Anastasia O. Yurtseva

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Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Researcher
Contact phone: +7 (812) 328-06-12, ext. 294
Educational background: Saint-Petersburg State University, 2002
Dissertations: “Morphological variation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in natural conditions and aquaculture.” (PhD)
Research interests: Fish biology, morphology, osteology, adaptations, ecology, alien species, invasions, dynamics of ecosystems.
Field studies: The Baltic Sea, the White Sea, the Black Sea, Lake Peipus.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • 2017-2019 – RFBR 17-04-00596 а. PI М.V. Nazarkin. “Cainozoic fishes of the Northern Pacific as a forerunner of the recent ichthyofauna”.
  • 2017-2019 – RFBR 17-05-00782 а. PI Е.A. Borovikova. “Invasive species in aquatic ecosystems of the temperate latitudes of the Palearctic: ways of expansion and features of the genetic structure of populations”.
  • 2015, 2016 – scholarship of SPbSU and University of Helsinki (Finland). PI A.O. Yurtseva. “Aging sticklebacks (Gasterosteidae): Comparison of estimation methods”.
  • 2013 – scholarship of SPbSU and Danish Agency for Universities and Internationalization. PI A.O. Yurtseva. “Dynamics of communities in the cove Kertinge Nor (Denmark): concurrent relations between two species of sticklebacks and a jellyfish”.
  • 2013 – RFBR 13-04-90761 mol_rf_nr. PI A.O. Yurtseva. “How a millennium of fishing changed fish populations: a case study of Lake Peipus and the Velikaya River (NW Russia)”.
Selected Publications:
  • Yurtseva A.O., Uspenskiy A.A. 2022. Morphological differentiation of the round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814) at the Northeastern border of its invasive distribution range. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 15 (1): 51–61.
  • Uspenskiy A., Yurtseva A., Bogdanov D. 2021. Population characteristics of the non-indigenous round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Gobiidae), in the eastern Gulf of Finland. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 51(3): 327–337.
  • Bergström L, Erlandsson M, Putnis I, Gatt Støttrup J, Kallasvuo M, Bergström U., Jokinen H., Plikš M., Taal I., Kokkalis A., Brown E., Husa S., Saks L., Selnes T., Svirgsden R., Sundström L., Yurtseva A., Ustups D. 2021. Essential fish habitats in the Baltic Sea–Identification of potential spawning, recruitment and nursery areas. HELCOM. 38 p.
  • Dorgham A., Candolin U., Ivanova T., Ivanov M., Nadtochii E., Yurtseva A., Lajus D. 2021. Sexual dimorphism patterns of the White Sea threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Biological communications 66 (3): 256-267.
  • Lajus D.L., Golovin P.V., Zelenskaya A., Demchuk A.S., Dorgham A.S., Ivanov M.V., Ivanova T.S., Murzina S., Polyakova N.V., Rybkina E.V., Yurtseva A.O. 2020. Threespine stickleback of the White Sea: population characteristics and role in the ecosystem. Contemporary Problems of Ecology 13(2): 132-145.
  • Yurtseva A., Noreikiene K., Lajus D., Li Z., Alapassi T., Ivanova T., Ivanov M., Golovin P., Vesala S., Merilä J. 2019. Aging three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus: comparison of estimates from three structures. Journal of Fish Biology 95(3): 802-811.
  • Lajus D.L., Golovin P.V., Yurtseva A.O., Ivanova T.S., Dorgham A.S., Ivanov M.V. 2019. Fluctuating asymmetry as an indicator of stress and fitness in stickleback: a review of the literature and examination of cranial structures. Evolutionary Ecology Research 20(1): 83-106.
  • Ivanova T.S., Ivanov M.V., Bakhvalova A.E., Polyakova N.V., Golovin P.V., Kucheryavyy A.V., Yurtseva A.O., Smirnova K.A., Lajus D.L. 2019. Homing ability and site fidelity of marine threespine stickleback on spawning grounds. Evolutionary Ecology Research 20(3): 297-315.
  • Yurtseva A., Lüskow F., Hatton M., Doucet A., Lajus D. 2018. Finfish vs jellyfish: complimentary feeding patterns allow threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus and common jellyfish Aurelia aurita to co-exist in a Danish cove. Marine Biology 165: 148.
  • Lajus D., Yurtseva A., Birch G., Booth D.J. 2015. Fluctuating asymmetry as a pollution monitor: The Australian estuarine smooth toadfish Tetractenos glaber (Teleostei: Tetraodontidae). Marine Pollution Bulletin 101(2): 758-767.
  • Yurtseva A., Salmina E., Galik A., Lajus D. 2014. How a millenium of fishing changed fish populations: a case study of Lake Peipus and the Velikaya River (NW Russia). Aquatic Sciences 77 (3): 325-336. DOI 10.1007/s00027-014-0381-4.
  • Yurtseva A., Lajus D., Makhrov A., Artamonova V. 2014. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the border of distribution range: patterns of osteological variation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (4): 721-727.
  • Yurtseva A. 2014. Intraspecific morphological heterogenicity of Atlantic salmon in the wild and aquaculture. In: Salmon: Biology, Ecological Impacts and Economic Importance. Eds. P.T.K. Woo, D.J. Noakes. New York: NOVA Publishers. P. 23-45. ISBN: 978-1-63117-574-9.
  • Yurtseva A.O., D. L. Lajus, A. Berg, P. G. Fjelldal, T. Hansen 2014. Developmental stability in vaccinated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): deformities and fluctuating asymmetry of bone structures. Paleontological Journal 48 (12): 1266–1274.
  • Lajus D., Arshavsky D., Yurtseva A. 2014. Radioactive contamination causes only minor effect on fluctuating asymmetry of two fish species from the Chernobyl area. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30 (4): 740-745.
  • Berg A., Yurtseva A., Hansen T., Lajus D., Fjelldal P.G. 2012. Vaccinated farmed Atlantic salmon are susceptible to spinal and skull deformities. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28 (3), 446–452.
  • Yurtseva A., Lajus D., Artamonova V., Makhrov A. 2010. Effect of hatchery environment on cranial morphology and developmental stability of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from North-West Russia. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26 (2), 307–314.