Dr. E.A. Dorofeeva


Dr. Dorofeeva E.A.

1949-1954 - Leningrad State University,
1969 - Candidate of Sciences, Biology (an equivalent of Ph.D.),
1999 - Doctor of Sciences, Biology (an equivalent of professor).


1955-1957 - Lesgaft Institute of Naturale Science of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences - assistant.
1957-present - Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences: assistant, junior researcher, senior researcher, senior scientist.

         Main fields of scientific activities:

          - Salmonid fishes of the World: morphology, taxonomy, karyology, biodiversity, phylogeny.

          Oral presentations:

          - I International Congress of European Ichthyologists - 1973 Saraevo (Jugoslavia);
          - II International Congress of European Ichthyologists - 1976 Paris (France);
          - XIV Pacific sciences Congress- 1979 Khabarovsk (USSR);
          - VI International Congress of European Ichthyologists - 1988 Budapest (Hungary);
          - VIII International Congress of European Ichthyologists - 1994 Oviedo (Spain).


         Principal Investigator:
                   - Endemic fishes in lake ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere (characteristics of biodiversity and formation of taxonomic structure). Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 97-04-49584, 1997-1999;
                   - Families Clupeidae, Salmonidae, Thymallidae, Osmeridae and Pleuronectidae of Russia. Biodiversity - State Scientific Programme, 1995-1998;
                   - Atlas of freshwater fishes of Russia. Biodiversity - State Scientific Programme, 1999-2000;
                   - Salmons of Russia, 2001-2003. Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 01-04-49625, 2001-2003.

         Travel grants of:
                   - Jugoslavia, Saraevo, 1969, 1975, 1985;
                   - Canada, Toronto, 1994.


          Dorofeyeva E.A. 1974. Systematic relations of salmonids of the genus Salmo // Ichthyologia. Vol. 6, No 1. P. 27-36.
          Dorofeyeva E.A. 1998. Systematics and history of distribution of European salmons genus Salmo // Voprosy ikhtiologii. Vol. 38, No 4. P. 437-447.
          Dorofeyeva E.A. 1998. Using of characteristic features of karyotypes for the identification of reciprocal hybrids of lake Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta L. (Salmonidae) // New Contributions to Freshwater fish research (Proc. Zool. Inst., vol. 287). P. 221-231.
          Dorofeyeva E.A. 1998. Comparative osteology of river and lake trouts (genus Salmo) // New Contributions to Freshwater fish research (Proc. Zool. Inst., vol. 287). P. 149-195.
          Dorofeyeva E.A. 1999. To the classification and relationships of Eurasian salmonid fishes // Proc. Zool. Inst. RAS. Vol. 281. P. 61-66.

199034 St. Petersburg, Zoological Institute,
Russian Academy of Sciences
Laboratory of the Ichthyology
phone (work): 328-0612
Fax: 007(812)328-2941
Home telephone: (812) 355-0102