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Photo-story of D. Telnov about visit italian colleagues R. & S. Ziani in Riga

Dmitry Telnov


Roberta and Stefano Ziani visited us and Napolov's family in Riga for few days in the middle of July, 2006. Some moments of this meeting are presented here for visitors of this web site.

Roberta and Stefano Ziani.

Left to right: Alexander Napolov, Roberta Ziani, Stefano Ziani, Kristina Greke, Ilona Roma.

Portrait of Roberta and Stefano.

Left to right: Stefano, Roberta, Kristina.

Left to right: Ilona, Stefano, Roberta, Kristina.

Roberta and Kristina by hot discussion.

Dmitry, Alisa and Edwin Telnov at Stefano's Yamaha bike.