Bibliography to List of CERAMBYCOIDEA of former USSR M.L. Danilevsky (MS Word -> HTML convertation by Andrei Lobanov) References Adlbauer K., 1992 Zur Faunistik und taxonomie der Bockkaferfauna der Turkei II (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Entomofauna, Zeitschrift fur Entomologie, 13, 30: 485-509. Alexandrovitch O.P., Lopatin U.K., Pisanenko A.D., Tsinkevitch V.A., Snitko V.A., 1996. A catalogue of Coleoptera (Insecta) of Belarus. Minsk: 103pp. Alonso-Zarazaga M.A., 1998. A replacement name for Argalia Mulsant, 1863 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- GRAELLSIA, 54: 131. Althoff J., Danilevsky M.L., 1997 A check-list of Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Europe. Slovensko Entomolosko Drustvo Stefana Michielija. Ljubljana. 64pp. An S.L., Kwon Y.J., 1991. Classification of the genus Pidonia from Korea (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Insecta Koreana, 8: 30-59. Angelov P., 1995. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. Part 1 (Prioninae, Lepturinae, Necydalinae, Aseminae, Cerambycinae).- Fauna Bulgarica. 24. Sofia: 206pp. [Apostolov L.G., Bartenev A.F. 1980 On longiсorn-beetles fauna of Crimea.- Theses of reports to 2nd Congress of Entomol. Soc. of USSR: 9-10] Апостолов Л.Г., Бартенев А.Ф. 1980 К фауне жуков-усачей Крыма. - Тезисы докладов 2-го съезда ВЭО: 9-10. Araujo-Arigony T.H. 1977 Notas sobre Parandrinae (Col.,Cer.) 5. Redescricao de Parandra (Archandra) caspia Menetries, 1832.- Rev. bras. entom., 20, 3/4:159-164 [Arzanov Ju.G., D.G. Kasatkin, A.I. Fomichev, E.A. Khatchikov, 1993 Materials on the beetle fauna (Coleoptera) of North Caucasus and Low Don. IV, P.1. Timber-beetles. Fauna, Ecology, Area Records.- Preserved in "VINITI" 21 04 993 N 1042 - B 93: 18pp] [in Russian] Арзанов Ю.Г., Д.Г. Касаткин, А.И. Фомичев, Э.А. Хачиков, 1993 Материалы к фауне жескокрылых (Coleoptera) Северного Кавказа и Нижнего Дона. IV, Ч.1. Жуки-усачи. Фауна, Экология, Особенности Распространения.- Деп. в ВИНИТИ 21 04 993 N 1042 - B 93: 18 сс. Aurivillius Chr. 1912 Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae.- Coleopterorum Catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk editus a S. Schenkling. Pars 39. Berlin: 574pp. [Baeckmann J. 1903] - look Beckmann J. 1903 Baeckmann J. 1924 Zur Kenntnis der Cerambyciden Ostsibiriens.- Revue Russe d'Entom., 18, 4: 229-234 Бекман Ю.И. 1924 К познанию дровосеков Восточной Сибири.- Русск. энт. обозр., 18, 4: 229- 234. [Baidak S.I. 1996a New for Caucasus longicorn species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Vest. Zool., 6: 46.] Байдак С.И. 1996а [Новый для Кавказа вид усача (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)].- Вест. Зоол., 6: 46. [Baidak S.I. 1996b Stenurella jaegeri (Hummel, 1825) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - first record for Ukraine.- Vest. Zool., 6: 78.] Байдак С.И. 1996б [Stenurella jaegeri (Hummel, 1825) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) - первое сообщение для Украины].- Вест. Зоол., 6: 78. [Baidak S.I. 1997 New and little known longicorn-beetles of Ukraine (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- J.of Ukrainian Ent.Soc., 3(1): 8.] Байдак С.И. 1997 [Новые и малоизвестные жуки-усачи Украины (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)].- Журнал Украинского Энтомологического Товарищества, 3(1): 8. Bates H.W. 1861-1866 Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera - Longicornes. Part 1. - Lamiares. London, 258pp. [Bartenev A.F. 1989 Longicorn-beetles of Crimea Peninsula.- Synopsis of thesis for the dissertation on the candidate degree. ZIN Ac.Sc.USSR. Leningrad. 22p] Бартенев А.Ф. 1989 Жуки-усачи Крымского полуострова. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата биологических наук. ЗИН АН СССР. Ленинград. 22с. Beckmann J. 1903 Die palaarktischen Vertreter der Gattung Anaesthetis Mulsant (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Revue Russe d'Entom., 6: 393-396. Bense U., 1995 Longhorn beetles. Illustrated key to the Cerambycidae and Vesperidae of Europe. 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Breuning S. 1956 Quelques nouvelles formes du genre Dorcadion Dalm.- Longicornia, 3: 723- 728. Breuning S. 1958-1969 Catalogue des lamiaires du monde (Col.,Cer.). Parts 1- 11. Munchen: 1- 1069. Breuning S. 1962 Revision der Dorcadionini. Entomol.abhand.und berichte mus.tierk. Dresden, 27: 1-665 Breuning S. 1962a Revision des Agapanthini Muls. Americains (Col., Cerambycidae).- Pesquisas. Zool., 13: 5-48. Breuning S. 1966 Revision der Agapanthiini der eurasiatisch-australischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Entomol. Abhandlungen. Staat. Mus. Fur Tierkunde in Dresden, 34, 1: 1-144. Breuning S. 1967 Osterreichische entomologische Expeditionen nach Persien und Afganistan. Beitrage zur Coleopterologie. Teil IV: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae. Beschreibung einer neuen Phytoecia (Opsilia) Form aus dem Irak.- Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien, 70 (1966): 435. Breuning S. 1969 Eine neue art der gattung Rhopaloscelis Bless. (Col.,Cer.).- Zeitschr. arbeitsgem. oesterr. entomol., 21: 76-76. Beuning S. 1975 Revision de la tribue des Pogonocherini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).- Folia ent. Hunrarica (ser. nov.), 28, 1: 9-53. Breuning S. 1975-1976 Revision de la tribu des Rhodopinini Gress. de la region Asiato- Australienne (Col.,Cer.). P.I et P.II. Paris - Compiegne: 151pp. Burakowski B., Mroczkowski M., Stefanska J., 1990. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae i Bruchidae. Katalog fauny Polski, Cz. 23, tom 15. Warzawa: 312pp. Chemsak J.A., Linsley E.G. 1982 Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae of North America, Central America, and the West Indies (Coleoptera). Medford (USA):138 Chou J., Chao H.-f., Chiang S.-n. 1983 Modification of insect scientific names connected with "Manchukuo".- Entomotaxonomia, 5, 1: 60, 66. Dahlgren G. 1988 Eine neue Phytoecia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkestan.- Entomol. Bl. Biol. Syst. Kafer, 84, 1-2: 114-115. Danilevsky M.L., 1979 Descriptions of female, pupa and larva of Apatophysis pavlovskii Plav. and discussion the position of genus Apatophysis Chevr. in the system of family Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).- Revue d'Entomol., 58, 4: 821-828. Данилевский М.Л., 1979 Описание самки, куколки и личинки Apatophysis pavlovskii Plav. и обсуждение положения рода Apatophysis Chevr. в системе семейства Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).- Энтомол. обозр., 58, 4: 821-828. Danilevsky M.L., 1980 New species of timber-beetles of genus Parmena Latr. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Transcaucasiae.- Revue d'Entomol., 59, 4: 852- 854. Данилевский М.Л. 1980 Новый вид дровосеков рода Parmena Latr. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) из Закавказья.- Энтомол. обозр., 59, 4: 852-854. Danilevsky M.L., 1982 Little known species of timber-beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Talysh.- Revue d'Entomol., 61, 4: 809-816. Данилевский М.Л. 1982 Малоизвестные виды жуков-дровосеков (Col.,Cer.) из Талыша.- Энтомол. обозрение, 61, 4: 809-816 Danilevsky M.L. 1988a Siberian longhorn beetles of genus Oberea of "pupillata-group" (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Vestnik Zoologii, 1: 35-40 Данилевский М.Л. 1988a Сибирские усачи рода Oberea группы pupillata (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Вест. зоол., 1: 35-40 Danilevsky M.L. 1988b Two new longhorn beetle species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Kazakhstan.- Vestnik Zoologii, 2: 12-17. Данилевский М.Л. 1988b Два новых вида жуков-усачей (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) из Казахстана.- Вест. зоол., 2: 12-17. Danilevsky M.L. 1988c New and little known longhorn beetle species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Far East.- Zool. J., 67, 3: 367-374. Данилевский М.Л. 1988c Новые и малоизвестные виды жуков-усачей (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Дальнего Востока.- Зоол. Журн., 67, 3: 367-374. Danilevsky M.L., 1988 Additions and corrections to the systematic list of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of the fauna of USSR.- Rev. d'Entom., 67, 4: 808-810. Данилевский М.Л. 1988(d) Дополнения и исправления к систематическому списку жуков-усачей (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) фауны СССР.- Энтомол. обозр., 67, 4: 808-810. Danilevsky M.L. 1990 New taxa of the genus Mallosia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Transcaucasia.- Acta Entomol. Bohemosl., 87: 363-367. Danilevsky M.L. 1992 New speci)es of Cerambycidae from Transcaucasia with some new data (Insecta: Coleoptera).- Senckenbergiana biol., 72, 1-3: 107-117. Danilevsky M.L. 1992a New and little known Dorcadion Dalmman, 1817 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Soviet Union.- Lambillionea, 92, N1: 92-98. Danilevsky M.L. 1992b New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from East Asia with some new records.- Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 84: 111-116. Danilevsky M.L. 1992c New genus and species of the tribe Lepturini from Tian-Shan mountains and a new Ostedes Pascoe 1859 from the Far East (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 92, N 3: 203-206. Danilevsky M.L. 1993a Taxonomic and zoogeographical notes on the family Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Russia and adjacent regions.- Russian Entomol. J., 1 (1992), N 2: 37-39. Danilevsky M.L. 1993b Some preliminary results of the type-material study of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) collection of the National Museum of Natural History, Paris.- Russian Entomol. J., 2, N 1: 47-50. Danilevsky M.L. 1993c A new species of Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 (Cerambycidae, Coleoptera) from Georgia.- Russian Entomol. J., 2, N 2: 9-10. Danilevsky M.L. 1993d New and little known species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Korea.- Lambillionea, 93, 4: 475-479. Danilevsky M.L. 1995a New genus and species Ussuria napolovi from Far East Russia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 95, 1: 113-115. Danilevsky M.L. 1995b New Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Kazakhstan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 95, 3(2): 420-428. Danilevsky M.L. 1996a New taxa of the genus Dorcadion Dalman from Asia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 96, 2(2): 407-420. Danilevsky M.L. 1996b Review of Dorcadion Dalman of "acutispinum" group from Kazakhstan with the descriptions of some new taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 96, 4: 455-462. Danilevsky M.L. 1996c New Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South East Europe.- Russian Entomol. J., 4(1-4): 63-66. Danilevsky M.L. 1996d Review of Dorcadion Dalman of "arietinum" group from Kazakhstan with the descriptions of some new taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 96, 4: 607-615. Danilevsky M.L. 1996e A revue of subspecific structure of Dorcadion (Compsodorcadion) gebleri Kraatz, 1873 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with description of two new subspecies.- Coleoptera. Schwanfelder Coleopterologische Mitteilungen, 21: 1-8. Danilevsky M.L., 1997 Ussurella, nomen novum pro Ussuria Danilevsky, 1995 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 97, 1(1): 44 Danilevsky M.L., 1997 A new Dorcadion of "pantherinum"-group from Kazakhstan, with new records on little known species of the genus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Russian Entomol. J., 5(1996), 1-4: 59-64. Danilevsky M.L., 1998a Remarks and additions to the key to longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from "Key to the insects of Russian Far East".- Russian Entomol. J., 6 (1997), 1-2: 49-55. Danilevsky M.L., 1998b A revue of subspecific configuration of Dorcadion (Carinatodorcadion) carinatum (Pallas, 1771) with a description of new subspecies (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).- Acta ent. Slovenica, 6, 2: 135-142. Danilevsky M.L., 1999a Two new subspecies of Dorcadion scabricolle Dalman, 1817 close to D. scabricolle sevangense Reitter, 1889 from Transcaucasia (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Lambillionea, 99, 1: 25-30. Danilevsky M.L., 1999b Description of Miniprionus gen. n. from Middle Asia with new data in related genera (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).- Russian Entomol. J., 8, 3: 189- 190. Danilevsky M.L., 1999c New taxa of Cerambycidae from Turkey and Transcaucasia (Coleoptera).- Elytron, 13: 39-47. Danilevsky M.L., 1999d Review of Dorcadion (s. str.) species from the upper Chu Valley and allied territories (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Coleopteres, 5(3): 15-41. Danilevsky M.L., 2000a New and little known Cerambycidae from Central Asia (Coleoptera).- Lambillionea, 100, 2(2): 289-294. Danilevsky M.L., 2000b Review of genus Psilotarsus Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae).- Les cahiers Magellanes, 3: 1-34. Danilevsky M.L., 2001a Review of subspecific structure of Dorcadion (s.str.) glicyrrhizae (Pallas, 1771) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Les cahiers Magellanes, 5: 1- 27. Danilevsky M.L., 2001b Review of Cortodera species close to C. reitteri Pic, 1891 and C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, 1936, Part I. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Les cahiers Magellanes, 7: 1-18. Danilevsky M.L., 2001c Review of Cortodera species close to C. reitteri Pic, 1891 and C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, 1936, Part II. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Les cahiers Magellanes, 8: 1-18. Danilevsky M.L., 2001d Review of the genus Cleroclytus Kraatz, 1884 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).- Russian Entomol. J., 10, 2: 153-157. Danilevsky M.L., 2001e Review of genus Turanium Baeckmann, 1923 (Coleoptera, Ceambycidae).- Lambillionea, 101, 4(1): 579-588. Danilevsky M.L., 2001f Two new Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 from Kazakhstan and Kirgizia (Coleoptera, Ceambycidae).- Lambillionea, 101, 4(2): 631-634. Danilevsky M.L., 2002a Subspecific structure of Dorcadion (Dzhungarodorcadion) semenovi Ganglbauer, 1884 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).- Les cahiers Magellanes, 10: 1-18. Danilevsky M.L., Dzhavelidze I.G. 1990 On taxonomic status of some species of genus Stenurella Villiers, 1974 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with new data on Georgian longicorn beetles.- Proceedings of the Acad. of Sc. of Georgian SSR, ser. biol., 16, 2: 125-130. Данилевский М.Л., Джавелидзе И.Г. 1990 К вопросу о таксономическом статусе некоторых видов рода Stenurella Villiers, 1974 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) с новыми данными по фауне жуков- усачей Грузии.- Изв. АН ГрССР, сер. биол., 16, 2: 125-130. Danilevsky M.L., Kadlec S. 1990 New discoveries of lonhorned beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in USSR.- Vestnik Zoologii, 4: 64. Данилевский М.Л., Кадлец С. 1990 Новые находки жуков-усачей (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) в СССР.- Вестн. зоол., 4: 64. 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Last updated: March 11, 2003