Vladimir A. Kutyumov

ResearcherID: https://publons.com/researcher/AAF-9845-2020
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189358085
RSCI: https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?authorid=864957
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0100-8464
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=uzRHwy4AAAAJ
Academic degree: No degree
Academic title: No title
Position: Senior Collection Keeper
E-mail: Vladimir.Kutyumov@zin.ru
Contact phone: ---
Educational background: Saint Petersburg State University, 2017
Research interests: Evolutionary developmental biology, colonial invertebrates, Bryozoa, in situ hybridisation.
Field studies: White Sea, North Sea, Adriatic Sea.
Scientific projects and grants:
  • RFBR 18-34-00863 mol_a “Genomic and transcriptomic approach to the study modular growth in the ontogeny of colonial invertebrates as exemplified by the freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo”.
  • RSF 18-14-00086 “Evolution of placental analogues in aquatic colonial invertebrates (Bryozoa)”.
  • RFBR 16-04-00243-18-А “Evolution of ontogeny in marine colonial epibionts (Bryozoa, Gymnolaemata)”.
  • IAA “Phylum Bryozoa as a model object for studying the origin and evolution of placentation in animals”.
Selected Publications:
  • Kutyumov, V.A., Predeus, A.V., Starunov, V.V., Maltseva, A.L., Ostrovsky, A.N. 2021. Mitochondrial gene order of the freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo retains ancestral lophotrochozoan features. Mitochondrion, 59, 96–104. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mito.2021.02.003
  • Kvach, A.Y., Varfolomeeva, M.A., Kotenko, O.N., Sukhotin, A.A., Kutiumov, V.A., Grischenko, A.V., Granovitch, A.I., Ostrovsky, A.N. (2019). Life history of the ctenostome bryozoan Flustrellidra hispida in the White Sea. Invertebrate Zoology, 16(4), 343–60. https://doi.org/10.15298/invertzool.16.4.03
  • Starunov, V. V., Predeus, A. V., Barbitoff, Y. A., Kutyumov, V. A., Maltseva, A. L., Vodiasova, E. A., ... & Ostrovsky, A. N. (2019). Comparative genomic analysis of Cristatella mucedo provides insights into Bryozoan evolution and nervous system function. BioRxiv, 869792.
  • Maltseva, A. L., Kotenko, O. N., Kutyumov, V. A., Matvienko, D. A., Shavarda, A. L., Winson, M. K., & Ostrovsky, A. N. (2017). Novel brominated metabolites from Bryozoa: a functional analysis. Natural product research, 31(16), 1840-1848.
  • Kutyumov, V. A., Maltseva, A. L., Kotenko, O. N., & Ostrovsky, A. N. (2016). Functional differentiation in bryozoan colonies: A proteomic analysis. Cell and Tissue Biology, 10(2), 152-159.