably A. fallax.  Any 
way   A.  davidi  and  A.  fallax  have  no  connections  with   other 

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