Leonid V. Sokolov

ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/P-8223-2015
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8698477200
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=85112
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1817-731X
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=OacC38EAAAAJ
Academic degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences
Academic title: Senior Researcher
Position: Principal Researcher
E-mail: Leonid.Sokolov@zin.ru
Contact phone: +7 (401) 504-12-51
Educational background: Leningrad State University, 1971
  • “Imprinting of the future breeding territory (philopatry) in migratory passerine birds.” (PhD)
  • “Philopatry of migratory birds.” (PhD habilitation)
Research interests: Ornithology, ecology, migration, orientation and navigation, numbers dynamics, phenology of birds.
Field studies: Russia.
Professional membership: Birds Russia (as Vice-president 2015–2017), http://birdsrussia.ru
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 03-04-49648-а. PI L.V. Sokolov. “Analysis of the influence natural factors on number population dynamics passerine birds”
  • RFBR 06-04-48774-а. PI L.V. Sokolov. “The impact of recent global climate warming upon bird annual cycles”
  • RFBR 10-04-00721-а. PI L.V. Sokolov. “Causes and mechanisms of dispersal in passerine birds”
  • RFBR 13-04-00490-а. PI L.V. Sokolov. “Impact climatic factors on the energetic and physiological condition of birds during spring migration”
  • RFBR 16-04-00761-a. PI L.V. Sokolov. “Comparison of migratory strategies in European and Asian populations Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)”
Selected Publications:
  • Sparks T.H., Bairlein F., Bojarinova J.G., Huppop O., Lehikoinens E.A., Rainio K., Sokolov L.V., Walker D. 2005. Examining the total arrival distribution of migratory birds. Global Change Biology, 11: 22–30
  • Saino N., Rubolini D., Lehikoinen E., Sokolov L.V., Bonisoli-Alquati A., Ambrosini R., Boncoraglio G., Møller A.P. 2009. Climate change effects on migration phenology may mismatch brood parasitic cuckoos and their hosts. Biology Letters, 5 (4): 539–541 https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2009.0312
  • Sokolov L.V. 2011. Modern Telemetry: New Possibilities in Ornithology. Biology Bulletin, 38 (9): 869–888 https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062359011090081
  • Saino N., Ambrosini R., Rubolini D., Hardenberg J., Provenzale A., Hüppop K., Hüppop O., Lehikoinen A., Lehikoinen E., Rainio K., Romano M., Sokolov L. 2011. Climate warming, ecological mismatch at arrival and population declines in migratory birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 278: 835–842 https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2010.1778
  • Laaksonen T., Sirkiä P.M., Calhim S.1., Brommer J.E., Leskinen P.K., Primmer C.R., Adamík P., Artemyev A.V., Belskii E., Both C., Bureš S., Burgess M., Doligez B., Forsman J.T., Grinkov V., Hoffmann U., Ivankina E., Král M., Krams I., Lampe H.M., Moreno J., Mägi M., Nord A., Potti J., Ravussi P-A., Sokolov L. 2015. Sympatric divergence and clinal variation in multiple coloration traits of Ficedula flycatchers. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28 (4): 779–790 https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.12604
  • Sirkiä P.M., Adamík P., Artemyev A.V., Belskii E., Both C., Bureš S., Burgess M., Bushuev A.V., Forsman J.T., Grinkov V., Hoffmann D., Järvinen A., Král M., Krams I., Lampe H.M., Moreno J., Mägi M., Nord A., Potti J., Ravussin P-A., Sokolov L., Laaksonen T. 2015. Fecundity selection on multiple male colouration traits does not vary along large geographical cline of trait means in a passerine bird. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 114: 808–827 https://doi.org/10.1111/bij.12469
  • Thorup K., Lomas Vega M., Rachel Scotchburn Snell K., Lubkovskaia R., Willemoes M., Sjöberg S., Sokolov L.V., Bulyuk V. 2020. Flying on their own wings: young and adult cuckoos respond similarly to long-distance displacement during migration. Scientific Reports 10, 7698 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64230-x
  • Sokolov L.V., Lubkovskaia V., Bulyuk V. 2022. Migration Routes and Wintering Grounds of Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus, Cuculiformes, Cuculidae) from the Southeastern Part of the Baltic Region (Based on Satellite Telemetry). Biology Bulletin, 49 (7): 161-170. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062359022070226